Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meetings
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
The Lions, Crocodiles and Water Buffalo 1
Preparing for the Great Test 1 Dear Countrymen 3 God Bless the Parasites and Predators that Live Among Us 4
Please Pray For and Honor My Uncle 4
Nullification From the States The Only Check on Federal Power 8
Defining your Adversary Predators and Prey 10
Playing with Fire and Dancing With the Beast 14
One Way to Love Others and Myself 15
I Reclaim My Power over My Health, Food and Water 16
Taxes 20
Dear Uncle Sam, Dear Cousins 20
A Prayer for the Hidden Ones 32
Kind of a Vision 33
Part II A Possible Future If We Stay the Same
Living Under the Shadow of Rule by Silver and Lead 36
The Story of Dog and Wolf is the Story of Man 37
The Many Ringed Circus of the Master Predators and Parasites or How the Final Solution Might be Implemented 59
Stupid Mouse Another Predator and Prey Tale that Impacts the Way I Am 64
Barter and Local Currency Surveys
The Many Ringed Circus of the Master Predators and Parasites or How the Final Solution Might be Implemented 59
Stupid Mouse Another Predator and Prey Tale that Impacts the Way I Am 64
Barter and Local Currency Surveys
If a picture tells a thousand words then this video tells it all about our predicament and how we can get out if we wake up before it is too late. There is still hope! www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM If this link does not work, google The water buffalo, lions and crocodiles, it will take you directly to this video! It is well worth the watch.
With the evidence in these files one of 3 things is true concerning our government. Perhaps the government is highly corrupt, incompetent and just doesn’t care about us. Perhaps small elites control the branches of our government and have established or are in the process of installing tyranny. Perhaps small elites manipulating the people of the world are uniting to establish a totalitarian global government. I have to find out!
Preparing for the Great Test
I believe God through our predator brothers and sisters, the hidden ones, is preparing a test for us. Here are actions I am taking to get ready.
1. Every day in every day I more closely follow the greatest
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commandment of the Bible and all the great religions so I can make my peace with God, myself, my family, friends and my enemies so I
can devote my energy to becoming physically, mentally and spiritually stronger.
2. I know it only takes 3 days to die without water so I have a supply of water. My family has a cistern that holds over 1,300 gallons of water.
3. When prices skyrocket because of the Fed creating trillions of dollars or a crisis evolves or is engineered in the Middle East oil prices may sky rocket and all food and everything else will become prohibitively expensive. While my money is worth something, I will use the Internet to learn how to create my own jerky and have already used this great tool to help me start my garden like the victory gardens of the past. I have also built up my supplies of rice and plan to grow amaranth, buckwheat and other grains on my property. Vegetables and fruits on the property I believe these are the best sources of minerals and vitamins as long as I provide suitable compost. These are critical to keep my mind and body in optimum condition.
4. To guard against any sickness or keep my strength up I will drink plenty of fluids, maintain a positive attitude communicate with my friends and get plenty of exercise and rest. Did I forget anything or leave anything out.
5. There is a fairly good chance that our money will become worthless soon. I call on all my neighbors who understand this to join others to began bartering networks and if possible local currency systems so we can protect the value of our money.
Johnny Cash You can run on for a long time, sooner or later God’s gonna cut you down.
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Dear Family, Friends, Neighbors and Countrymen
Evidence shows we through our actions and ignorance are creating the greatest tyrannical government of all time. I’m not waiting for the knock on the door. While I still possess the freedoms resources and will, I must question the ludicrous events cascading upon us now. If hard tyranny strikes, will I be one of those good people racked in guilt and shame mumbling “Well I knew and did nothing.” But what are the chances of such an event in America? Some say 5 or 10%. Perhaps much more! I ask myself what would I do if my child, wife or friend faced such chances of being harmed? Wouldn’t I try to do all that I could to keep them safe? Why is it any different with our nation? If anything it is more critical?
I collected videos of government officials, government documents, mainline media sources and scientific journal articles illustrating the multiple tentacles of this rising totalitarianism. I hope this knowledge spreads.
Just if your curious you might read the five-page analysis of what I think is happening in the Introduction file. If you just want to look at links to government documents, mainstream news sources and scientific journal articles without my analysis then go to the file, Links to Corruption. All the links from all the files are contained in this file. It will describe ways you can choose to navigate through that file or post as well as the other files or posts if you choose to do so. There are 18 or so files or posts describing different aspects of what I consider the new emerging tyrannical movement.
I found a few people who believe what I say, maybe 10% now. The numbers are growing as far as I can tell. The vast majority of people ignore what I say without comment. A few judge me and dismiss me without a thought. However, oddly I am rarely challenged. I would love to hear from anyone who can give me ideas, opinions, or criticisms. I want to be proven wrong then I would be much happier! I can still learn to create a more effective piece of communication. I take heart with something Mahatma Gandhi said about his work. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.” Judging by the reaction of my friends and colleagues I am encouraged and convinced I must press on with my ideals until I can be convinced otherwise. Feel free to use these ideas, improve upon them, make them your own and pass them on.
May God, God’s Angels, the Saints and all righteous ones pour their energy and their wisdom and strength into my country, Uncle Sam, my countrymen, all people, and all life so we can do what is best. Thank you.
Comments email Unclesamenterstheendgame@gmail.com The barter and local currency survey are also at www.meetup.com/Tucsons-For-Auditing-Or-Ending-The-Fed/ Go to the Tab more click on it and go to files. They can be filled on line and sent to the Unclesam email address.
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God Bless the Parasites and Predators that Live Among Us!
Christianity teaches me to pray for my enemies, but why? I have always assumed my love for my enemies would convince them to adopt my way of thinking. Perhaps I was mistaken.
But first what do I mean by predators and parasites? I mean drug dealers, money changers, armed mercenaries, predatory businessmen and predatory banks. I mean all the human beings that have wrought untold suffering and misery to the world. I say God bless them all!
I always knew about this concept of loving my enemies but no one gave me a good reason why? Oh it was inferred in the Torah that if people lost their vision God would send predators to destroy them so I guess predators have been with us for a long time? Again why?
Dali Llama also taught me, Pray for, love and be thankful my enemies. Here is his reasoning. When I am hurt, sad or lonely I go to my friends because they provide me with comfort and nurturing. Thus it is also important for me to pray for my friends. But my enemies help me gain strength, courage, cunning and intelligence so I have the power to choose not to submit to their desire to hurt, enslave or kill me. To free myself from their hurt, enslavement or worse I actively work to acquire these positive traits so I can defend myself against them. Through this struggle I discover my weaknesses and I work to overcome these weaknesses until I and my enemy meet again.
So when I see a drug dealer, mercenary, predatory banker or other predator or parasite, I bless them because they offer me a sacred challenge. I can submit to slavery, misery or death at their hands or I can choose to develop my intelligence, will and heart and regain my self-respect, freedom and dignity. I feel I must show the predators around me that I have vision self respect and dignity. Willingly submitting to their enslavement only shows them I am weak and I do not care about my self. This leads to them continuing to enslave me further to see how far they can take advantage of me. If I do not resist I believe they might kill me eventually. I think the same will happen to others. Does this make sense to anyone else?
Please Pray For and Honor My Uncle Sam
For me individuals like Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, Adams, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. at times embodied the essence of Uncle Sam. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and Bill of Rights also represent the higher angels of my Uncle. Millions of soldiers and individuals through out time also dedicated or sacrificed their lives for the noble ideas that my Uncle represents.
In 1950 Chinese soldiers invaded Tibet and through the years as the West watched in virtual silence, they systematically destroyed an extraordinary civilization and culture murdering 1/3 of the population who nonviolently resisted! A remarkable young man and his heroic supporters, knowing their culture was doomed to eventual extinction if they stayed, survived the perilous journey through the mountains of Tibet and journeyed to India and brought the ideas of that marvelous culture to the Western world. Thus the Chinese could not completely destroy this ancient yet highly relevant way of life known as Tibetan Buddhism.
I believe all nations and cultures possess ideas that are exceptional and precious that need to be guarded, honored and nourished otherwise just like gardens and humans they will wilt and die. All nations and cultures face times when the noblest of their ideas and traditions endure horrendous
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assaults. In these times it is the citizenry of these great nations whom through their feelings thoughts and actions determine the fate of their nations. I believe my Uncle Sam suffers today. I no longer hear his voice in the words of my leaders today! I dedicate my work not only to describing the perpetrators and their methods of predation upon my Uncle Sam and my fellow cousins but I seek the most honorable way to help my Uncle Sam. Can he be saved? If not how can the true essence of my Uncle be saved?
We met long ago. I can never forget because the angels danced around him. With him anything was possible as he proclaimed, “Be just, true and kind and always reach for the stars.” Uncle Sam spoke through the history books from Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln and Kennedy. Uncle touched my heart every time I recited, “I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. Did chills run up your spine as you recited, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and for the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” But most of all, Uncle stole my heart through the television set in my parent’s bedroom when Doctor King gave his I Have a Dream Speech.
I don’t hear Uncle Sam speaking through our leaders anymore and I think I know why. As a child didn’t you crave the unconditional love of your parents to grow, flourish and reach your full potential? As a parent I need my children’s love to obtain a fulfilled life. Yet as a parent I did not live up to my children’s expectations, nor did they live up to my expectations. As a result, sometimes it was hard for us to love one another.
The great religions taught me Honor my parents, but it is not only for my parent’s sakes but for my sake as well. I became estranged from my parents when I discovered they weren’t the perfect Gods that I imagined as a small child. It dawned on me eventually, if I hate them then logically I must hate myself because all my genes came from them and my thoughts and habits were formed by imitating or reacting against their thoughts or habits. For many years my anger tore me apart for I saw how my anger upset them. Somehow intuitively I realized if I continued to harshly judge them I would create conditions where I would make the same mistakes.
When I no longer judged them I was able to forgive them and not only a great burden was lifted from my heart but I loved them again and they were much happier in my presence. When I say I forgave them I still felt they did certain things that hurt me deeply but I gave up my anger and judgment toward them. This forgiveness allowed me to see their strengths as well as their faults so I loved them again. Don’t all humans want to express love and be loved by others? My life is very lonely without this love.
My relationship with Uncle Sam is very similar. In the beginning my country was next to God and could do no wrong. I became bitter and angry when I realized Uncle Sam did not always live up to the ideas he professed. Now I forgive him because I know I am not perfect either. I still hold high expectations for my Uncle Sam as I do for myself but I am no longer angry with him. At this point I realized that despite his faults, my Uncle like my parents are priceless treasures. I know if I cannot forgive and honor my
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parents then I cannot forgive and honor myself for my parent’s genes, thoughts and habits run through me. Likewise if I cannot forgive and open my heart up to my country, forgive it for its wrongs then I can not open up my heart to myself for the spirit that runs through my country runs through me. My culture, my schools, my thoughts, my habits have been deeply influenced by great uniquely American ideas that founded my country, thus if I am to honor what is great within me I must honor what is great in my country.
My Uncle Sam is much like a child, parent or garden. With out the nourishing love from the sun and the rains gardens will die. With out the nourishing love from our hearts, our children, parents and our nation will die. I truly believe that there are spirits that look after countries just as I believe guardian angels look after us. However, if we do not honor and give thanks to these guardian angels they weaken and it is much harder for them to protect and help us.
What troubles me is when I express my concerns for my country some completely ignore me or change the conversation, while others agree with me completely but are emotionally detached. A few feel that the country is so evil that we are better off without it. Perhaps I am wrong but I believe my Uncle Sam has become deluded, has forgotten his principles and thus is generating great evil. I believe there was a time when my Uncle lived under God but now it seems he serves a different master. For this transgression, he must spend some time in Hell. I believe that my spirit and the spirits of the people who are citizens are connected so if Uncle must go to Hell then we all must go as well for we have made our nation what it is. This is why I am anguished because I don’t know how to communicate this to people. I define Hell here as a state of being or state of mind. This does not have to be horrible. I believe If people reconnect to God and the Angels then we can endure this Hell until we find our way out.
The Dali Lama believes we all suffer from delusions and as a result of the delusions we suffer and inflict suffering on others. The root of this delusion in his opinion is each of us putting too much importance on ourselves at the expense of the rest of the world. There is a proper balance between the two. In his view we all suffer from these delusions especially if we become spiritually, physically and mentally weak. Expressing and allowing others to express love is one way to lesson the impact of delusions. I don’t know about you but what I have absorbed from his teachings makes perfect sense to me.
