Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meetings
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
Symbols of Occult Power Contents
We Must Understand Occult Symbols and Power 2
The Meaning of Upside Down Crosses and Upside Down 5 Pointed Stars 6
The Metal of Honor and Satanic Symbols 6
Does Republican Logo Contain Satanic Symbols 7
The Number of the Beast 666 7
Inventor of Barcode Admits 666 Is on Barcode 9
Inventor of Barcode Admits 666 Is on Barcode 9
The Name Lucifer from a Numerology Perspective 9
Where do the Symbols on Our Money Come From?
What do Symbols on Money Mean? 9
Occult and Satanic Symbols 9
The Famous Flashing the Sign of the Devil 10
Utilizing Media (Music, Videos and Movies) to Usher In New World Order 10 Rihanna, Does Her Music Contribute to the Nation’s Decay 13
Famous People Selling Their Souls 13
Relationship Between World Cup Soccer and Occult Symbols 14
Prince Charles Role in Biblical Prophecy in Relation To his Family's Coat of Arms 20
D’s Royal Blood Lines/Much German Blood in British Royals 23
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We Must Understand Occult Symbols and Power
According to some sections of the Bible and the teachings of some churches, one should not have anything to do with the occult. I disagree! The utilization of occult powers may be the New World Order’s most potent weapon especially since we do not understand the occult forces and will thereby be powerless to resist them. One of the maxims of military planning is know your enemy. I feel if I do not learn about this hidden power and how to counter it I believe we have very little chance of prevailing.
What does occult mean? Simply it is hidden or hidden forces. These are forces that we can not perceive with our senses. Let me give you some examples. Talk to police, mental health workers, teachers or just turn on the traffic report before a major weather change. More crimes occur during these times. Mental patients and children become restless, unfocused and harder to handle. Also if you live near a major city there are far more fender benders and other auto accidents. Talk to hospital mental health workers and they will tell you changes also occur in patient behavior during the full moon. Yet when you wake up on such days you don’t feel different. If we could sense the change in our environment, then perhaps we could avoid a lot of accidents. However according to one teacher, often before storms the barometer plummets and there is less oxygen in the air which might account partly for our lack of alertness during these times. For many ladies, the cycles of the moon is closely tied to their menstrual cycles and moods. In deed, the moon is extremely powerful moving trillions of gallons across the globe in low and high tides yet most of us can not perceive this powerful force physically with our senses or within our bodies.
If we can not feel certain powerful physical forces which can be measured by scientific instruments because our senses are not acute enough, why is it not conceivable that spiritual entities and forces coexist along with us whom we do not perceive simply because our senses are not powerful enough to feel them?
Yet many believe in the power of prayer for healing or helping gain power or wisdom. Many swear that prayer has helped their sick or tormented loved ones. If prayer can be used for healing can it not also be used to hurt or destroy?
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In ancient days say the times of the Greeks there were many Gods. Depending on what they wanted people prayed to different Gods. If one wanted power or wisdom in battle for instance, they would pray to Athena. If one wanted help with love one might pray to Cupid or Venus. One famous Greek writer of that age said the Gods feed off of human love. Without that love the Gods would perish. The institute of Noetic Science believes that when people pray they create some sort of force field that is validated by theories in Quantum Physics! Through the power of prayer and belief can you strengthen God or the Gods or could you actually create spiritual beings?
Times don’t change that much. Judaism brought forth the idea of one God that continued in the Christian tradition so instead of having lesser Gods they were replaced by angels and saints. In fact in the Catholic Church it is believed there are hierarchies of angels serving certain purposes in creation. Did these angels replace the Gods of ancient traditions? The Catholic tradition also has various patron saints you pray to intercede on your behalf with God for certain causes. Here are a few. Saint Francis of Assisi is the patron saint for animals. Saint John Basco intercedes for boys and Saint Monica is the patron saint for mothers. If you need one there are hundreds of others listed alphabetically at the American Catholic website http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/Saints/Patrons.aspx?letter=M
It seems humorous that I list this link but in my experience, this stuff works although I can’t explain why. During my sophomore year at college, many of my friends emerged as reborn Christians professing they felt the unconditional love of Jesus Christ’s spirit which was unlike any love they have ever felt in their lives. It is well known that this conversion often is the only phenomenon that saves some alcoholics and other drug addicts from their addictions. It works for some people!
One practice Waldorf teachers learn is to meditate on each of the children in their class and call forth each of their children’s guardian angels. In many religious traditions, it is believed that each person has a guardian angel that loves them unconditionally and often the best way to work with such individuals especially in times of conflict is to call forth and pray to their guardian angel. Then you say to the angel, help me help your child or
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person. I‘ve utilized the same technique with family and friends resolving seemingly intractable conflicts. I am as certain of the power of this kind of prayer as I am of the knowledge that I have 10 toes but science probably could not prove it.
During my life I have struggled with anger and sadness a lot. Some might say I was mildly depressed. One day listening to Coast to Coast a young lady was describing how in every thimble of air or any matter, there is an equal amount of negative and positive or good and evil force. She discussed how she suffered from deep depression for years and one day decided to believe in Jesus Christ because she asked him for help and at that moment the depression went away. She explained that every second of your life you can chose to be happy or sad because when the sad or angry thoughts come through she simply asks Jesus to take them away and they go away. The trick is to be mindful of when the negative thoughts occur to simply ask Jesus to take them away.