I believe when I do not properly nourish and love my country then I stop caring for the country and this leads me to no longer love and care for my leaders. Part of this love as in any relationship is holding my leaders accountable. I believe when I don’t love, respect and hold my leaders accountable then they no longer love, respect or care for me! Therefore the treachery, malice and deceit I see in them is partly my fault and I take responsibility for it! I deserve the corrupt and possibly tyrannical government that may be emerging because I did not love, care or hold it accountable. My Uncle Sam and those who speak in his name desperately need my love just
as a wayward child desperately needs the love and strength of his parents. But through the years my dear sick Uncle has often disappointed me and like any child who feels that their parents or loved ones chronically disappointed them for many years I cut my Uncle Sam out of my heart and out of my life. I am sorry for what I have done and I humbly ask for your forgiveness for like you Uncle, I see that I am imperfect. I see you Uncle Sam as starved for the love of your people and without their love you grow weaker and weaker and no longer attempt to meet the expectations of your
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people! I believe I am hardwired to love my parents, family, friends and they are hardwired to love me. I am deeply wounded when I can’t express my love. I am also hardwired to love my community and country. When I lost that love a huge part of my heart was lost. I am thankful that this love is returning. Perhaps somehow I can express this love in someway so I can hold all of those who have allowed the predators and parasites among us to hijack and pervert our nation, accountable. I dream of the day that others will feel the pain and suffering this closing of our hearts has caused and they will have the strength to open their hearts. I believe many of us have closed our hearts to the spirit that once protected our nation and spoke through our leaders. This spirit I call Uncle Sam.
Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so his people will become strong and wise and love their leaders and hold them accountable. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so he can find his angels and become more connected with God. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so he can more fully serve God. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so he can remember his vision that anything is possible. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so once again he speaks and inspires us through our leaders. Please pray for and honor Uncle Sam so he and his people will overcome the challenges that our brothers and sisters the predators and parasites set before us. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so he has the strength and wisdom to ask for and receive forgiveness. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so he can strengthen and discern his true nature as you have glimpsed here. Please pray for and honor my Uncle so his people will gain vision, bravery and courage and we can become the land of the brave and home of the free once more. Please pray for and honor my Uncle Sam so once again government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.
Yet I feel my Uncle Sam cannot break the bonds of enslavement and bondage unless his nieces and nephews, my countrymen are strong and give him strength. Without my cousins I believe my Uncle cannot regain his soul! Please pray for and honor my cousins so they become more loving, wise and strong, loving both my Uncle Sam and their leaders and holding them accountable! Please pray for and honor my cousins so they too dwell with their Angels and become more connected with God. Please pray for and honor my cousins so they may more fully serve God, my Uncle Sam and one another. Please pray for and honor my cousins so they too remember that anything is possible and also remind my Uncle! Please pray for and honor my cousins so they too can gain the strength and wisdom to seek forgiveness for themselves, for each other and for my Uncle Sam. Once my Uncle and my cousins do this, in that moment, even if we are in the depths of Hell that surely waits for us, backed by God and the Angels we can all experience Grace the greatest gifts of all. And even if we are surrounded by hopelessness dispair we can truly shout out, Free at last, Free at last, thank God Almighty we are Free at last and we shall find our way home!
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Nullification From the States The Only Check
on Federal Power
by Tim Reeves
Many readers of this site may find what happened in late March to be unbelievable. They may wonder how the paradigm was set that the Federal Government has no bounds to its authority whatsoever.
This is the product of naiveté, as conservatives turned a blind eye to President Bush’s Medicare Part D expansion, the U.S. Patriot Act, and budget-busting deficits as far back as the eye can see.
Indeed, republican presidents seem to use the somewhat stronger affinity of their party towards a smaller government as a kind of cover to allow them to expand the government beyond the bounds it had prior to their presidency.
Not that the other statists are any better, but when they expand the government they say ‘I am going to expand government so that more people are dependent upon it’ – such as the “Obamacare” bill. In 4 years (the delay was primarily so the Congressional Budget Office score would come in better) people will start expecting the government to take care of their every medical need.
Any person at that point who tries to do any reform or cost cutting will be viewed as a tyrant, intent on denying the most needy among us our (entitled) health care. At that point it will be too late to save the American republic.
When the full affects of Obamacare are in play, health insurance companies will become just a Government-sponsored entity. They will have the responsibility to provide care for any applicants- without the possibility of denying coverage. At this point, the risk pool will expand exponentially (as they will be required to provide for any request, from any citizen, for any procedure).
In tandem with this expansion of requirements for benefits, they will be denied any rate increase to cover the increased risk. There are only two possibilities:
1. The “private” insurers will go bankrupt, leaving all of their insure-ees as medical wards of the state. These people will have to join a Government Plan (once all the private insurers are bankrupt) as it will be clear there is no money to be made in the health insurance market. So, no new companies will be started to take the place of the old ones.
2. The “private” insurers will have to go begging to the Government to allow them to raise rates. This will cause all citizens of the country to pay more for health insurance than they previously did, and would also be on top of the already higher taxes we will be paying to provide care for the poor. The healthy young who previously had declined coverage, or had a high deductible plan, will pay the most for this- as they will now have to have an “approved” plan.
The budgetary effects of this expansion hardly need to be mentioned. The U.S Government will, in short order, end up being the provider of all medical benefits. Initially there will be no restraint in the spending, whatsoever. This will cause demand for medical services (which will be perceived as free) to skyrocket.
The law of supply and demand still applies, so with no increase in the supply of doctors or medicine (and most likely a decrease) the price will increase proportionately to the increase in supply. Since the insurance companies will all be bankrupt in short order, the Federal budget will ultimately pay for all of this expansion.
This will bring us to rationing. With a limited supply of doctors/medicine, the Federal Govt. will have to decide which medical proceedures are worth doing and which should be (indefinitely) delayed. The rational basis that these decisions will have to be made on is: The person with a higher likelihood of actually contributing to the tax base will have first crack at service, along with the political elite. This rationing will also result in a near halt to all medical “breakthrough treatments,” as these will be viewed by Bio-tech companies as unprofitable to pursue.
This is all due to the process of “nationalization” of our politics that has been going on since the Civil War. Think about it, if this was just on a state-by-state basis…for example, just in Oregon or
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Massachusetts, these would not be the same kind of problem (and as a side note- they would be constitutional, whether good policy or not) because the other states would be able to pick up the slack and allow citizens an escape hatch.
If our Senators were still appointed by the statehouses (as originally intended) they would have stopped Obamacare (as it is the Mother of all unfunded mandates). If we were still on the Gold standard, no one in Washington would dare propose such a plan- as there would be no magical Federal Reserve Bank to get an unlimited source of funds for any fantasy that politicians dream up. If states were still willing to nullify unconstitutional laws, D.C. would be less bold in proposing laws which are clearly outside the enumerated powers possessed by the Federal Government. I won’t even address the Supreme Court, as they are not the only arbiters of what is constitutional.
Republicans seem to want to repeal this law and replace it (probably with something less socialistic). This is unlikely- and even if it happens, it would be only a delay of the inevitable. The statists will be in power again, and when they are, this same fight will happen all over again. No national redress is truly available.
The only way forward is to nullify through the statehouses. If we are to pull this one out, we will have to nullify this law. There is no other option.
Remember in 1994 when “Hillarycare” was defeated? Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. How about when Truman proposed it? Government structured as a national democracy (as it is) always tends towards socialism.
Indeed if the bill had been defeated in D.C. this time, it would only be a matter of time before it was attempted again. This is because citizens will always vote for politicians who promise the expensive entitlements that will lead to debt slavery for their children.

The Tenth Amendment Center has produced a model nullification law which I have linked here: http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/legislation/federal-health-care-nullification-act/
Everyone who reads this post needs to call their state Representatives/Senators/Governors and demand that they introduce this bill in the next session of legislature. If this passes- along with other states, your state can be part of the solution.
Tim Reeves is the State Chapter Coordinator for the Oregon Tenth Amendment Center.
I have one disagreement with the above. He seems to imply that we should go back to the gold standard. It seems that China and many central banks are buying up the gold. Do we really want these guys in charge of the gold if we go to the gold standard? I do think the states should be given more power to counter balance the massive power of the Federal Government and the Federal Reserve.
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Defining your Adversary Predators and Prey
Before there can be any solution to a problem it must be properly defined. In the thoughts below I try to define our most pressing problem. If there is something or someone in the world that has ill intentions toward me, I must understand that force or person in order to defend myself. I believe that in our universe there are two types of beings: predators and prey. In order for life to function in this world in balance, predators (parasites) and prey must live in balance. Predators and parasites must be clearly understood in all their manifestations. Unfortunately we do not comprehend the predators and parasites that live among us. This ignorance could destroy us!
From what I know, after the Earth was formed, perhaps single cell life spread through the oceans feeding off the sunshine and the minerals in solution in the water. I don’t know if life started from a single cell or from several single cells spread out in the oceans. Anyway over time, the cells reproduced exponentially so at some point something realized that life would perish once the cells exhausted the food supply. Even back then perhaps predator and parasite cells evolved specialized to consume the other cells so these cells would not overcrowd the planet.
A different possibility is perhaps plants first evolved from single cell organisms utilizing energy from the sun and minerals from earth to reproduce their own kind. Eventually plants threatened to overrun the earth so animals evolved being the first predators to eat the plants so they would not overcrowd the planet. To keep herbivores in check eventually carnivores evolved. I am sure that prey and predator existed almost from the beginnings of life on our planet.
For ages man existed as both predator and prey. For a million years or more, saber tooth tigers, bears and other large predators preyed on humans. Humans also succumbed to diseases. Once we tamed fire and discovered agriculture we evolved to be the top predator of land and sea. Only diseases successfully preyed upon us. Having few natural predators, our populations swelled. However, nature always finds ways to control her populations. Once we conquered our natural predators and parasites then predators and parasites arose in our own population. These human predators and parasites have the same instincts wired into their DNA as the lions, wolves and tigers to seek out the weak or sick and kill or enslave them. It is these human predators I wish to turn my focus.
Human predators have been with for a long time but their power grew by leaps and bounds with the agricultural revolution. Before that time we owned our power. We hunted and gathered our own food. We kept diseases and sickness at bay by exercising, sleeping and consuming locally grown food and herbs. We prayed directly to God or the Gods in nature without relying on priests. We cared for and raised our own children. During the agricultural revolution we began disengaging from nature and became specialized and elites ruled us manipulating us through priests doctors and lawyers. One of the first great agricultural societies that we know of Samaria had the following famous saying, “Lawyers, doctors and priest are the bane of society.” I have read that the first great tyrants and the beginning of organized warfare arose during the agricultural age.
The industrial revolution further divorced us from nature and our own power. Most of us no longer know how to grow or obtain our food. Fathers and uncles who taught the male children how to farm, hunt and other trades left their families to work in the factories. Recently in the last 20 years both parents work abdicating their primary role of raising their children and turning that sacred responsibility to the public state run schools where children spend most of their waking hours!!! In addition, most of us no longer know how to take care of our own medical needs. We rely on specialists, doctors and drugs. Many of us no longer know how to take care of our psychological needs spending our money on various therapists and psychiatrists. Many of us no longer know how to entertain ourselves and amuse ourselves by mindlessly watching various media. Many of us no longer know how to interact with others and instead rely on machines such as televisions, computers, X boxes and phones. Many of us no longer can think for ourselves and rely on newspapers, television and talk radio people to think for us. Elites benefit through all these specialists because every monetary transaction that we make benefit the predators and parasites who control the financial institutions. Neither we the people, nor our government, control the creation of or the interest charged, on the money that we need to run our economies. Instead hidden investors in our central banks and commercial banks control these vital functions. They make money virtually risk free at very little cost and charge us interest to borrow that money. It is my contention that those who collect the hidden taxes from us through manipulations of our economy are human predators and/or parasites whose goal it is to slowly enslave us completely or worse.
I believe I understand these people. As a child, bullies physically attacked or verbally abused me until I no longer looked anyone in the eye. It is said, if you are friendly to others they will be friendly to you. For me this never worked with these people. My kindness was interpreted as weakness resulting in more torment.
Eventually I discovered, if I fearlessly fought the physical bullies even though sometimes I got the shit kicked out of me, they never attacked me again. Later I realized that my verbal tormentors left me alone
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when their taunts no longer bothered me. When I found a vision greater than myself to live by and was at peace with myself these tormentors melted into the woodwork.
Elements of predator and prey surfaced in my teaching experience. Over and over I found that a small percent of my students responded to my weakness by being disrespectful or disrupting my teaching. For 6 years I taught 6-9 year olds in pre-schools. Then for almost 20 years I taught kindergarten students. At 3 years old some kids began displaying predatory type behavior! Whenever I taught poorly or was unfocused, 2 or 3 kids would start misbehaving. It would always start with the same kids. If I lost control of the class certain kids would hurt other kids or they would be disrespectful toward me and actually call me names or hit me. As the years went by and I became a better teacher the children’s behavior improved yet there were always 2 or 3 kids constantly testing the limits.
Predators in nature will leave strong animals alone. However if they sense weakness they will attack. I always found when I was unsure how to act, about 10% of my students would misbehave. If I recovered quickly I could reestablish my authority. If I was unable to do so then things could deteriorate quickly and others would join in with these students. About 10% of the children ages 3 and up would act this way!