Now at this time I was suffering the same problem maybe to a lesser degree in that I held down a job and functioned OK at home but my basic mood fluctuated between anger, frustration and sadness. Unfortunately I can not grasp the idea that Jesus is the only way to get to God so I simply asked God and the angels to take the sadness and anger away. It worked for me and I used the same procedure as the young lady. Perhaps Jesus is the one who helped me too but I believe that when you call forth God, Jesus will come too if he is one with God.
Symbols are also important. When many people see the American flag certain emotions flow through them. Americans are more likely to feel pride, patriotism and other positive emotions. Taliban fighters are likely to feel hatred. Christian symbols are powerful as well. Christians who see the cross, or see Jesus on the cross experience powerful feelings. Could the unconditional love and devotion they have for Jesus set up a powerful field so that when any one invokes the symbol of Jesus’ name especially in times of need, they gain access to that field of energy? Imagine the intensity of the experience of the drug addicts or alcoholics who never experienced unconditional love in their lives, to call on Jesus and suddenly they are overwhelmed with unconditional love? Such an experience cannot be described in words but it changes one forever. Such is the power of concepts
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and symbols when humans give them their prayers and unconditional love perhaps these symbols gain power.
What if the Bible is correct and some among us pray to a different spirit who has different symbols and morals. There is no way that we can know how many people pray to this different God or entity. Some openly state they pray to Satan or other deities. But many may openly pray to a Christian God or claim to pray to God and then pray in secret to something else. Maybe they don’t pray to God but they constantly think about, “How can I make more money at my job?” Can the focus on that thought be a form of prayer that helps that person set up a force field giving them access to knowledge of how to make more money? Putting this thought in a science perspective if you spend a lot of time thinking the best way to make money you gradually train your subconscious to orient to that goal. A guy that constantly thinks of how he can behave or act so that he can get laid as often as possible, is that also a form of prayer that can set up some kind of field which others can also access? Another factor might be the intensity of prayer. There may be many that pray to God once in a while or do it because they are suppose to but how many pray intensely to God with devotion? Does the amount of devotion and intensity have an impact on what happens in the world? My gut tells me it does but science can’t prove it.
Are there groups that are anti-God or pray to a different God with a different morality, who intensely and devotedly pray to other entities and have different symbols of power? Who are they? What do they believe? What are their symbols of power and devotion? What is the impact of these groups on how we feel and think? If there is a conscious tyrannical anti God New World Order emerging? Do they more effectively know how to tap into these hidden occult powers than those who believe in God? These are some of the questions I think are most important and wish to explore through the links below.
According to one of my anonymous sources, certain symbols are related to Christianity. Satanic symbols are reversed from the Christian symbols. According to Christian thought as written in Revelations, in The Bible, A New World Order opposed to Jesus and Christian teachings will be set up by Lucifer and the other fallen angels cast out from Heaven by God. Some Christians believe that the study of both Christian and Satanic symbols is
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important because symbols can be powerful especially if one does not understand them and their significance.
Here is a terrifying thought before we explore these symbols. Conquers employ the strategy of dividing people against one another then as the people fight among themselves the conquers invade and take control. Christianity like most great religions divides the world into good and evil. Is it possible that highly intelligent humans or humans guided by a highly intelligent predatory spirit developed Christianity and Satanism to oppose one another as a strategy to divide and conquer?
Upside Down Crosses and Upside Down 5 Pointed Stars
In Christian teaching a five pointed star with 1 point pointed straight up is a Christian symbol. A five pointed star with the one point pointing down is opposite thus a Satanic Symbol. It has 2 points pointing upward which represents the horns of a goat. The head of a goat is also considered a Satanic symbol. The first star would be considered ok where as the second star would be considered Satanic because the point points down and the 2 legs of the star point up.


Christian crosses have the cross beam more than half way up like the example shown.

A Satanic Cross is flipped upside down in the opposite way. This might be a good thing to know someday. You can google this on line and you will find that these findings hold up for those who study both Christian and Satanic symbols.
· Initially crosses with Jesus on them had a full bodied Jesus. Later crosses contained a stick figured Jesus. These crosses are also considered Satanic and crosses with curved arms are considered Satanic as well.
The Metal of Honor and Satanic Symbols
The Medal of Honor which is the highest medal that a soldier in the United States can receive is a five pointed star with the 1 point pointing down and the two legs pointing up as is found in a Satanic star or pentagram.
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In the links are pictures of some Navy Medals of Honor which show what I am talking about. I checked the pictures of the Medals of Honor from some of the other branches of the U.S. military and the stars in their medals are positioned in the same way. The pictures did not transfer over to the blog but if you clink on the links below you can see the pictures of the Medals of Honor.

WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
Online Library of Selected Images:
The Medal of Honor --
Navy Medals of Honor, 1861-1941
This page features, and provides links to, photographs of pre-1942 patterns of the Navy Medal of Honor.
Online Library of Selected Images:
The Medal of Honor --
The Navy Medal of Honor, 1942 to the Present
You can access various Medals of Honor given by the Navy from the following link and they have links that will take you to Medals of Honor from the other branches of the United States military. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/awd/us-indiv/moh-3.htm
Does Republican Logo Contain Satanic Symbolism?
In the past the Republican Party Logo was an elephant with 3 five pointed stars with the point facing upward. During the second Bush administration the stars were reversed and the point is facing downward like Satanic Pentagrams. Although this was done during the 2nd Bush Administration I am not implying that he had anything to do with it http://www.nowpublic.com/republican_party_logo I am not sure how many of the logos have upside down stars. This facebook page of the Republican National Committee also has two upside down stars in the symbol at the top. http://www.facebook.com/GOP?v=info The symbol from the Wikipedia website also has 2 upside down stars on its webpage. https://fireholder.gop.com/default.aspx Wikipedia claims the source of their symbol came from http://www.gop.com The National Republican Senatorial Committee however, has the stars right side up on their elephant. https://www.nrsc.org/contribute/?gclid=CJ2XrJS0iK4CFQ5_hwod9Gbm4w
The Number 666
Perhaps the most powerful symbol of the anti-Christ known throughout the world is the symbol 666 representing the mark of The Beast, which I assume is the mark of the anti-Christ if I remember my Bible correctly. The Beast is
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also well described in Revelations. According to scripture, a day will come when all people that whish to buy or sell anything must wear the mark of The Beast which will be encoded on one’s forehead or within one’s hand. Technology to head us in that direction is already being applied to animals and maybe humans!
· Bar codes to buy and sell items exist in all major stores to today. According to the author in the video below, he has evidence that the numbers 666 are encoded in the very beginning, middle and end of each bar code in two major companies that produce this technology. This however is the first that I have heard of this.
· Chip technology is extremely advanced now. Mara our previous dog was chipped by the vet so that if she got lost and ended up in a pound, a worker could scan the chip and her name, owners and our numbers would come up and we could be called to pick her up. This was available I think at least 7 years ago.
· Today it is being discussed to use this technology to help people with medical conditions. Such people can be micro-chipped implanted with a device smaller than a grain of sand en-coated with a glass covering. If they suffer a medical emergency anywhere the emergency room technician can scan the invisible implanted chip in the patient’s hand or forehead and medical files and history can immediately be access and valuable time can be saved and treatment started.
· It is only a small step to have one’s small children chipped so if they are kidnapped and taken somewhere else in the world they could be scanned and vital info can be brought up and they can be reunited with their loved ones. This could vastly improve security at work places and schools as well.
· You know there is a plethora of fantastic reasons that people can come up with to have all of us chipped. You will have a hard time chipping the Christians though, for they are adamantly opposed for Biblical reasons. But why bother even asking them! These things probably are, or soon will be so small that they can be quickly inserted under the skin on a baby’s hand or forehead as part of the process that a newborn goes through. Procedures such as tests for various diseases and vaccinations are given to prevent illness to newborns. After all these devices are so small or soon will be, their implantation will be invisible to the naked eye so it actually could be done in secret! No one needs know and besides, what the Christians don’t know won’t hurt them, right?
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Anyway here is the link to the video. If people of a Christian bent come across this, they might want to investigate this further!
The author of The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea discusses 666, UPC barcodes, RFID microchipping, the latest technologies, and I learned something new: "chip heraldry." This is FREAKY STUFF!
George J. Laurer/Inventor of Barcode Admits Relationship to 666 But It is Purely Incidental
Here are links to information from the inventor of the barcode George J. Laurer. http://www.laurerupc.com/ From a numerology perspective this is interesting also because he admits that his first, middle and last name all have 6 letters. These links are interesting because the according to the links, the code for the international money system is also 666. On the link below George Laurer specifically answers questions related to the relationship between his invention and the concept of the Number of the Beast that are very interesting. Here is how to get to his answers. First go to the link http://www.laurerupc.com/ and click on the tab, Have a question. Then click on the tab Section 6, 666 and the Bible Book, “The Revelation. Here the inventor admits that the numbers 666 are embedded on his invention just as described in the link http://enominepatris.com/occult/barcode.htm but any link to the number 666 is purely incidental and unplanned on his part.
In this same link a different author explains how the number 666 is embedded in the beginning, middle and end of the majority of barcodes used in our everyday transactions. It is somewhat technical and I have a hard time comprehending it. http://enominepatris.com/occult/barcode.htm
It’s a bit of a stretch but some say Walt Disney’s signature has 3 sixes embedded in it. http://www.webdesignish.com/20-best-psd-logo-for-free-download.html or google Walt Disney’s signature and decide for yourself.
The Name Lucifer From a Nmerology Perspective
This link discusses the name Lucifer from a numerology perspective.
Awesome vid by my friend Galactic Wacko. The numerology in Lucifer's name is particularly interesting... Check this out!!
Where do the Symbols on Our Money Come From?
Have you ever wondered about the different symbols on our money? It is historical fact that most of our founding fathers were members of the Masons. It turns out most of the symbols we find on both our coins and paper money come from the Masons. EXCELLENT video on the secrets of America's dollar bill. This one covers a LOT of info not covered elsewhere. Pop the popcorn and prop your feet up....
Occult and Satanic Symbols
This is a link to many occult symbols
This is a MUST-SAVE reference on all kinds of occult symbolism.
Symbols and Logos
The following link has many pictures of symbols. Underneath the pictures is a detailed explanation of the hidden symbol and its meaning in organizational and corporate logos, advertizing and media. Work is still in progress. The pictures are often very detailed and colorful as well
This Christian organization has compiled a small list of Satanic Symbols. Some of these choices seem a bit extreme such as the sign for Ying and Yang. In this sight it feels like if your symbols are not part of the Christian religion, your symbol might end up here. The video at the end of the website is interesting. http://a-voice-in-wilderness.blogspot.com/2009/11/recognizing-satanic-symbols-in-world.html
The Vatican and Pagan Symbols
Good compendium of pagan symbols used by the Vatican and their origins, meaning.