A discipline philosophy, Reality Therapy popular in our district for a long time, taught that humans had five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun. Once the survival need was met then the other four took over. Different children had higher need for love or power or freedom or belonging. However when a child felt that one or more of his needs were not being met then he or she often misbehaved. The art of teaching became figuring out how to meet each child’s needs and communicating to the child in such a way that he knew is needs were being met. Theoretically at that point misbehavior ceased. On the face of it logically this system might not work if a particular child had a huge need for freedom or fun especially if the child did not fill free studying for the high stakes tests that they are expected to pass in our schools. Another aspect of the philosophy is that children are not to be punished for misdeeds but given logical consequences that guide then to more appropriate behavior. For example a child that steals might not be allowed to bring a backpack to school for a while or not allowed to be in the class alone for a certain amount of time.
Judging from my experience with this philosophy and talking with teachers, there was between 10 to 20% of the students whom this philosophy did not work at least in the school setting. I present Joe, not his real name. Joe and his sister Mary who were about the same size came to me one year. Every day after school, Joe’s mom asked, “How did Joe behave today?” I responded, “Fine.” This ritual continued for six weeks or so without the mom asking about the sister. After about a week of this the mom worshiped the ground I stood on claiming I was a great teacher. After six weeks Joe got upset scratching his face and yelling. The next day Joe started throwing chairs, desks and papers swearing at the top of his lungs letting me know that I was an asshole among other things until he was removed for a while to talk either with the counselor or prevention specialist. Soon Joe was throwing these kinds of temper tantrums twice a day and had long talks with the counselor and prevention specialists. All 3 of us worked on various behavior plans involving stickers, toys and other rewards and privileges if he would stop these temper tantrums but he would not. This was highly distressing to me and disturbed the other kids often causing them to become more tense and over active.
One day I just grabbed a bunch of worksheets covering concepts covered in class, stapled them together and when mom came to pick up Joe I said, “I don’t know what else to do but Joe is really disrupting my class throwing two temper tantrums a day. When he gets kicked out can you send him to his room to work on these worksheets and not let him do anything else until 2:30 when the class is dismissed?” She said to me, “Mr. X, I think that is a good idea, do you want me to bring the work back for you to check?” I said “No, I just don’t want him to be doing something fun for the time he should be in class.”
After that conference, Joe threw 2 other temper tantrums that week in March, then they stopped. About the last week in April when the rest of the kids were getting kind of restless and getting into trouble more because it was near the end of the year, Joe spoke to me. He said something like this. “Mr. X I have been good, haven’t I?” I nodded. “You want to know why I have been so good? I can’t stand sitting in my room all day and doing those boring worksheets.” He said this in a way that seemed like he was glad I figured out how to work with him. He seemed well adjusted in the class and seemed to enjoy being in class since he stopped having the tantrums. It was like all the reasoning in the world couldn’t get him to stop temper tantrums. He changed his behavior because he preferred staying in my class where at least he could interact with kids than be stuck in his room doing worksheets by himself. He spent hours, 1 on 1, with both the counselor and prevention specialist discussing why the behavior was inappropriate but that did not work for him. He did have other problems and the following year he was placed in a special class but I found his comments interesting.
Years before in college I worked with a 9 year old severely retarded autistic child named Jim. Again tis is not his real name. The problem with Jim was he occasionally attacked the aids that worked with him for no apparent reason.
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One day I escorted Jim to the rest room and just finished helping him pull down his pants and sat him on the toilet with no apparent problems. He peed then grabbed my hair with both hands while simultaneously kicking me in my private parts. Before I even had time to think I grabbed him by his hair with both hands and yelled, “Stop,” while yanking him toward me. He immediately stopped. I never had any trouble with Jim attacking me after that.
Joe and Jim remind me of a book I read about a guy who raised and lived with large cats like lions, tigers and jaguars. He found out quickly that if you want to take something from a large cat, the only way you could do it without being killed or hurt, is to trade it for something else that they would want more. If they have something you want then offer them a toy or a piece of meat so they will give it to you. I believe if a human predator takes something from you or is disruptive in some way just telling the predator to stop is not going to work. Offer something in trade like rewards or convince him or her somehow life will be worse if he or she does not do as you ask. If a predator such as a hyena has a kill and a lion decides to take it the hyena needs to decide if it will be better for him to fight the lion or leave. Realizing the lion will kill him, the hyena will abandon the kill. Joe only abandoned his temper tantrums because going home became a worse choice for him. I believe the only reason Jim did not attack me again was because Jim realized if he attacked me he could get hurt. Hyenas are known to be viscous predators but you will never see 1 adult hyena attack 1 adult lion unless the lion is really sick or near death!
Above I began to discuss human predators. I would like to elaborate on it more. First I believe there are 3 basic kinds of human beings, predator parasite and prey. I focus on predators here. I suspect that all of us have some of both but most of us are more prey like while some of us are predatory in nature. Most of us are sheep like in that we believe we should live by the golden rule be nice to one another and live and let live. Sheep do this. I don’t know but I believe if a sheep gets lost from his herd and wanders into another field of grass where other sheep are grazing, it is not a big deal. The other sheep don’t come and attack him. There is enough grass for all so sheep don’t have any problems sharing.
Predators are different. First of all, there most be more prey animals than predators.. Sheep don’t have a hard time obtaining food. They just have to find the grass. Once they do they just eat it. Predators not only have to find the food but catch and kill it. Usually 9 times out of 10 they do not get the prey they chase. Also when the prey animal is fighting for its life, it can be dangerous and hurt or kill the predator. If a wolf is lost or wanders into territory of other wolves these wolves will kill it if they can capture it. Why? They kill the competing wolf because food is scarce. Predators do not tolerate weakness for 2 reasons. First their role in nature is to cull the weak and the sick from the herds. Weaker members of the herd are less likely to hurt the predator and besides weaker prey animals my have diseases that they could spread to the herd so predators keep the prey herds healthier by killing the sick and weak. If a wolf or dog puppy is weak or sick it will often be killed by its parents or other members of its pack. A sick animal can spread diseases. Also predators that hunt in packs rely on all members to bring down food as well as protecting the territory from competing predators. Predators who struggle to survive cannot afford to have weak members that endanger the pack and cannot carry their own weight.
I submit human prey and human predators follow similar dictates. Prey humans believe we should be nice to one another and live and let live. They tend to be more democratic and tolerant in their personalities. Predators operate most efficiently in hierarchical, centralized dictatorial systems. Because of the dangers involved, military systems lean the same way. Predators focus on power. Where am I in the hierarchy? In a wolf pack each member has his place in the pecking order. One alpha male and one alpha female control the whole pack. When hunting in a pack everyone must know his place and what to do when taking down dangerous prey animals. If another wolf pack invades your territory one must have a highly intelligent leader to lead the pack in defense of the territory. Everyone must know his or her place in the pecking order. If two males fight for the alpha spot, one must submit, be killed or banished from the wolf pack. Only 1 wolf can rule the pack!
Don’t human predators operate within the same rules? Since most humans operate like herd animals, most human predators act like other predator packs. Gangs operate under the same predatory rules. One person rules the gang. Each gang member knows his place in the gang. If someone challenges the leader often one of them dies. Each gang has a territory. Like the wolves, if one gang invades another gang’s territory then there is war and killing. These humans are predators because they sell drugs that enslave others. The fact that drugs hurt or destroy other humans sometimes does not bother these people too much because they are predators who feed off the weakness of others. Drug gangs are just one extreme end of the human predators. These predators kill mostly other drug gangster predators who compete with them. But they kill other government officials or journalists whom threaten them as well as recently seen in Mexico.
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Businesses might be an example of a less extreme form of the predatory side of human nature. Companies rise up and compete with others. Weaker companies submit or are consumed by stronger ones. Large companies lobby governments to pass laws favorable to them and hostile to their competition. In other parts of this site I illustrate how predatory banks, businesses and government work together to enslave and prey off people who do not think in the same way.
I believe predatory human beings exist everywhere preying on the rest of us. You see them in the gangs, in government, in Wall Street and in many large banks. They are everywhere. The problem is most people are not predatory. They are kind, live by the rules and laws and want to enjoy their lives and allow everyone else to do the same. They are like the sheep in the fields. They want to graze and are happy to allow anyone to graze with them. There is plenty of food for everyone. I believe if my teaching experiences are correct, 8 to 9 out of 10 people are like this. It is hard for people like this to comprehend that others do not live by the same moral code that they do. Yes they realize on some level that predatory people are about but they can’t really conceive of how they operate or have any comprehension of their differing moral code.
I believe predatory people do exist but you don’t know them because they are not going to come up to you and say, "Hi I am a drug dealer or or "Hi I molest children, do you mind If I take your child and have my way with him," or "I am working for the world bank and we are skimming vast amounts of money from all the people in the world to set up new centralized dictatorial global government" or "Yes I believe that we must kill off 75% of the human population because they are genetically unfit and life for the rest of us would be so much better without them." Instead they will pretend they are like us and blend in with the rest of us. But they do exist and you know what? I believe if we lived within the rules that we should be living in, they would not be evil and or dangerous.
I believe long before humans were conceived the intelligence that oversaw creation gave some rules to both prey and predator beings. I believe if we do not follow those rules then many of us could be wiped off the face of the earth. I am not writing this for the benefit of the predators. I believe they are doing the job that they were designed for. However the sheep or prey beings among us are not doing our jobs!!! So what are the rules?
Long ago when the prey animals became too plentiful and or too weak then predators were sent to cull the herds. The rule for the prey beings was: Be kind and love one another but be strong and wise also. When you become weak, lose your vision and no longer care for yourselves or each other and become stupid, then the predators will destroy you. The rule for the predators was a different golden rule. He who owns the gold makes the rules. The strongest, wisest most cunning among you must be your leaders. You must submit to your leaders and the weaker must submit to the stronger. You are to maintain the health of the prey herds by culling them of the sick and the weak. This way the herds can remain strong and healthy.
I believe many of the sheep like people among us no longer care for themselves or one another. They seem weak, unintelligent, uncaring or apathetic about what is happening to them. I believe the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and Representative form of Government was the most perfect form of government ever formed to protect the sheep among us against the most excessive forms of abuse and slavery imposed upon us by the predator humans among us. Yet no law, Constitution, Bill of Rights or Form of Government can protect people who do not care for themselves, are apathetic and or are ignorant about what is happening around them.
There are people who believe many of us our unfit and should be culled from the planet. I have evidence that our financial institutions are set up in such a way that a few people are skimming vast sums of money from the poor and middle classes through out the world. Money is power. I am afraid if we are stupid enough to allow a few people to amass vast amounts of power and wealth, then at some point they just might cull vast amounts of people from the planet. I have evidence that such a policy to a limited extent is being implemented now and has been in affect for quite a while. In a sense for one with a predator mind, they might be able to kill off vast numbers of us without a guilty conscience.
I believe it may be engrained in the predator mind and DNA that people who allow the predators to take advantage of them are not worthy of respect. Here is what I see that we have allowed the predatory and parasitic among us to do for years! We have allowed banks to charge us many times the value of our houses and they get away with ripping us off. This is true of many other kinds of loans as well. Our government does not even print its own money that it needs. Instead it lets banks create money then allows the banks to charge interest on that money and charges us the taxpayers the interest which goes to hidden elites. Many times during our history according to some sources, depressions have been
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organized by the financial elites. then the banks evict people from their houses. Millions of Americans over our history have been evicted from farms and houses. Yet in 2008 the government pays billions to these same banks that don’t turn around and try to help these people who were bailed out by us the taxpayers but instead were evicted from our homes.
Predators and parasites prey on sheep like people through lies or deception because in nature this is how predator animals sneak up on their prey. The books on our Federal Reserve have never been audited. Somehow money disappears into the Fed but Congress refuses to audit them even though since their inception the American dollar has lost most of its value. It is odd that few in the press or media discuss this other than the alternative media on the internet. According to some sources up through World War I the press and the American citizens were virulently mistrustful of the banks. After the First World War you hardly hear a peep from the press unless horrible violations occur. This silence on the media’s part maybe occurred because the banks with their vast wealth over the years, bought off the press.
Such actions described above are examples of deception as practiced by the predators and parasites among us. Other fronts illuminate these lies and deceptions further. Constitutionalists note freedoms seem to be eroding especially with bills like the Patriot Act. The Constitution no longer rules the nation. At one time the Congress was the only branch of government that could declare war. Now the executive branch declares war and Congresses concur. Alan Greenspan also says that the Fed Reserve is accountable to no other branch of government. Americans do nothing about their open borders also. As of yet Americans have not really stood up and said enough. They don’t seem to care or be intelligent enough to stand up for themselves. They have become weak. It is the predator’s and parasite’s job to cull the sick and weak. Predators hate weakness. Everything in their DNA is programmed to hate and destroy weakness.
I don’t see any way that I can stay free unless I stand up to these predators and let them know that I am willing to stand up to them although it could cost me my life. They won’t respect me unless I stand up and take my freedom and my power back! I pray to God and the angels to give me strength and wisdom. I pray that I, and others, love each other, find our vision, stand up to the predators and parasites and take back our power. I believe I have a choice. I can take back my power and freedom or submit to enslavement and possible death. If I don’t care enough to stand up for myself the predators and parasites won’t care for me either.
Playing with Fire and Dancing With the Beast
If you remember watching the video, the water buffalo, the lions and the crocodile there was a very fascinating part. Early on as the water buffalo approach the lions they remained crouched but one lion was shifting back and forth on her haunches waiting for the perfect time to spring the attack. Predators must attack at exactly the right moment to achieve the perfect kill. If they give away their position too early then the prey flee and the predators expend too much energy to capture them. If they wait too long then the prey are very likely to see them and bolt. In fact with out the element of surprise prey knowing their lives are at stake will escape the predator nine times out of ten. Given this natural advantage that the prey has over the predators, it is essential the predators use deception or lies to create the perfect trap that remains hidden from the prey until the perfect time. Then because of the traps perfect concealment the predators can ambush the prey and achieve their perfect kill allowing the prey no chance to escape. I believe the same kind of trap is being set for us today!
It is no different with the hidden ones or predators that stalk us today. They must be careful. If they kill us openly then they face the danger of arousing all the sheep people and in our case we the sheep people far outnumber the predators and parasites who I believe control us. In very rare cases some of us are killed when we threaten to unleash their secret. Government agents I suspect won’t kill us now. Today private
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contractors who hire someone who will see to it that we seemingly die of natural causes like a heart attack or stroke. Drugs and poisons now exist for such assignments. Maybe troublesome individuals simply disappear without a trace. The hidden ones can’t spring the trap until they completely control the resources of the nation and have legally changed the laws of the nation so when they spring the trap on us we have virtually no chance of escape and no power to resist.
I face a different dilemma. How do I get my information out there to as many people as I can before my dark brothers and sisters the hidden predators and parasites know what I am doing and take action against me? If enough people know who I am and are willing to defend me, how much can I do? If enough people value me and watch me the predators and parasites may spare me for quite some time because to kill me might show the sheep people their true nature too soon.
I see this event as a race between the predator people and the prey people. I am trying to strengthen myself so I can speak to anyone who will listen and describe the trap I see being carefully constructed for us. If those that speak out are strong enough the predators leave them alone. If they are weak the predators kill or incapacitate them so the can conceal their intentions until the perfect time to spring the trap. I feel kind of like Fievel in the movie Fievel goes West when he is trying to tell the adults around him of the Cat’s secret plan of exploiting the labor of the mice to build the new settlement but once it is completed they plan to eat the mice. I believe the predicament my countrymen and most humans of the world are in is very similar.
Some of the prey people are waking up and if enough wake up, they will change direction and the predators will be forced to spring the trap before the perfect time. The predators remain hidden but they are nervous. Will the prey enter the trap at the perfect time or will the prey wake up and bolt lessening the chances for the predators to make a perfect clean kill? This predator prey dance my cousins, is how some of us are playing with fire and dancing with the beast. Please pray for us all!
One Way to Love Others and Myself
One thing that surprised me about the Dalia Llama was his bewilderment realizing that many westerners are highly critical of themselves some even hate themselves. For some reason that is not a major issue in Tibetan culture. Perhaps my highly critical nature toward myself limits my ability to relate to others. The Landmark Forum offers several seminars exploring how we relate to ourselves and others and suggestions for improvement. Anyone I know who has taken these courses highly recommend these courses.
Another course called Trusting You Are Loved helped me realize that I must trust that I am loved and love others and through that trust I can listen without judgment and express my feelings authentically. This work has allowed me to express and meet my needs as well as helping others feel safe with me so we can communicate honestly with one another. Anyone I have meant whose has completed this work also has been delighted with the results. It is through this work I discovered the power of forgiveness and the freedom gained when I stop judging others. More information on this work that people are doing across the world, google The Landmark Forum and for The Trusting You Are Loved work see this link. http://www.partnershipadvantage.net/personal.html
I am also involved with another group called the Desert Men’s Council in Tucson and I took the training of The Mankind Project (MKP). This group believes that the separation of boys from their fathers and uncles has done immense damage to all men
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so this organization helps initiate boys into men and provides workshops for men who feel they are damaged in some way. I believe all these groups helped me in my process of reclaiming my power.
I Reclaim My Power Over My Food Health and Water!
The struggle between human predators and prey continues at least since the dawn of the agricultural revolution. Before the agricultural revolution I believe each human being had the power to connect to God, connect to the spirits, connect to the plants and animals and connect to nature. Humans lived in tribes and villages and selected the best among them to be their leaders.
The agricultural revolution provided great benefits the chief being food could be produced and stored so people did not need to spend vast amounts of time worrying about finding food. However it was the beginning of our loss of our own power. Agricultural societies generated elites whose goal was to control people to benefit themselves. Instead of each person defining their relationship to God, priests arose and told people the nature of God and only they had access to the divine. People lost the ability to heal themselves and doctors arose who told them how to care for themselves. Different specialized classes developed to take care of needs that people use to take care of themselves. Artists of various types entertained them and carpenters built their houses among just a few powers that we gave away
With the dawn of the industrial revolution we gave more of their power away. Perhaps one of the greatest powers we gave up was the care of and teaching of our children especially fathers and uncles teaching the sons and nephews and mothers and aunts teaching their daughters. In agricultural societies most children were still raised by their parents and extended family often helped them learn their roles and trades. The fathers or other uncles or village or tribal members apprenticed young men. Mothers, aunts and other extended female adults helped the young women learn the skills they needed for adult hood. Initially the bond between older and younger women was left in place during the early part of the industrial revolution but the bond between adult men and young men was broken and males have sustained severe damage ever since. The first part of the family to dissolve during the industrial revolution was when the fathers, uncles and adult males were taken away from the younger males and traveled to work in the factories. They lost much power and influence over the raising of their sons and nephews. For most of our industrial revolution mothers remained in place to raise the children. Perhaps one of the best-studied examples of this phenomenon to an extreme occurred during slavery in the United States. When families were sold into slavery the father was sold separately while the mother and children usually were sold together. Thus fathers did not play an important role in the raising of the family. To this day, even 150 years after slavery, single moms head many black families whereas the fathers are absent. During the later part of this century in our country, women entered the work force and so they gave up some of their power over raising of the children. Who filled in the vacuum? The schools have taken over much of the role of raising our children. Perhaps the greatest amount of growth that occurs in humans occurs between 0-5. The second greatest period of growth and development occurs between 5-18. Where do children spend most of their time during this critical period? Not with their families but in schools with teachers. 5 out of the 7 days during the week children spend 6 or more hours in school. In many families where both parent work, children are not picked up from daycare until after 5 so they spend 8 or 9 hours away from the family on weekdays. But lets assume that most spend 6 to 7 hours in school. If both parents work then they may not get home until 4 or 5. Then dinner and other chores must be done so many children spend an hour or more in front of the T.V. Children may interact with 1 or both parents for an hour or 2 in the morning and an hour or 2 in the afternoon so during the second most
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important developmental period in their lives between the ages of 5-18 they spend more time in schools then they do with their parents! I found this fascinating because in about 5th or 6th grade I remember my teacher and textbooks condemning a practice occurring in the Soviet Union at the time. Children were taken from their parents and sent for indoctrination at state schools where they were to be molded into the new modern men and women! Is not the same thing happening in our society? The only difference I see between the Soviet model and the United States model was I was told that the Soviet State often took children away from their families by force and sent them to the state run schools. In the United States citizens are voluntarily turning their children over to the state run public schools.
During the 1940ties and 1950ties many rural blacks migrated to inner city ghettos. Black males were notorious for abandoning families although part of the problem perhaps was the welfare requirement that to get welfare there had to be no man in the home. However during the 1960ties and 1970ties the number of white families headed by divorced single mothers skyrocketed. Forces destroying Black family life spread to other ethnic groups as well. I wonder if some of our problems with staying married is that young women and men don’t have good role models to show them how to act in a marriage. Both parents are working and teachers don’t have time to model these essential life skills.
Reigning supreme over all this mess are hidden elites who control our monetary system and control the amount of money in circulation in the country and interest rates charged on the borrowed money. Not even our elected government controls or creates money. If they want to have more money they go to these private interests that create the money and charge our government interests on this borrowed money. Who pays this interest? It is us the taxpayers. Without explaining this here because it is explained in the Money Masters video, for every transaction that you make exchanging goods and services using money these hidden interests make a little money. It is in their interests that we don’t know how to maintain our health, or know how to grow food, or know how to entertain ourselves or a myriad of other activities we once could do for ourselves. Every time we spend money on having others take care of things we once could do for ourselves the elites get a little piece of the action.
I don’t want to be dependent on them anymore having to spend thousands on ineffective health care and thousands to pay regulators and lawyers to start or protect a business or higher special accountants to figure out how to pay my taxes. It has gotten too complicated.
I start with my religion. I am not going to trust anyone 100% to tell me my relationship to God and the other creatures on the Earth. I am happy to investigate all the religions and beliefs but I am the one who determines my relationship to God, my self and to others around me. I reclaim my power to form my own relationship to God.
I believe I am sovereign. I have certain unalienable rights among these being life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As a sovereign it is my responsibility to support government that protects my unalienable rights and also my responsibility to alter or abolish government that deny me these rights. If a government becomes destructive of these rights I must accept the consequences and the responsibility if my actions supported the rise and establishment of such a tyrannical or totalitarian government! If a government is intent on destroying these God given rights, I claim the right as a sovereign to with hold taxes and strive with others in my community to create a currency to meet our economic needs. In addition, if banks insist on seizing property through fraudulent foreclosures and other criminal methods and insist on imposing hidden taxes without representation (inflation) as well as refusing to tell us how they spend our tax dollars then I believe they not only void contracts that they set up with my cousins the mortgage owners, but they void the social agreement my cousins and our government officials swore by, that is to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. If the banks and government ignore this oath then I
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see no reason for citizens to continue paying these mortgages to individuals who do not abide by their contractual agreements!
Various groups exist throughout our country who wish to restore Our Republic to a form as constructed by our Founding Fathers. Some in these groups believe that our present government through deceit and stealth perverted The Original Constitution. They are actively withdrawing from the present government and are forming an alternative government in their view based on the Constitution as envisioned by the Founding Fathers. If you google Restore the Republic you will find a National website. From it you can find your state website. From the State website you can find people in your particular county attempting to set up local governments.
I proclaim my power to love my self and others. I proclaim my power to influence the events around me! Through prayer, meditation, working with The Trusting You or Loved Movement and The Mankind Project I am developing the power of forgiveness and through the forgiveness of myself and others I am releasing the hatred, self doubt judgments and fear I hold against myself and others allowing me to speak from my heart and listen with compassion so others will be safe to speak their hearts. The longer I live the clearer to me it becomes that the faults I see in others exist in myself. By judging others as being the cause of our present predicament I lose my power to influence the course of events! When I decide a particular party, or group is the cause of the ills of the country I forfeit much of my power. Instead I now choose to focus on how my actions contribute to the rise of tyranny and how do my actions contribute to liberty, justice and freedom. In order to strengthen liberty, justice and freedom I also need to reclaim the power over my health, sources and production of food, supply of water and many other powers my ancestors forfeited in their journey from tribalism, through the agricultural, industrial and post industrial revolutions!
I know if I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and a certain portion of grain and carbohydrates I can stay healthy but I have to work at it and figure out what combinations work for me. I am reclaiming my power over my health. I would like to tell some stories about my health to illustrate the process I am going through to take back my power over my health. In the early spring of 2010 it rained heavily in Tucson allowing prodigious plant growth. I suffer from allergies in the spring and fall that usually don’t bother me too much. I cut back on my salt and diary products and do fine. This year was different. I was sneezing and my eyes were itching all the time. At the point I could not stand it any more I went to a restaurant and had a sprout salad then for the next two days I ate a slice of orange every hour and drank water. The allergies vanished. For the rest of that allergy season I consumed more greens and fruit and ate just enough meat and grains to keep my energy up.
As I increased the amount of fruit in my diet, I noticed I was getting more dry itchy skin. So I cut back on the fruit and increased the amount of greens and high fat foods. It seemed to help. It’s a balancing act.
While visiting my sister, nephew and nieces about 25 years ago I ripped cartilage in my knee in a skating accident. The doctor said it would heal but in about 20 years I would need knee surgery. As predicted about 20 years later I could hardly walk so I had the surgery. It took some time to heal and I never fully healed. The knee acted up from time to time then about 5 years out from the surgery it really started bothering me and I worried that I might have to start using a cane. I went to a very good acupuncturist who relieved the condition for about a couple of months then it came back. She recommended orthopedics for my shoes and they did not offer much relief. She recommended hormone therapy. At this time finding my Kundalini Yoga book I decided to give this a try. In one of the exercises I was expected to sit back on my heels. My shins were incredibly tight and it took over a month for me to sit properly without excruciating pain. However my knee stiffness went away.
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One of the more amazing experiments I have done related to my health I got from www.infowars.com If you listen to Alex Jones on the program you find that he says a lot of unbelievable and sometimes upsetting statements. Over time as I have researched some of his statements I found him to be correct 70 to 80% of the time when I do my own research. I found him to be inaccurate only 1 time. The other times I did not find info to support or reject his claims. With that kind of track record I now listen to him as much as possible. When he stated that fluoride is bad in drinking water I found that most of the summaries of studies on the internet supported his statement. One day he stated that fluoride in toothpaste actually inhibited the immune system and caused more gum infections and one is better off without fluoridated toothpaste. I wondered about this statement. I also realized when the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth she did not use toothpaste. She used scraping tools and instruments that sprayed water under high pressure on to my teeth.