This Christian organization presented a detailed interesting list of symbols from various pagan religions and other religions. http://www.radioliberty.com/Symbolsandtheirmeaning.html
The Famous Flashing the Sign of the Devil?
If you google Famous people who make the sign of the devil, you will come up with many websites showing pictures of people doing the sign. The sign is made by folding the two middle fingers into the palm and holding up the two end fingers like the horns of a goat. This sign you will see flashed at concerts as well as in many movies. The man character in Iron Man flashes it several times throughout both movies. It is alleged that President Obama, Queen Elizabeth, Sara Palin and former president George W Bush flashed the sign several times in various functions. Today the sign is misinterpreted as being a sign for victory or exuberance. It is also the Texas Lock um horns sign. http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2009/01/this-is-well-known-greeting-of-one.html
This link shows many more famous people flashing the sign often stating where the sign was flashed, including a video of one of the Christian leaders, Pat Robinson http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Wicca%20&%20Witchcraft/signs_of_satan.htm
This you tube video shows many famous leaders doing the sign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de42DDN44H8
Utilizing Media (Music Videos and Movies) to Condition Us to Tyranny and the New World Order
Elder generations have been saying for centuries that music of the young is watered down monotonous garbage but Paul Watson in his article, Popular Music is the Babylon System exclaims that pop music today is conditioning us to tyranny! To understand his reasoning you must understand the impact of pavlovian conditioning, transhumanism and our relationship to God.
Pavlov a famous scientist found that if dogs smelled and saw meat they would salivate which is an instinctive response. What he discovered however is that the dogs would salivate when they first saw the lab technician that would feed them the meat. Therefore they would associate the stimulus of the lab technician with the meat and start drooling. This is not an instinctive but a learned response. This type of associative learning is very powerful in humans and other animals. Almost every human child can remember being stung for the first time by a bee. Most adults to this day are afraid of bees based on that experience. Many young children cry when they go to the doctor because doctors give shots. Thus stimuli that we associate with pain we avoid while accepting stimuli causing pleasure.
Advertisers for a long time exploited the power of pavlovian conditioning to program us to buy certain things. I remember as a child observing the cigarette commercials where young vibrant adults enjoyed physical activities like horse back riding, remember the Marlboro Man. Naturally as a child I thought, hey it must be cool to smoke because the tough Marlboro Man does it and look what he can do. The power of this type of conditioning especially for young children
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is very apparent to our government for now advertizing for cigarettes and hard liquor is banned from television! Today advertisers associate some kind of pleasurable stimulus like sex or power with the product they are trying to sell. Car commercials show the power of the car or the car is associated with sexy girls or guys.
In the article from Paul Watson and from Vigilant Citizen, many modern popular pop stars in 2010 such as Rihanna and Beyonce associate a pleasurable stimulus sex, with unpleasant stimuli such as violence, riot police, soldiers with weapons, and burning buildings. Young children or teenagers who are exposed to such images but don’t understand intellectually the ramifications of these acts will link sex with pleasure and associate the others with the pleasant sex and thus the normally repulsive actions shown in these videos become more palatable. The violent soldiers and riot police will become palatable if the theory is correct so there will be less resistance from the population if they are employed to establish and maintain tyranny at a later date.
Transhumanism is the other emerging powerful movement that in many ways dovetails with the emerging New World Order. Transhumanists strive to improve human physical and mental functioning by utilizing discoveries in biotechnology and other emerging technologies. Scientists and engineers inspired by this force created many tools vastly improving the quality of life for disabled people starting with glasses, artificial limbs, hearing aids and the myriad of other mechanical devices placed in our bodies from pace makers to shunts to maintain or improve the functioning of our bodies and enhance the quality of our lives. Ronald Baily a proponent of this movement claims that tranhumanism possesses the most daring, courageous imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity. Others proclaim it is the most dangerous because only the most wealthy elites are likely to benefit from its most powerful advances. A remarkable development in the field of anti-aging supports the second view. Anti-aging scientists discovered that injecting human growth hormone into people that are aging will stop the aging process or may actually reverse aging to some degree. However obtaining human growth hormone is extremely expensive so only the very wealthy benefit from it at this time. Many movies utilize machines to enhance human mental and physical abilities.
When you boil religions down to their essence I believe you come up with 3 very simple to remember rules. Love God, love your neighbor and love yourself. In modern times for various reasons, the belief in these rules eroded. Partly this is because all organized religions over time become corrupt and eventually the people discover the corruption in my humble opinion. People see the corruption so they decide why listen. In the movies today, you see a lot of association of sex with violence, transhumanism and the belief that man must rely on his own cunning, power and intelligence to create good in the world. In Christian theology man relying on himself is a Satanic belief. These beliefs mixed in this way can be very dangerous.
The movie Iron Man blends these forces together in many ways. Surprisingly Iron Man has many occult symbols sprinkled throughout the film including Satanic pentagrams and the main actor flashed many Satanic hand signals. His beard in the movie even looked Satanic. When I first saw Iron Man II I thought maybe I am being a little paranoid about this but at the end of the credits, the song started playing, I’m on the highway to hell. In Iron Man the nature of the Super Hero also changed. Superman was born with his super hero capabilities.