I decided I would use dental floss, a dental pick, an electric toothbrush and water to clean my teeth and see what happens. Before telling you the results of this experiment let me tell you what I did before. I use to brush once or twice a day in the morning before I went to work and about half the time at night before I went to bed. I usually brushed with Crest or a similar fluoride containing toothpaste then after brushing my teeth I swirled a solution of about ½ Listerine and ½ water in my mouth for about 30 seconds because to get rid of the mild gingivitis the dentist told me I was starting to develop. I found if I brushed at least once a day then I would be fine. Occasionally I would forget for a couple of days and I would notice that my gums would bleed or if I got food stuck in between my teeth it would hurt or itch. This experience reinforced what dentists say, “You need to brush your teeth twice a day ideally and 3 times a day if possible otherwise you risk infection or cavities.
Then I started my experiment just using the floss, dental pick, electric toothbrush and water. I didn’t see any difference in terms of how I felt everyday. I felt the same which indicated to me that I could stay just as healthy by using water. But when I forgot to brush this is when I was amazed. My gums did not get sore. Sometimes I did not notice if I got food stuck between the teeth. The body just seemed to take care of it. I still have problems remembering to brush my teeth from time to time. If I go longer than a week then I notice when I floss or use the pick I might get one spot that bleeds a little but nothing gets sore. When I go to the dentist they tell me I am fine and my gum and teeth look good. They tell me I have a little more plaque but I think that is because I don’t remember to brush my teeth as often as I did when I used the fluoride toothpaste. So perhaps the fluoride suppresses both the good and bad bacteria that get into your mouth so if you forget to brush the bad bacteria starts to grow.
However if I eat a fairly good diet and brush and floss with water I feel my body will automatically provide the proper bacteria that is suppose to be in my mouth. I found that I don’t need to rely on fluoride toothpaste and Listerine to keep my mouth healthy. Proper brushing with an electric toothbrush, a pick, floss and water do much better and if I forget for a few days my mouth will take care of itself!
I believe that inflation or devaluing of the dollar is somewhere in our future if our reckless financial policies and suicidal monetary system remain unchanged. Ultimately my money will become less valuable and food will become more expensive. Poor people today subsist on grains such as corn, soy rice and wheat because they are the cheapest foods to buy. This would not work for me because I need a certain amount of meat and fruit and vegetables to keep me healthy and my energy levels up. In addition scientists are introducing genetically engineered corn and soy that is resistant to round up and other chemicals that kill weeds. The genetically modified corn and soy plants tolerate the herbicides well or are genetically engineered to create higher levels of pesticides, but many scientists say we don’t tolerate the excess herbicides found in these plants. They cause disruptions in our
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hormonal cycles. Also there is evidence that the genetically modified food impairs human immune systems possibly causing cancers and allergies. There is also a theory that genetically modified food plays a major factor in the colony collapse syndrome destroying many bees! Bees are the primary source of fertilization of many of our food crops! I am reclaiming my power to produce my own food. I am planting organic vegetable gardens and fruit trees so I can still have fruits and vegetables to eat. I do not wish to be forced to eat the cheaper genetically engineered pesticide or herbicide infested food in the future because of previous irresponsible financial decisions of my leaders that may result in the ultimate devaluing of our currency so we can no longer afford to eat high quality food. I chose not to be dependent on government subsidized, pesticide dependent factory farming that may impair my health. Also, if I properly nourish the soils for the plants I grow the plants I eat will have higher vitamin and mineral content leading to better health for me and others that consume the food I grow.
I know with the huge amount of factory chemically dependent farming and massive amounts of prescription drugs flushed down the toilets across America and the world, our ground water supplies are being poisoned not only with industrial chemicals but with estrogen mimicking drugs causing hormonal imbalances in both human and animal populations. Females are maturing faster than normal and non genetic breast cancer rates are sky rocketing throughout the world. Human fertility rates are also plummeting Like wise, chemicals such as fluoride are being added to drinking water when massive majorities of studies advise against such practices. Google Flouride in drinking water and see for yourself. I am reclaiming my power to control my own water resources. I am installing rainwater harvesting systems in my yard. Have you ever notice that plants grow so much better with rain water rather than water from a hose. Have you ever wondered why?
I am reclaiming my sense of wellbeing! I remember until about 3rd or 4th grade I was comfortable in my own skin. I could be with myself or with my friends and enjoy everything around me. Then suddenly I wasn’t good enough. I had to be better at this and better at that and I became driven. I could not stand being by myself. I always had to be doing something or be entertained because I could not stand being by myself. I was literally uncomfortable in my own skin and constantly had to be doing something to get away from myself! Perhaps through my diet, yoga practices or my vision I have rediscovered this power and I reclaim it! Part of the beauty of this is that I am happy with myself and I don’t need to have T.V. or music to entertain me. I can sit anywhere and be content.
In summary I believe as we emerged from our tribal roots and traveled through the agricultural, industrial and post industrial revolutions we voluntarily handed our power to various scientists and other elites thereby forfeiting the power we once had to impact our lives. However I found once I changed my intent to claim my power I actually became powerful
These links proposes tax resistance using the government laws against them so you will not even be indicted. www.noconfidence.com/ http://voidjudgements.net/ I feel today tax resistance must be seriously debated. Watching my pet dogs in relation to other dogs and watching various nature television programs observing predators I am clear on one thing with them. When they believe they are operating from strength they follow this motto. What is mine is mine and what is yours is negotiable. Once a roommate adopted a 20 pound adult black shelter dog that spent most of its life in the streets. One evening, I sat next to it to eat my dinner. It growled at me. I realized it wanted my dinner. As it attacked I grabbed its head with one hand and jammed my fist deep into its mouth so it could not get any leverage to bite down on me. For a
few minutes terrified it tried to get my fist out of its mouth but I kept a strong grip on the back of its head and pushed it against my fist. Eventually I let go and the dog
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immediately backed off. After washing my hands I sat in the same place and enjoyed my meal. For several more months I dined with my roommates and although the dog occasionally seized their meals, he left me alone.
I believe this ingrained instinct was wired in the mind of a predator for billions of years. The alpha male of the wolf pack is usually the most intelligent and valuable for the pack so he should get first dibs from the fresh kill. At least that is the only rationale I can think of for why an alpha wolf doesn’t share the most valuable parts of the prey with his fellow hunters. I don’t think you will see such behavior in sheep like prey animals. If a predator makes a kill he believes it is his and will attack others within limits that try to take it away from him. However if a hyena kills something and then a lion challenges him for it, the hyena abandons the kill valuing it life.
In terms of my discussion about taxes, once predators or parasites take something from me, I can’t appeal to the their sense of fairness and ask them to give it back because they do not have the same sense of fairness that I have. I think the predator’s or parasite’s sense of reason goes something like this. This is mine now because you were too stupid, or didn’t care when I took this away from you. If you think you are strong or smart enough to get it back then challenge me! Evidence shows that years ago the predators took the power of creating money and charging interests on that money from the Congress and through trickery and deceit convinced the Congress it was in America’s interests to turn this power over to the private elites that own the large banks. Now these elites use their vast wealth to buy influence of Congressmen to pass laws to further protect them. Gradually the hidden elites have amassed so much wealth that now they control the legislative and executive branches of our Federal government ensuring laws passed and implemented protect their interests. But as their power grows, along with the size of our federal government, especially the executive branch a gradual erosion of our freedoms and liberties continues. I believe the predators and parasites who wrestled the power to create and control money from our Congress have a similar relationship to my countrymen as the small black dog had with my roommates. When the dog was hungry he growled at one of them and they ran off and the dog ate their supper. We seem to have the same kind of relationship with the Federal Reserve, the large banks and the elites that control them.
Numerous times since the inception of the Federal Reserve people have asked reasonably, "You need to show us your books, you need to show us what you have done with the money we have given you." The Federal Reserve and the large banks have always said no and Congress has always backed down in case of a show down. I do not hate predators. God created them for a reason and they are only doing what they are designed to do, dominate and control others and cull the weak. Cousin I want to let you in on a little secret that no one wants to talk about. I believe these highly intelligent, deceptive beings control both parties to falsely divide the people and manipulate them while they quietly complete the trap for their ambush. Meanwhile they continue to slowly deprive us of our power, rights and liberty and slowly enslave us. Let me let you in on another secret. There is no one out there that can stop them: John Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Ross Perot, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Barrack Obama or Ron Paul. I suspect these predator human beings are so powerful, intelligent and cunning that anyone who has tried to defy them has either been killed or tricked and/or co-opted.
The predators may be so intelligent that they have enrolled us in a great deception. In my past, I blamed somebody else for my country’s and my woes. For me it was the Republicans, Conservatives, rich people, and corporations. Others blame poor people, drug dealers, mercenaries, abortion providers, Catholic Church, Unions, etc. The list goes on and on. I know I was so intent on blaming others I had no clue as to my role in the creation of this enormously powerful tyranny!
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Let me let you in on another little secret cousin. If I am the only 1 to take back my power, I don’t have a chance! If you remember when the water buffalo rose up there was no one leader there was a group. I am probably guilty of falling into the Dunning Kruger Effect but I believe some of my cousins and I are perceived as extremely dangerous to my hidden brothers and sisters, the hidden predators and parasites. We know where the blame for our misery lies and it is not out there somewhere.
Tomorrow we could break the backs of the banks and the hidden elites if we chose to withhold our taxes until the Fed is audited and the banks and the hidden elite are put under the authority of the Constitution. Given how our bankers have treated us in this recession I don’t understand why people still pay their mortgages. In my life the predators and parasites tested me and if I was weak they took away my power, freedom and tormented me. The more I backed down the more they enslaved and tormented me. Once they saw I was willing to risk everything to regain my dignity, freedom and rights after being beat up they saw I was not afraid and could hurt them like the lions in the video they backed down. Only then would we regain our dignity and once again the predators and parasites might rejoin us to create a more perfect union.
Dear Uncle Sam and My Cousins
Uncle Sam I’m sorry I judged and hated you and ask you in front of God and my cousins for forgiveness. As a brash teenager I thought I was better than you but I’ve faced the hidden powers and forces and lost every battle with them. For some 25 years I erased you from my heart and caste my lot with the Flower Children.
5 years ago out of the heart of the Flower Children emerged two anguished ones, one from San Francisco and one from Austin. Behind the anger, sarcasm and ridicule lay immense grief and despair. They tell me you are sick and dying! Is it true Uncle?
Dear Flower Children, I honor you for your gentle nature and kindness. Yet you do not understand or honor the spirits of the predator and parasite. For this they are systematically preparing a horrific Hell for you? Good bye Flower Children. I must find and stand with my Uncle Sam? If he dies I fear the Hell Beings will arise and there will be no place for you to hide!
Uncle Sam Are you here? Can you remember your greatness? Do you remember when we first met? Uncle do you remember the stories you told me of how you spoke through our leaders? You spoke through many through war and peace but here are my favorites. Do you remember the preamble to the Declaration of Independence? “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,[72] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Uncle you provided me with a wondrous treasure. I am Sovereign. As a Sovereign it is my right and my duty to protect my unalienable rights and chose a government that protects these rights! Uncle Sam remember this is who you are!
Uncle Sam do you remember George Washington and his men how despite lack of supplies, overwhelming odds and horrible weather you through them defeated the greatest empire of the age? Uncle thank you for this gift of persistence for it taught me never to give up.
Uncle do you remember guiding your servant Abraham Lincoln through the Gettysburg Address? Can you hear him?
“…Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
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” Uncle the gift of appreciation is one of the greatest gifts you can share with others. Thank you for teaching me to appreciate those who lived and died to make our world a better place. Uncle this is who I believe you are! Uncle do you remember how when Robert E. Lee’s Army surrendered Grant’s men began cheering! Do you remember you spoke through Grant and told the men not to exalt in the Confederate defeat for these men are again our countrymen! Do you remember when you inspired Joshua L Chamberlain to lead the official surrender of Robert E Lee’s Army? Remember the moving words he wrote concerning why we must welcome back our former enemies into the Union?
“…Before us in proud humiliation stood the embodiment of manhood: men whom neither toils and sufferings, nor the fact of death, nor disaster, nor hopelessness could bend from their resolve; standing before us now, thin, worn, and famished, but erect, and with eyes looking level into ours, waking memories that bound us together as no other bond;—was not such manhood to be welcomed back into a Union so tested and assured?...” Thank you Uncle for teaching me the gift of forgiveness for without it neither the Union or I could have survived! Uncle this is who you are!
Your magnificence shone as you spoke through your servant Martin Luther King Jr. as he proclaimed his, “I Have a Dream Speech. Through your spirit I received the gifts of justice, integrity and accountability. I treasure and cherish all these gifts. Do you remember Martin, Uncle Sam? Can you hear him as he proclaims the last part of this speech for this to me is who you are!
“…And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today!
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I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."2
This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.
With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
And this will be the day -- this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:
My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside, let freedom ring!
And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
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But not only that:
Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!3
This is you Uncle Sam! This is who you really are! It is my dream that you be who you are!
I rarely hear you speak through our leaders now. When the anguished ones cried from San Francisco and Austin I knew I must seek you out. When I see you now the angels no longer sing and dance around you. You believe they have left you but they cry and weep because they desire to serve and love you as only they could! You look at me in anger in defiance and shame. Please do not do so. You gave me so much! It is not my purpose to judge you now. I come offering gifts! Perhaps they will help you as they helped me!
I battled the powers of the hidden ones and by 19, I knew I would die or kill others if I got no help. Parents, doctors, psychiatrists, friends reacted differently. To some I was a hypochondriac, others tried to help but could not. As I slowly heal, I seek understanding so I’ve communed with the hidden ones with hearts of jackals and leeches with intelligence inconceivable to mere mortals. When you bargained with them you never had a chance Uncle? Did you know who you were up against? Emerging I believe in the dawn of the agricultural revolution, they gradually sucked more and more power from us.
At 19 I had a choice, die, die and harm or kill others or ask for help? God was the only one left and 37 years later I am still here Uncle! I offer this prayer for you me
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and my cousins to give us strength to forgive ourselves, release us from the bondage of our sins so all of us can find God, connect with our Angels, hearts and spirits and we can be guided and protected once more for I sense Hell is descending upon us.
Perhaps the greatest prayer of all is to pray that you and others find their way back to God. There are many powerful prayers to facilitate this reunion. The Christian Lord’s Prayer beginning, “Our Father who art in Heaven,” is one such powerful prayer. There are many others. I pray you Uncle and your nephews and nieces build an ever increasing bond between ourselves and God. There are many powerful meditations I have been taught that helped me connect to my heart, spirit, Angels and others around me. Perhaps these can help you and my cousins.
I am constantly amazed in my life when I meet or read about former gangsters and murderers who break down in tears when they profess Jesus and how through Jesus they transformed their lives. These are humans who have never known the power of unconditional love in their lives and are utterly it a loss of words when they 1st encounter such a spirit. No one and nothing in our system ever reached such frozen hearts but their hearts melted in the presence of such a spirit. Uncle many of my cousins and I pray that you open your heart and spirit to this force of unconditional love and that your heart and spirit can be healed so that you can forgive yourself and be released from the bondage of your sins and fears regaining your heart, soul, spirit, strength and wisdom again. We also pray for our cousins/my countrymen who have harden their hearts against you and have given up on you. We pray that this spirit of unconditional love dwell between us as we open our hearts to each other.
One of the great teachings of the Catholic Church is the importance of Mary, Jesus mother. They consider Mary almost as important as Jesus and pray to her for help and guidance. There are numerous examples of Mary appearing to her followers throughout the world. No more potent symbol of unconditional love exists in the human world than that existing between a mother and her child. It does not matter what her children do, the mother will always love them. I pray that this mother’s love and forgiveness shine down upon you and all our cousins/countrymen allowing our hearts and spirits to open and heal so we can forgive ourselves and be released from the bondage of our sins and fears regaining our hearts, souls, spirits, strength and wisdom again. I pray that this spirit of unconditional love dwell within our hearts and spirits as we talk to and listen to each other.
The Dalia Llama and the Tibetan teachings also recognize the healing power of the unconditional love mothers pour out upon their children. For me this gift was the most potent in saving me from self-destruction and the harming of others. In this visualization I imagine all the mothers of the world gazing down upon you and each
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of my cousins. Imagine you are the child of all of these mothers that gaze down upon you as they hold you in their arms. I pray that all these mothers gaze down upon you with radiant unconditional love and feel the strength pouring into your heart and spirit allowing you to forgive yourself and be released from the bondage of your sins and fears so you connect to your heart, soul, spirit, strength and wisdom again. I pray that the unconditional love of all the mothers who have ever lived and who will live now and in the future pour into and dwell in our spirits as we open our heart to each other.
Perhaps throughout space and throughout time Saints have existed who have fully tapped into the power of God and the power of love and I request that these Saints from all the religions pour their love and wisdom to you and my cousins so that we can open and heal our hearts and spirits so we can forgive ourselves and be released from the bondage of our sins and fears so we connect to our hearts, souls, spirits, strength and wisdom again. I pray to the Saints of all the religions to pour their love and wisdom into our hearts and spirits as we listen to and talk with one another.
In the tradition of many religions is the concept of the Angels. In this belief each human has a guardian Angel that dwells with him or her. The Angel always provides unconditional love for the human that it oversees in much the same way as a devoted dog unconditionally loves his or her master. Teachers in the Waldorf tradition are taught to pray to and call fourth each of their student’s guardian angels. Each Angel including the guardian Angel of the teacher guides the teacher to meet each child’s needs. I pray and call fourth our guardian angels so that in our thoughts and actions we will treat each other with love and compassion and all of us can open and heal our hearts and spirits releasing ourselves from the bondage of our sins and fears allowing each of us to reconnect with our hearts, souls and spirits so we can all speak from our hearts and listen to one another with compassion.
I pray that all of my cousins, your nephews and nieces/my countrymen and country women will pray either using these prayers or their own to surround themselves and you with love and compassion so all of us can speak authentically from our hearts and listen to one another and we can perhaps retake or own power, our country and our world back for ourselves so all of us including the hidden ones, who enslave and harm us can become free and we can serve one other.
I have a dream that all my cousins here pray in this way or in their own way so that God, Jesus, the mothers, the Saints from all the religions and the Angels and all who have, who are and will be acting to make creation a better place, they all will dwell among us so as we open our hearts to one another we will listen speak and act from the angels of our better natures. Please know Uncle Sam as I open up to you I love you and my cousins perhaps more than you will ever know! Please take this love with you as I open my heart to you.
Uncle you always taught me to think for my self and investigate to seek the truth then act accordingly. In high school, I read the State and Defense Department documents and asked respectfully now, “Why did you send our precious warriors to Vietnam to shed their
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blood for a people who did not want us there and did not understand our concept of liberty and freedom?” I ask the same now in Iraq and Afghanistan? Uncle why now are we fighting a semi-permanent or permanent war? Why now when our children and grandchildren face ever increasing debt do those who speak in your name lead us into another war in Libya?
Uncle what is happening to our Constitution and Representative form of government? Can you look me straight in the eye and tell me it still exists? Did you know Alan Greenspan said The Federal Reserve is not accountable to the 3 branches of government described in the Constitution? Uncle Sam we had a severe recession impacting the entire world resulting in millions of Americans loosing their jobs and homes and misery throughout the world. Congressional investigations claim that banks and businesses conducted fraudulent criminal activities on a vast scale never seen before, resulting in the greatest banking heist in world history? Uncle Sam why has no one been prosecuted for these crimes? Uncle Sam why did the leaders who created this crisis in the previous Bush Administration, now lead our economic policy in the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department and the banks in the Obama Administration?
Now lets turn to the stock market and the role their derivatives played in the Great Recession. The Congressional investigations agree that one of the primary causes of the great recession was the uncontrolled trading and lack of regulations with derivatives. Why Uncle has no law banning, regulating or controlling derivatives been passed? On February 15, 2011 NPR’s Market Place announced that the German Stock Market has bought the New York Stock Exchange! NPR states that trading in stocks has become passé. This new entity’s focus will be the selling and trading of derivatives! Again Uncle after the trading of derivatives almost destroyed the United States and the World’s economy, why are you allowing our markets to trade in such dangerous tools?
Uncle does Wall Street and the large banks now control the legislative and executive branches of our government? In 2007 the House of Representatives was told by Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, “You have to pass the 700 billion bail out. The house refused and was given little time to read the bill? That day the stock market crashed. The next day the House passed the bill? Uncle Sam did you or your hidden partners threaten martial law or worse? In 2010 two bills before Congress tried to stop Too Big to Fail Banks and attempted to Audit the Fed? Again the stock market crashed dropping 700 points in 10 minutes! This type of sudden huge drop never happened before Uncle. Many signed a pledge in Congress promising to pass the bill to Audit the Fed. They broke their promise and gutted the Audit the Fed bill. They allowed the banks that nearly crashed our economy to grow larger? Uncle what did you or the hidden ones who you bargain with tell them?
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Uncle there are other disturbing trends. Why does our Congress pass bills they don’t read? I don’t blame them in a way because they are written in such a way that no one can understand them? Uncle is this your intent that huge bills that no one understands be rubber stamped and passed by Congress? I do not believe this is you and I pray, request and expect that you come out as you truly are!
Reflecting on the previous paragraph please consider this quote by Thomas Jefferson. “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the Government, to whom it properly belongs”
Don’t the hidden ones and the banks control us now? Individuals going all the way back to Aristotle have told us that when you allow private hidden interests the power to create money and control interest rates they do so in a way that increases their power so that over time a small group of men gain control over the entire government. Uncle given the evidence I have presented, Can you honestly tell me that the hidden ones do not control you?
For 98 years The Federal Reserve Bank a quasi-government entity run by hidden private interests and nominally watched by the House of Representatives created low risk money almost out of thin air lending it to citizens and government and charging interest. This money had little risk because it was not earned by creating goods and services but created in exchange for debt with little risk for the banks. For the millions of loans, mortgages and other debt for every dollar spent obtaining some kind of economic service or good, approximately 1 dollar and 50 cents was spent for interest paid to the banks for the privilege of borrowing low risk money from them. Consider this power to create money interests rates and the magic of compounding interest over time then the hidden investors at the Federal Reserve and other banks can make a killing in 98 years. Uncle what do they do with all their money? Congress doesn’t let us Audit the Fed. Louis T McFadden the Chairman of the House Banking Committee from 1921-1931 claims the Fed secretly funded, Hitler, the Soviet and Chinese Revolutions. Uncle what do the Hidden Ones that control the banks do with their money?
This is the crux of my dis ease Uncle Sam? You and the ones that work in your name don’t tell us where these vast trillions of dollars are spent? Did we fund Hitler, Lenin and Mao with our tax dollars? Uncle did we fund the CIA to bring drugs to our nation? Uncle did we fund and or are we still funding coups in various nations to install puppets that support interests of the Hidden Ones? One of my sources says we have and continue to install governments in the Muslim world to suppress their people, to radicalize them. We drop bombs on villages to kill the occasional terrorist but on purpose we kill others including women and children. This radicalizes and
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inflames these people but according to my source it is in the hidden ones interests to radicalize them. If they can create a huge war their profits go up! What about 9/11? Is it possible that it was an inside job? Uncle considering we have been battling two wars for years, why does our Southern border remain open? Are there hidden interests that desires to smuggle terrorist cells into our cities so that they can destroy the cities and these hidden interests can then declare a national emergency totally revoke the Constitution and declare martial law? It has happened in many other nations Uncle Sam.
Uncle our Congress has very low approval ratings but I don’t think most of them are traitors or incompetent. I believe the reality is far more tragic for them and you. I pray that my cousins/countrymen have compassion for them and you. I sincerely believe that you and they would resist the hidden ones even with certainty of death if you and they were the only ones involved. They are not. Uncle when you and Congress backed down from the hidden ones concerning our banking system you did so knowing that many of my cousins and I might have died as the hidden ones crashed the economy, destroyed the last vestiges of our Constitutional Representative Government and strangled our country. Uncle do you understand that death for many of us may occur if you chose to align yourself with the Hidden Ones or you chose liberty and freedom? If you, my cousins and I must die, isn’t it more honorable for us to die for liberty and freedom rather than being killed when my dark hidden brothers and sisters no longer have any use for us? I dream of the day that my cousins find God, their Angels and reconnect with their hearts and spirits and you will see that they are tough and not afraid to be free men and women and you too will join us again.
Yes Uncle, I am afraid for you, my family and my cousins. Yet I am also honored and grateful to be alive in this great age! I believe God sent my secretive brothers and sisters, the Hidden Ones to us to test us with a great choice. Do we chose to follow the greatest commandment of all time “Love God with all your mind, heart and soul and love thy neighbor as thyself” or do we chose bondage and slavery and submit to their New World Order? Uncle Sam may we walk with God, may the Angels sing and dance with us again, may Jesus, the mothers, the Saints from all the religions, and all good creatures pour their unconditional love into our hearts and spirit so you can forgive yourself and once again lead my cousins and I, and although we may stand at the gates of Hell, we shall not be conquered as we shout, Free at last, Free at last! Thank God almighty we are free at last!
Dear Cousins
I believe children need love, nourishment and discipline to reach their full potential. So do their parents. My family is not like a girl friend who I decide I don’t like anymore and dump. If I dump my parents or dump my children because they keep disappointing me because they don’t meet my expectations I tear out a piece of my heart because they are family. I lived with them and shared
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experiences, so hardening my heart against them is like hardening my heart against myself. The same blood and spirit runs through families. I feel my Uncle Sam is part of my family. My culture, my values, my education all are deeply impacted by the traditions of my country, my Uncle. I am also my Uncle’s child. The same dogged determination, idealism, optimism, sense of justice runs through my veins as his. From the shadow side I possess his arrogance, impulsivity, naivety and greed placing both of us in great danger. Cousins/countrymen, I ask, if you honestly analyze your selves, Are you any better or worse than he or me?