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Later super heroes like the Ninja turtles received their powers from circumstances beyond their control. They were exposed to powerful dosages of radiation, mutated and through the process of mutating they obtained super powers. With both Superman and the Ninja Turtles, neither through any effort of their own obtained super powers. However, Iron Man through the use of his genius, his powerful will, and computers created a robot machine he could work inside of allowing him to exercise super powers.
Here is some occult symbols from the second Iron Man Movie
· When he is at the expo about 6 minutes and 30 seconds into the movie until 6 minutes and 45 seconds he extends his hand with the pointer finger extended at about a 45 degree angle over the crowd. I think this might be an occult symbol I do not remember it’s meaning.
· At about the 10 minute 50 second point in the movie he is leaving the Expo and just gets into his car and a lady hands his friend a subpoena to testify at the Senate Arms Services Committee in Congress the next day. He asks to see the lady’s badge. She pulls out a silver five star pentagram held with one point facing down and the two legs facing up and asks Tony Stark, “Do you like this?” Tony responds, “Yep.”
· At 12 minutes 10 seconds during the Senate testimony he turns to the audience and holds up his hand in a V sign or peace sign which could also be an occult symbol.
· At 17 minutes and 50 seconds still during the Senate testimony Tony proclaims that he has privatized peace and acted as a nuclear deterrent and again turns toward the crowd raises his arm and gives the peace sign.
· At 18 minutes and 10 seconds the movie shows a video clip of him again extending his arm out at a crowd I presume with his pointer finger extended very briefly.
· At 26 minutes and 15 seconds in Monaco Tony Stark gets out of the car and extends his arm about 45 degrees and gives a peace sign or v sign.
· At 30 minutes and 8 seconds Tony Stark is sitting in his race car about to start and he points his pointer finger at who ever is watching the screen. Tony Stark is about to race in car number 11 which is a highly significant number in Masonry.
· At about 1 hour 1 minute Tony is eating a donut and a guy with a patch over his left eye who is some kind of agent talks with him. In ancient Egyptian mythology the God Horus lost his left eye in a fight with his evil brother Seth. Horus is an important God in the occult world and is important in Masonry and Illuminati circles according to my sources. This agent interacts with Tony Stark again near the end of the movie.
· At 1 hour 13 minutes and about 24 seconds, Howard Stark the character Tony Stark’s father in a few sentences summarizes the trans-humanist philosophy that everything is possible with the proper application of technology.
· Right at the end of the movie after Tony and his other friend got their metals from the Senator whom earlier he testified for, he raised his hand again at an angle giving the peace signal then the movie cut out and the credits began. As the credits began the song, I’m on the highway to hell started playing. The next song seemed to be a upbeat song extolling the possibilities of the future with all the inventions that will transform our lives
More main stream media outlets are beginning to discuss the use of occult symbolism in media. It is no longer so far out. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/jul/01/lady-gaga-vigilant-citizen-illuminati
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Paul Watson”s July 2 2010 article: http://www.prisonplanet.com/popular-music-is-the-babylon-system.html
http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=3306 Shows association between Sex and riot police, soldiers and guns with music videos of Rihanna and Beyonce. Daddy Yanke and previous stars have various occult symbolism as well. Black eyed Peas video contains lots of references to tranhumanism.
Does Rihanna’s Music Contribute to the Our Moral Decay? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpNLnoaRQ9U You can google Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it, to get a slew of other videos.
After listening to the song several hundred times driving with my son and hearing the video, I find I like the beat the melody and rhythm of the song. We are dealing with an amazing performer. However when did sadomasochism become mainstream turning into a life style to be glorified? I thought it was classified as a serious disorder! I guess not because the song seems to be at the top of the charts for I hear it about 2 or 3 times and hour on my son’s favorite station.
Still having remnants of my liberal brainwashing, I follow the live and let live policy but has a line been crossed somewhere? As a young child I was the object of pleasure once for a masochist and it was not a pleasurable experience for me!
I am OK I suppose if a sadist hooks up with a masochist somewhere and they provide each other with hours of pleasure. It’s not my business. The masochist that grabbed me however wasn’t getting his needs met until I came along so my next question is this. For all the yearning sadists out there do they all get matched up with yearning masochists? Are there internet dating websites for these kinds of people or are there more sadist verses masochists? Any way is it a life style worth glorifying?
I noticed after about a month none of the hip hop radio stations play the song anymore. I wonder if too many people complained to the higher ups.
Using the Numbers 9/11 in Movies Prior to 9/11 Attacks
According to many people who study the Masons, the Illuminati and Satanists they like to utilize numbers in movies and plan incidents such as attacks on certain dates that have significance in their systems of belief. In the following movies there is a good collection of "coincidental" <cough cough> strategic placements of the numbers "9" and "11" PRE the September 11, attacks. There are, of course, many more...
People Selling Their Souls
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2xUaTv0jm8&feature=player_embedded Most people end up compromising their closely held principals sometime in their life but Katy Perry and others may have gone a lot farther.
For some of you this may seem "out there," and believe me it was for me as well -- initially. But the more I read and dug, the more probable it became. This is good because these are INSIDERS telling their own story. MANY other insiders have confessed "selling their souls" to the devil, and that goes way back (Lucille Ball, etc.). Check this out:
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Interesting Relationships Between World Cup Soccer and Occult Symbols You will have to click on the links to see the pictures
What's the World Cup REALLY about?! This is an excellent piece; well worth the read. You will have to click on links or google images of the items described below because the pictures did not transfer to the blog.