Long ago I killed off my Uncle because he did not meet my high expectations. Oddly enough I never met my high expectations either so I killed off my heart from myself. It did not make my life any better. I lived in hell. I don’t know what to say except when I feel Uncle now I sense torment and anguish with no connection to his cousins/countrymen, his God, his Angels or the Saints from all the religions. This spirit now that was so special to me as a child seems utterly lost, defeated, enslaved and cursed. Am I the only one who see’s who Uncle once was? Did you see his magnificence long ago? Can you pray for my Uncle now? Not only for his sake but for yours? Perhaps your love will heal his spirit and heart and do the same for you?
Cousins as I open my heart to you I pray that God, Jesus, Mary, the Mothers, the Fathers, the Angels and the Saints from all the religions pour their unconditional love and wisdom into your hearts and spirits enabling you to heal so you to can be released from the bondage and enslavements of your sins. I pray that God, Jesus, Mary, the Mothers, the Fathers, the Angels and the Saints from all the religions open our hearts so guided by the angels of our higher natures we will listen to one another with compassion and speak from our hearts. I dream this love and wisdom will help guide my Uncle and all my cousins/countrymen back through Hell and the Wilderness into the Promised-Land. Dear cousins please take this prayer with you as I open my heart to you because my questions are troubling but if we trust that we our loved we can face these horrifying questions and still be free.
Cousins here are my observations and comments for you. Hannah Arendt a Jewish activist resisted the Nazis during and after their rise to power. For her efforts she was transferred to a concentration camp in France eventually escaping and settling in the United States. She describes two primary types of evil. Radical evil is embodied in men like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. These individuals openly express, and acted on their evil intent. Hitler called for world domination through force and the elimination of classes and races of people. However in order for radical evil to flourish one needs to recognize the immense importance of banal evil!!! Eichman a lieutenant colonel in the German Army never espoused anti-semantic words or actions yet he was responsible for the transfer of millions of Jews to concentration camps. He was
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told to do certain things and he did them. It is not clear in the article whether he knew what happened to the people he transferred but does it make any difference when you consider the end result! People who commit banal evil commit actions that harm others but they do so without realizing their actions contribute to great evil. They are often unknowingly used by the radical evil ones to further their radical evil designs.
If I live in a country and after a while I realize people are disappearing without a trace and I say nothing about it am I committing banal evil? I can say, “Oh they are only going to work camps. It is none of my business.” If I don’t question or ask what is going on don’t I become complicit in furthering both banal and radical evil?
While in the United States Hannah Arendt estranged herself from the Jewish community by publicly stating that the Jews in Germany were complicit and partly responsible for their fate in the concentration camps. She believed they practiced a form of banal evil by not speaking up when the Nazis began persecuting them. They kept saying to themselves that Hitler would leave them alone after a while as long as they cooperated and did not cause trouble. They allowed the Nazis to round them up and take them to the concentration camps where they were slaughtered.
A man once asked Gandhi whether the Jews could have used nonviolence to resist Hitler. Gandhi answered that once Hitler began persecuting the Jews they should have all rose up and practiced civil disobedience. The man countered, "But Hitler probably would have killed them." Gandhi told the man that if Hitler killed them, then the world would know what kind of man Hitler was and he would not have become as powerful as he became later.
My cousins we may be in the same boat as the Jews in Germany in the early 1930ties. What if I told you that the government forming now may have committed greater atrocities then that which occurred under Hitler? Should I just ignore this because I have been so frustrated with politics? If I google anti-fertility vaccines and anti-fertility practices I would find out millions if not billions may have been killed covertly!
If I read through Congressional investigations and government documents I discover people are oppressed and tortured by governments throughout the world and my tax money and money from the hidden ones may prop up these oppressive governments?
My countrymen and women, do you know the 3 branches of the government and their responsibilities? Do you know who originally had the power to declare war? Do you know how the Constitution works? If you don’t how would you know if it is being destroyed? How would you know if tyranny and oppression is occurring here? Do you care?
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My cousins what should I do after I read what the banks have done? What should I do when the Director of the FBI tells me of the pervasiveness of banking fraud? How do I respond when I find out that the leaders whose policies almost destroyed the economy in 2007 are still leading the economy today? What is the morally correct action to take when I read Congressional testimony that the banks practiced fraudulent criminal activity on a scale never seen before yet our Congress allowed the leaders of these banks to stay in their jobs and allowed the banks to even become more powerful? Should I remain apathetic, and uncaring knowing that no one has been prosecuted for these crimes against our people? Should I remain compliant and complicit when I have evidence that the unelected officials of the banks control our government and control us?
Dear countrymen should I drown myself in sports and pornography knowing that the executive branch of our government is becoming increasingly powerful? When The Washington Post proclaims that billions a year are being spent by the executive branch of government funding intelligence agencies allied with huge private corporations that might threaten the lives and liberties of my family, should I care? This secretive shadow government exists throughout the country according to the Washington Post article, “Top Secret America” and it is not accountable to the Senate, Congress or the courts? Should I just escape into a good book knowing that none of the Senators or Congressmen know how much money is actually spent by this shadow government? Should I role model to my son, this is too big and scary so I am going to do nothing recognizing that there is very little oversight of this massive secretive organization by our Congress? What do you think? Should I just say, "Fuck it, I can’t do anything about it" or is it my responsibility to take action?
My cousins all these things are going on around me in the news everyday? Do I choose to ignore these facts and how my actions or lack of actions contribute to these facts? Do I choose not to consider the implications of these facts? What if I find out perhaps some of the interests I pay on my various loans goes to create a powerful tyrannical national or global government controlled by hidden elites? Do I have a moral responsibility to investigate it or care? Do I rationalize, "Oh I am just so busy and barely surviving, I don’t have time to consider all of these disturbing questions." If I decide I don’t have the strength or time to consider the possible implications of my actions or lack of actions am I willing to accept the possibility that I am complicit in causing banal evil? If this banal evil leads to the committing of great radical evil am I willing to take responsibility for my part in allowing this to happen?
My cousins I believe I am chosen to live in the greatest age ever because I must choose between a world offering tyranny, bondage and slavery or I can commit to the greatest commandment of all time, Love God with all my mind heart and soul and
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love my neighbor as myself. If God is willing, I call forth God, I call forth Jesus, Mary and all the Saints from all the religions, I call forth God’s Angels, I call forth all righteous beings to pour down their love, wisdom and courage to my Uncle and his friends, my cousins and all humans and creatures of our world so we can become one world under God with Liberty and Justice for all. Amen.
A Prayer For the Hidden Ones
I believe my hidden brothers and sisters tell us not to meddle in the occult. Yet do they use occult forces against us? I believe my hidden brothers and sisters tell us magic is superstitious rubbish yet do they know and use magical power to enslave and control us?
Here are thoughts that are profound to me. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Or one rotten apple in a barrel of apples can quickly ruin the whole barrel of apples. Also, if in a family, tribe or group of friends one or more persons are in great pain or misery the whole group is adversely affected by that pain. If only 15 or 20 people in a neighborhood of thousands, commit murders, assaults and other crimes all the thousands in that neighborhood are adversely impacted. In some sense I am my brothers and sisters keepers for their suffering or happiness effects my own.
I believe my hidden brothers and sisters as we have given our power over to them through the thousands of years, have used this power to wrought immense suffering for the rest of us. Yet the ones who inflict pain are drastically changed for the worse so for them I also pray.
The Bible claims that God will take the evil ones some day and cast them into a fiery pit and eventually destroy them. It could be that there are some people so evil that they deserve such a fate but even though the hidden ones I sense may have or may in the future commit crimes far greater than Hitler, Stalin or Mao, they can’t act without our ignorance or tacit compliance. If God does destroy them some day then perhaps we shall perish with them for not witnessing about their evil or acting against them.
Although I can judge their actions as good or bad it is not my place to judge the hidden ones as good or bad so I offer this prayer to them (The Hidden Ones). Hidden Ones as I open my heart to you I pray that God, Jesus, Mary, the Mothers, the Fathers, the Angels and the Saints from all the religions pour their unconditional love and wisdom into your hearts and spirits through out time and space enabling you to heal so you to can be released from the bondage and enslavements of your sins. I pray that God, Jesus, Mary, the Mothers, the Fathers, the Angels and the Saints from all the religions open our hearts so guided by the
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angels of our higher natures we will listen to one another with compassion and speak from our hearts. I dream this love and wisdom will help guide my Uncle and all my cousins and my fellow humans and creatures on this planet back through Hell and the Wilderness into the Promised Land. Dear Hidden Ones, please take this prayer with you as we open our hearts because the questions are troubling but if we trust that we are loved we can face these horrifying questions and still be free.
Kind of Like Visions
The Illness
What I am about to share is not a vision. I did not sit down one day and have God angels or some kind of entities tell me all these things. I just read the papers, listen to varying points of view and think about these things a lot. But it is easier to condense these thoughts into stories for efficient communication. I have 3 or 4 related stories.
Imagine I got sick one day. I felt physically ill. I could not think clearly. In fact I was foggy headed and depressed. Other times I screamed at the people around me and experienced other odd physical symptoms as well. Doctors did tons of test before they could figure out what was wrong. Here is what I was told.
The illness that afflicts me is poorly understood. If I do nothing there is a chance that I could die a horrible death. The chances of death are somewhere between 10 to 50%. Doctors are certain though if I do nothing and let the illness run its course than the illness will be more severe for any of my children. In fact if my children do nothing then the illness continues to worsen for each new generation.
The good news is if I am proactive then I might actually live an almost normal and my children if they are mindful and take care of themselves can have normal lives also. It seems however if we, or our offspring becomes lazy then the illness can come roaring back with devastating results.
I was told to do certain things to counteract this illness. First and foremost the doctor stressed that I am a social creature so I must stay connected to others and be loving, honest and care for myself and those around me in the best way that I can. I must get plenty of exercise and rest. Finally I must eat healthy food, be limber and stay strong. I must find the time to do all these things to stay well. Guidelines for these actions were given but because my genetic make up and experience are unique I must figure out the specifics of my care myself.
The Spirits of the Predators and Prey
First a spirit representing predators and parasites spoke. “Please listen then protect yourselves. I feel misunderstood. I am hated and called evil. I believe as long as I am hated and misunderstood, I shall have the power to
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enslave or kill the ones who hate and misunderstand me. God has given us as much right to live on this Earth as he has given to the others. God or creation has designed us with one primary purpose in mind. We exist to cull the herds of weak or sick animals. I believe I have the right to enslave or kill any creature who becomes sick, weak or loses his or her vision.”
Next a spirit representing the prey animals spoke. “Please listen then protect yourselves. Your sacred brothers and sisters the predators and parasites are coming to test you as they have tested your other brothers and sisters through out time. I honor these brothers and sisters because in order for me to be free I must develop wisdom, intelligence and strength to stay alive and be free. I also encourage my family and friends to do the same for if they are not strong then I am not safe. Then when we are tested through our bravery courage and wisdom we shall remain free.
Part !! A Possible Future If We Stay the Same
Living in the Shadow of Rule by Silver and Lead
Some of what I describe may be true already and the rest might be yet to come. I know I may be called a racist but I will pose the question anyway. Should we be hiring Americans of Mexican decent, especially those with family in Mexico, as border guards? I understand that they may understand the Mexican culture better than their white counterparts but there is a dark side. Let’s pretend and travel inside the head of such a troubled soul who has been given a choice.
Dear God
My parents came to this country so that I and my brothers and sisters could have a better life. Oh yes there were problems and there was racism yet I had white teachers who cared for me and I found many white friends and I grew to love this country.
I studied hard in school but I did not do well enough to afford a scholarship for college but my parents instilled in me a belief in education to get ahead. So when the military recruiter told me I could get most of my college paid if I served I had no doubt what to do! I served with distinction and honor in the wars I fought.
My parents also taught me to respect my Mexican culture and heritage and one of the ways this respect grew in me was our frequent trips back to their homeland to keep in touch with the part of the family that remained on that side of the border. I wrote many papers for my teachers in the U.S.A. of my adventures with my Mexican cousins. A few of my Uncles and cousins worked for the drug cartels but neither I or my brothers and sisters had much contact with this side of our family.
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After college and having enjoyed the adventure of the military I decided to join the border patrol for in some ways it is like the military with its sense of adventure so I settled down, married and my wife and I have children of our own. I take my job seriously so when I suspected that someone was crossing illegally or trafficking in drugs I confronted them without backing down. Up to this weekend I have always been proud of my performance in my job and I am well liked by my subordinates, peers and superiors.