(Notice that Fifa Fans Fest = 666 [F=6]. F is the 6th letter of the alphabet. Also, the first soccer ball was a SKULL [sent out earlier].)
This source claims thousands of year old group called Serpent Cult started World cup games to feed off energy of fans because stadiums are all lined up on energy grids. These people utilize the energy to slowly enslave us. The Goddess Isis is on the world cup. The games were started in Uruguay whose flag has the Inca sun God on the flag in a city whose emblem also contains occult symbols.
This is the official flag of Uruguay.
The games were started in Uruguay whose flag has the Inca sun God on the flag in a city whose emblem also contains occult symbols.
This is the official flag of Uruguay.
The flag of Uruguay incorporates the Inca Sun God Inti that is linked to political revolutions and the Sun of May. The foundation of the world cup took place in 'Montevideo'. Here is the official symbolism of Montevideo.
The Montevideo coat of arms Go to the link to see it.
The Montevideo coat of arms shows a (pyramid rock) rising out of the water and the lighthouse on top representing the sun (light). According to this source these are illuminati or Satanic symbols
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Here is a website describing the Fifa Fan Fest
FIFA Fan Fest™: A Global Platform Which Unites the World
More fans than ever will have access to the FIFA Fan Fest
South Africa FIFA Fan Fest™
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International FIFA Fan Fest™
- More contries than ever will be sponsering these Fan Fests
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FIFA Fan Fests attract the masses
Saturday 12 June 2010
Africa prepares for Fan Fest party
Wednesday 26 May 2010
The celebrations during the 2010 FIFA World Cup will not be confined to the stadiums, with ten FIFA Fan Fest venues set to stage massive parties.
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Below are pictures of the World Cup Medal with some explanations of the symbols within it.
because it had to be accepted and adored it its true image.
The original world cup: The Jules Rimet Trophy
It is literally a ‘chalice’. It is a tool used in occult ritual.
It is so easy for me to use this example to show you how the Serpent Cult ‘alters’ the symbolism they use in public but yet still hide it right under our noses. (Not that many actually see it when its blatant and right in their face and literally held up high by the captain of England… (Obviously we were too busy cheering it to notice) Here is a picture of the modern day version of the world cup and another of the two trophies together. Look how easy it is to hide occult symbolism and please believe me a golden chalice representing sun deities is definitely occult symbolism! Pictured did not come through.
The modern 'world cup': The symbolic chalic'World Cup' = Sun Deity Chalice (Get it?)
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The two different trophies carry the exact same symbolism but it is much harder to see the symbolism and the links to the original occult sun worship chalice in the second version isn’t it? But that is exactly what the second trophy represents. It is a chalice used for ritual. What does it all mean? The fact is folks that the millions of football fans and other people that get connected to the world cup are literally taking part in a religious ritual of sun/serpent worship. The world cup trophy is simply on a par with a chalice that is used for ritual in temples and churches around the world. Therefore the world cup tournament becomes a global religious ritual. In simple terms look at the pictures and see what I mean.
The occult symbolism is hidden in the modern day world cup trophy
The chalice is shown to worshippers simply to be accepted and endorsed
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I have no opinion about the symbols on the various flags whether they are intentional symbols from the Illuminati, Satanic or other occult groups however I believe one should be open to that possibility. I am intrigued with the concept that a Serpent Cult, thousands of years old, could be tapping into the energy of the fans for their own nefarious ends. I say this from personal experiences.
In 1972, after Richard Nixon was reelected president my friends and I discovered that on this particular Saturday there was to be a huge anti-war demonstration in the city. Three of us decided to walk to the demonstration about 5 miles from our houses. At that time I had no position concerning the war I just wanted to see what a demonstration would be like. We got there to see thousands of people milling around and we just kept walking observing the people. After a while we saw a huge sign saying Veterans Against the War. As we approached the sign, suddenly they starting cheering and chanting and they started moving forward so we stepped in behind them and walked with them with perhaps hundreds of thousands of people behind us walking with us. I have rarely felt so charged and fully alive as I did then.
I have many examples of this energy effect of crowds. I can watch movies at home but it is more fun watching movies from a crowded theater. When I took yoga and meditation classes the impact of the work was far greater when I was doing it with a large group of people. I took the Landmark Forum with perhaps 400 people and their leaders claim that people have breakthroughs in the 3 days that would not occur for many years of therapy because of the impact, focus and energy of all the people working together.
As a young adult I struggled with fatigue and inattentiveness. One of the things I noticed about my self is I would come alive working with elementary aged children because they had such high energy levels that boosted my energy helping me feel more alive.
Also sometimes as a child my parents would fight and they rarely resolved their conflicts so an atmosphere of resignation and depression hung in the air. Then they would invite friends over and enjoy themselves forgetting their lives for a while and I remember for a day or two after their friends left the atmosphere around the house would be more happy and upbeat.
It took a while but I now can spend hours alone but I always enjoy being around people and crowds because people help me get out of myself. I am often very quiet and reserved saying very little. Yet I also feel somehow I tap into their energy and it lifts me up. Along these lines I once read a book about vampires by an author who believed they are real. She described two types of vampires. Very few are attracted to blood. Most are psychic tapping into people’s psychic energy. Perhaps I have a touch of the ladder. Any way I am sure that a way can be found and probably has to utilize this energy to gain power.
A great politician, statesman or leader in any field utilizes this energy or power to energize, enlighten and/or manipulate his or her audience. When I was in college there was this fundamentalist preacher that showed up about 7 AM and would preach to sundown everyday 5 days a week. He
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challenged and taunted the crowds calling them sinners and evil exhorting them to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior or burn in Hell. He was always surrounded by 30 or more students most of them trying to out do one another hurling all manner of insults and abuse at the man. The insults rolled off him like water off a duck, often he responded humorously getting laughs from the by standers. I sauntered by one day around sundown being impressed with the man’s stamina and asked him, “How do you keep going 12 to 14 hours a day five days a week.” I feed off the energy of the crowds. I enjoy what I do he told me. If individuals can tap into this energy, over the millions of years I am sure groups exist as well that tap into the energy of the people!
This is a FASCINATING analysis of Prince Charles' coat of arms and its relation to the Book of Revelation. A lot of discussion about Princess Di too. This was posted to a group I belong to; it comes from London.
Anyone researching this "royal bloodline" stuff should beware of LAURENCE GARDNER (he has a website, books out, etc.), who is a high-degree Freemason.
Notice all the emphasis on BLOODLINES; the "elites" are OBSESSED WITH BLOODLINES, which is why so many of them are inbred and why they will not intermix with anyone who is not "blue blood."
I believe Princess Diana was spot on in her letter in which she stated "her husband was planning 'an accident' in her car - brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to marry..."
Charles could have his own body count list. When the Queen supposedly warned Paul Burrell about "dark forces" in this country, she wasn't joking! She along with her son, husband, cousin, the Duke of Kent, and of course, the security services, are part of the dark forces. This wasn't a concerned safety warning but a genuine warning - a threat. It was shortly after the so-called collapse of Paul Burrell's trial that his flower shoppe was firebombed and this was done by the security forces as a warning. This is the reason Paul and his family moved to the States, specifically Florida. I believe that Paul either has the contents of Princess Diana's box where she kept the audio / video tapes of Charles' former butler, George Smith, who claimed he walked in and saw Charles and another male staff in bed in a compromising position or Paul has the tapes somewhere secure for assurance.
George Smith claims he was raped by this male employee. George Smith had a couple of nervous breakdowns and suffered from alcoholism as a result. He was a veteran of the first Gulf War. Charles paid for his hospitalisations and provided a flat for him to live. George was ill from everything he had endured but he wasn't expected to suddenly die which is what happened. How convenient for Charles!!!!? ???!!!!
Trevor Rees (Jones), the bodyguard, was NOT supposed to survivie the car crash and another attempt was made on him whilst he was in a French hospital following the crash of 31 August 1997. He claims he doesn't remember anything but this is pure bollocks because he has said that if he ever "remembers", he is a dead man. He has to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life. It's a great shame as he is re-married and has a child. Mr Mohamed Al Fayed (Dodi's father) was very good to him as he paid for his hospital care and continue to pay him a salary and in return he betrayed Mr M Al Fayed.
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Prince Charles’s Coat of Arms and Its Relationship to Biblical Prophecy
This is an interpretation of the Coat of Arms of Prince Charles in Relation to Biblical Prophecy
Coat of Arms of Prince Charles of Wales
You will have to google the Coat of Arms for yourself for the pictures did not come through.

Coat of Arms
of Prince Charles of Wales
of Prince Charles of Wales

"Prince Charles of Wales"
Charles Philip Arthur George
on November 14, 1948
to the Duke of Edinburgh Philip Mountbatten
and Princess Elizabeth (present Queen of England)
Charles Philip Arthur George
on November 14, 1948
to the Duke of Edinburgh Philip Mountbatten
and Princess Elizabeth (present Queen of England)
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Prince Charles was granted his heraldic achievement (or coat of arms) at the age of 13. It contains the following "royal devices" or symbols:
First note that mythological animals and imaginative creatures, monsters and hybrids are popular devices in heraldry and, in heraldic language, are referred to as "beasts."
This beast on the left-hand side of Charles' coat of arms has the head and mouth of a lion, the body of a leopard, and the feet of a bear. Typically in heraldry, lions have only three claws per foot while bears will have four or five. This lion has four claws and thus resembles those of a bear. Traditionally in heraldry, the lion has represented England, however Prince Charles' heraldic representation is totally unique in history even differing from that of his mother's, Queen Elizabeth, whose lion has the typical three claws per foot.
(Rev 13:2 KJV) And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Note the design around the lion's neck. This image is called the "eldest-son label" and has been described by Tim Cohen (The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea, pg. 124) as "three parallel horns which are, in a manner of speaking, 'plucked out by the roots' (i.e., turned upside down)." The eldest-son label is a "distinctive mark" of all succeeding Princes of Wales. Other members of the British royal family have labels that have more than three descending "horns." There are a total of five eldest-son labels on the coat of arms: on the left-side lion, the head lion, the unicorn, the red dragon, and at the top of the center shield where 10 lions are depicted.
(Dan 7:8 KJV) I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
This region presented on the left is from the top of Charles' shield and is thus called the "head" of the overall coat of arms. Pictured is another lion with the eldest-son label around its neck standing on top of a crown and a "gold helm." The helm is made up of seven curved bars or "horns." These seven horns, along with the three horns from the eldest-son label make a total of 10 horns in the head region of the coat of arms.
(Dan 7:20 KJV) And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Note that Daniel speaks of 10 horns in his head, i.e., singular head, not plural. The word for "head" here is the Aramaic noun "resh" which corresponds to the Hebrew "rosh." It often refers to the head as a body part, or could be that of an animal or statue. It sometimes refers to a leader or "chief" as well.
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To the right of the head of the coat of arms is a representation of a unicorn. "In heraldry, this unicorn represents not only Scotland, but also a counterfeit Christ" (Cohen, pg 184). Symbolically, the unicorn in the past has represented Alexander the Great (Dan 8:5, goat with one horn) and Antiochus Epiphanes, a type of anti-Christ (Dan 8:9, "a little horn"). Mythologically, the unicorn probably originated in ancient Babylon and today is a symbol adopted by New Agers to represent "a great world leader" whom they expect to bring world peace to earth. Interestingly, in "Christian" symbolism, the unicorn has also represented the Virgin Mary.
In heraldry, and even historical representations, the unicorn's eyes are round and black, i.e., no visible eye-whites. (Queen Elizabeth's heraldic unicorn is depicted as thus.) Charles' design has the eyes shaped more like those of a human with noticeable eye-whites, (although not easily recognized in this particular copy.)
(Dan 7:8 KJV) ...and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Note the chain leading from the unicorn and connecting it to the base of the arms (directly above the red dragon.) In heraldry this chain functions as a "restrainer" (cf. 2 Thess 2:6-7).
At the base of the coat of arms is the heraldic symbol of Wales, the red dragon. The flag of Wales, approved in 1953, pictures a red dragon on a green and white flag with the motto "Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn," meaning "The red dragon gives the lead" (Cohen, pg 196). Note that the eldest-son label is around the neck of the dragon, thus associating it with Prince Charles.
Opposite the red dragon is Charles' badge as the heir-apparent to the British throne. It consists of three ostrich feathers surrounded by a crown with the motto Ich Dien. The meaning of Ich Dien is "I serve" in German. In old Welsh, Eich Dyn, as some believe the motto is a corruption of, is "Your man." The motto and ostrich feathers are associated with "the Black Prince" (Edward III's son). Reading the motto and symbols from right to left, the following message is possibly conveyed :
Ich, the Black Prince, Dien the Red Dragon
(I, the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon)
(I, the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon)

The reference for the above study is The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen, Prophecy House, Inc., 1998. Mr. Cohen goes into much greater detail about these and other symbols in Prince Charles' heraldic achievement. I highly recommend this book. It is certainly a fascinating volume of work. Please visit our reference guide for further information concerning The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea.
Princess D’s Royal Bloodlines and Other Royal Bloodlines
To: anne
Date: Wednesday, 16 June, 2010, 20:03
To: anne
Date: Wednesday, 16 June, 2010, 20:03
I heard that about Princess D, I also heard the Stuarts could trace their bloodline back to King David.
In a message dated 6/16/2010 12:51:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, anne writes:
Hi Sherry,
What do you want to know about the Stewart/Stuart bloodline?
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The Stewarts/Stuarts are the TRUE ROYAL BLOODLINE and HRH, Princess Diana had an overabundance of Stewart/Stuart royal blood.
Her genuine royal blue-blooded direct ancestry is impeccable not only from the Stewarts/Stuarts but from Robert I Bruce, King of Scots - his daughter, Princess Marjorie, married Walter Stewart, the Sixth High Steward of Scotland and produced a son, Robert II Stewart, the first Stewart King of Scots. All the Stewarts/Stuarts monarchs are directly descended from Robert I Bruce as a result of his grandson, Robert II Stewart. Princess Diana is also a direct descendent of King Edward I Plantagenet ("Longshanks" ) and King Henry VII Tudor via two direct lines from his daughters, Princess Margaret who married James IV, King of Scots, and Princess Mary who married Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk - their daughter, Lady Frances Brandon, married Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk whose daughter, Lady Katherine Grey married Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford who was the son of Edward Seymour, the first Duke of Somerset and Lord High Protector of England during the reign of King Edward VI Tudor.
Princess Diana is directly descended from four of King Charles II Stewart/Stuart sons and is directly descended from his brother, King James II Stewart/Stuart via his daughter Henrietta whose mother was Arabella Churchill.
HRH, Princess Diana's ex-husband, Charlie ("Big Ears") "Mounteback- WindSore" branch from the Stewarts/Stuarts diverted as a result of the marriage of James VI, King of Scots' (later/ King James I of Great Britain) daughter, Princess Elizabeth to the Elector of Palantine in Germany (later King of Bohemia - very brief reign and was exiled). It is via this line that we are saddled with the false, foreign non-royal Klan in Buckingham Palace and Clarence House. The House of "Mountbatten- Windsor" is in reality the Houses of Hanover, Saxe-Coburg- Goetha, and Schleswig-Holstein- Sonderburg- Glücksburg. (MY NOTE: They're GERMANS, folks, not Brits!)
Thanks to HRH, Princess Diana's illustrious and impeccable true royal direct British (English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish) ancestry, TRH, Princes William and Harry are the first genuine royal British heirs to the British throne in well over 300 years.
If there is anything else you would like to know about the Stewarts/Stuarts and Princess Diana, just ask. I'm always happy to help.
Best Regards,
Some people in the New World Order conspiracy movement believe individuals from 13 royal blood lines are behind some of the elites attempting to reestablish monarchy or monarchy like world wide governments.
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