3 weekends ago my Uncle Pedro Sanchez paid me a visit. For a couple of hours he talked to my wife my children and I about how his family was doing in Mexico and he asked how my family was doing. He was very outgoing and polite putting my kids and wife at ease. I was on edge because he was one of the Uncles from the dark side of my family. Sure enough at one point when my wife and children were out of the room he requested that we meet in private for he needed to discuss some urgent business. We agreed to meet for coffee at Starbucks for 15 minutes the following day after work.
As soon as we met Pedro got right down to business. He said, “Juan, I know you don’t approve of what I and my family do but I take much of the money I earn in the business and I help build hospitals, schools and other things for the poor in Mexico. Without the money from my business the economy of Mexico and possibly of your country would collapse. Juan I know what a good job you are doing as a border agent. You have busted some of the family who tried to smuggle drugs into the U.S. This has come to the attention to my boss who asked me to talk to you because they know we are family. I understand you don’t like our business but all we are asking is that when I tell you, we will be sending a drug shipment your way we will tell you the exact date, time and vehicle that will be coming across the border. All you got to do is allow this vehicle to pass unchecked.
I know the predicament you and your family our in. Food prices, gas and other living expenses are skyrocketing due to the collapsing dollar. I know there is little hope you can get the money together to get your children into college so they can enjoy the things you struggled to make your life and theirs better. If you can get your subordinates to look the other way when we send our drugs through then I can assure you that you will have the money you need to send your children to college.”
I was about to tell him I did not want to have anything to do with his corruption but I never got the chance. He just looked at me with pleading eyes and said, “Juan please listen to me, you know I am family, I would never do anything to hurt you but my boss told me to present you this offer from them not me!” Juan dug deep in his pockets and pulled out a lead bullet and a silver coin and dropped it on the table before me. First he held up the silver coin and spoke, “Juan if you help us then you will be given anything you need for your family”. Then he held up the lead bullet in front of my eyes, “If you get in my bosses way they will give you lead. My boss told me to tell you this. Before they give you the lead you will watch them give it to your wife and your children. You know what happens to others in our family who tried to stand up to my boss!”
I glared at my Uncle. “Get away from me. I don’t ever what to see you ever again. If you come on my property I swear to God I will kill you.’ Then Uncle Pedro stood up slammed a bill on the table and walked out!
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What do I do God? What do you think I should do knowing if I resist, my family and I face almost certain death? I picked up the bill. It was a thousand dollar bill.
A friend of mine who is involved with the Arizona 1070 legislation told me this. You know almost all of the border agents caught smuggling or allowed drugs to be smuggled into the U.S. are Mexican Americans who still have family in Mexico. The drug cartels target them because they are likely to give in once they our given the silver or lead proposition!
The Story of Wolf and Dog is the Story of Man
In the oral history of the wolves for thousands of years they lived a nomadic life unchallenged as the apex predators of their forests and grasslands. They usually had enough to eat and rarely did the wolf clans fight with other clans. Perhaps 12,000 years ago or so things gradually changed. This change was preceded by a gradually worsening drought causing a die off of many plants and animals that fed on the plants. Neighboring wolf clans who before lived in peace rarely trespassing in territory of neighboring pacts now out of desperation openly warred against one another because of the scarcity of prey. Weaker and smaller clans were killed off by larger clans who had no choice but kill the others if they were to survive!
However there was one group, the humans that adapted and thrived in these conditions. They evolved long ago into two legged creatures freeing their front legs to become arms and hands. In addition, they evolved opposable thumbs allowing them to develop deadly weapons that neither tooth nor claw could match. As the drought worsened the human clans grew and ranged over vast territories competing with other predators for prey. Often they came into conflict with the predators and 99 times out of 100 when humans and predators fought the humans triumphed. The wolves highly intelligent predators realized they were no match for these humans and quickly retreated before the humans and fought among themselves for the gradually shrinking territories. It was in this environment Dog arose.
No one is quite sure how Dog arrived but here is the story that came to me. Dog was a wolf pup born in a neighboring wolf clan bordering on the Wolf clan that is in this story. It is believed Dog lived somewhere in the Middle East according to modern scientists. Dog’s Wolf’s clan was out hunting for scarce prey but Dog who was gradually being weaned along with the other pups in the litter nursed his mother in the wolf den when the humans discovered them. Dog’s mother sensing danger trotted out growling and seeing the humans prepared to attack. The humans filled her with arrows because she was a wolf competing with the humans for scarce prey. The humans entered the cave and killed the pups. Somehow they missed Dog who became the ancestor of all dogs. Believing they accomplished their mission, the humans moved on.
The wolf cub sensing something was wrong stumbled outside to find his dead mother. This is where the girl and boy found him crying. The compassionate girl decided she would save him. She and her brother ran back carrying the wolf puppy to their village and pleaded with their parents
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and the elders to keep it. The adults tried to persuade the children to put it back where they found it but the little girl’s tears were too much for them so they told the children, "Take care of it yourselves but when it gets big you will need to let it go." The little boy, girl and the puppy they named Dog were inseparable. Dog either followed the children around or they carried the puppy in their arms. At first the children found Dog food, but soon because of his friendly personality all in the village loved the wolf pup and someone always gave Dog scraps of meat. Before long, the little wolf pup became the favorite of all the small children of the village and he was usually seen either in the arms of one of the little ones or playing with one or more of the children.
This joyful existence did not last long. One night while the village slept, a neighboring human tribe attacked desiring more land. As was the custom at the time, the warriors and men of the village were killed while the women and children were carried off as slaves Dog too young to know to bark when he heard the strangers approaching, fled in the commotion of the battle. Lacking skills to survive on his own, he attempted to befriend other human clans only to have rocks and spears thrown at him. After several attempts with similar results Dog wandered into the woods attempting to hunt. Lacking the training from his clan, Dog could not capture the food he needed.
Dog, the Wolf pup, had wandered onto a neighboring wolf clan’s property lead by, to keep things simple a wolf we will call, Wolf. Because of the severe drought, Wolf’s clan had the same policy as all of the wolf clans in the area. If a wolf or wolves, trespassed into another clans territory they were chased out or killed if cornered. Wolf the leader was the first to spot the strange wolf cub and attacked it. Smelling the human scent he did not recognize it as a wolf pup. Wolf was intent on killing him. Dog despite his weakness defended himself best he could but Wolf soon had him on his back with his teeth about to sink into the puppy’s throat. Dog yelpied and Wolf backed off aghast realizing he was about to kill a wolf cub. They stared at each other Wolf staring down and Dog on his back with his belly and throat exposed to Wolf in a sign of complete submission. Wolf backed off a foot or two and continued staring at the cub realizing it was starving. Dog rolled over and wagging his tail crawled on his belly toward Wolf. Wolf grabbed the puppy by the back of the neck and walked over to his mate. Dropping the pup in front of her he and the others took off to continue the hunt.
His mate began teaching Dog how to hunt and care for himself. Perhaps his human contact caused Dog to be unusually intelligent because he learned fast and soon joined the pack on their hunts. Over time Dog became powerful and dreamed of leading the wolf pack but Wolf a great leader would be hard to beat. However Dog constantly tested Wolf and prepared for the day for when he would challenge and defeat Wolf and lead the pack.
Wolf was a great leader for a reason and knew exactly Dog’s designs. For a long time Wolf dreaded the day of the challenge for Wolf and Dog were diametrically opposed on one fundamental issue that is their relationship to the human clans that continually encroached upon their territory. Wolf felt it would be a disaster to join forces with the human clans while Dog just as adamantly felt that only by joining in partnership with the human clans would the wolves survive. Wolf’s deep sadness was fueled by the fact that he helped raise and loved dog from a pup and knew that the challenge could result in the death of one or both of them. Such death would be a tragic blow
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to the wolf clan. However Wolf’s heart told him that the wolf pack must never join forces with the human clans and he would die to see that it would not come to pass.
One day Wolf requested that Dog walk with him and they shared their hearts and thoughts with one another. It was apparent to Wolf that Dog also would never back down. However Wolf was a great leader for a reason and came up with a plan so that neither would face death from the other. He told Dog that each wolf in the clan would have to choose which of them was right then they must split the pack with Wolf leading one and Dog leading the other. Wolf requested that a great council be held and because Wolf was still the leader, Dog would speak first speaking as long as he needed, then Wolf would speak. Dog was astonished that Wolf would allow such an event but he also felt great relief for he realized he would not have to challenge Wolf for the leadership.
The council meeting started early the next day and Wolf called the meeting to order.
Wolf: Dear brothers and sisters, we face a great dilemma, so great that each of you must search your hearts and decide on your own your choice. As you know, the drought intensifies so there is less food for us. To survive the wolf clans fight and many die. Yet human predators because of their cunning and intelligence drive us off our lands into smaller spaces intensifying our fighting among ourselves. All of us must decide, do we become partners or submit to the humans in the hope that our lives will be spared, or do we maintain our power and freedom and risk being slowly exterminated by the human clans? This is the fundamental issue upon which Dog and I differ! Based on your decision our pack will split into two depending on whom your heart chooses. Since I am still leader I shall speak last after Dog says all that he needs to say.
Wolf walked back to the circle and Dog walked to the center of the circle to speak to the clan.
Dog: For as long as anyone can remember wolves have been masters of the forest and grasslands and because we cooperate, no predator, the bear, tiger, lion or others have been as strong as us until the humans arrive. Yet like the stars in the heavens, they grow in numbers and vanquish all predators that challenge them. Each day they take lands away from the wolf clans and someday they shall rule the world. If we do not form a partnership with them then we will be destroyed along with the other predators that challenge them. However if we form a partnership with them as they spread through the world, we will spread along with them.
Dog then spent hours describing what he has witnessed in his life of all the great predators he has seen killed by the human clans including bears, mountain lions, lions, saber tooth tigers etc and he explained how the human clans cooperate to hurt just as the wolf clans do but he elaborated utilizing many examples of how no great predator could outrun or dodge the spears and arrows of the humans. In addition, he told a story of how humans brang fourth fire to trap prey and slaughter them. Humans were the only animal he ever saw who did not fear fire.
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He recalled the human children whom befriended him and were very kind so he believed the wolves could win them over and be partners with them. He recounted examples of how the human clans operated very much in the same way as the wolf clans. It was late in the night when Dog finished so he returned to his spot in the circle and Wolf was allowed to speak the last words.
Wolf: Dog speaks from his heart and truth resides in his words so I have no doubt that some must join with Dog in his new clan. I cannot and will not join with the human clans and I will fight to the death to remain free and protect not only my power but the power of all the members of my clan. Dog is very powerful now and soon Dog will be a greater leader than I. Dog is not patient and I knew in a few days he planned to challenge me. I cannot give my power to the humans. I must maintain my power and ability to be free and care for myself and help my pack to be wild and free. Yet if dog attempted to impose his will on me and take my power and freedom away from me I would fight to the death. I know Dog is strong. Perhaps I would die. Perhaps Dog would die. Losing any member of our pack would be tragic but Dog and I are so evenly matched now that perhaps we would both mortally wound each other. So I call the council and ask each of you to search deep in your heart and choose what is right for you.
Dog says we must become friends and partners with the humans and only then we can save our lives. I too watched the Humans and Dog brilliantly describe their immense cunning, power and intelligence. If I were to attempt to become partners with them perhaps for a little while I and the Wolf pack would be equal partners and I and my clan would enjoy a life without hunger, disease and death but because of their great intelligence, cunning and power they would slowly enslave us and we would lose our power to care for ourselves. In the end we would be totally enslaved and helpless. I cannot do it. I ask that we sleep together as a clan tonight and let our hearts speak to us so tomorrow we decide what to do. If tomorrow Dog’s words ring true for all of you then I will bless you and send you in peace. If necessary I will stand alone and be free. If anyone else has anything to say do so for I am tired and am ready to sleep.
No one spoke so Wolf shuffled back to the circle. Within minutes the clan settled around each other and slept. With the rising of the sun Dog arose and called out for those who felt drawn to him to gather and join him. Although Dog was great he had a greater opinion of himself than was warranted at the time, so he was shocked to see that the entire pack excluding Wolf did not stand up and join him. Yet a small number did join him. Those that did tended to be younger and some were high ranking in the clan so they did have a fair chance of surviving and growing on their own if they kept their wits about them. By the time the two groups sorted themselves out perhaps about a fifth of the clan had joined with Dog.
Both groups stared at one another with curiosity with their leaders out in front of the groups. Wolf and Dog approached each other with tails erect and proud. Facing each other Dog uneasily wondered what would happen. Wolf’s tail started wagging and Dog could not believe what he himself did next. His tail went between his legs and he lowered his head realizing that he now was the leader of this new clan and he did not know if he was ready for the responsibility.
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Noting this right away Wolf spoke harshly to Dog. “Dog cut it out, there is no other wolf in this clan I would trust to lead my brothers and sisters who have chosen to join you. You are their leader, act like it! Take your brothers and sisters and say your goodbyes. We both did what we thought was right. Only time will tell who chose the best path.” With that the two leaders nodded to one another. The two clans intermingled saying their goodbyes. The two leaders stood apart not saying another word to each other or anyone else.
As if on signal the two groups parted and none would see others in the opposing groups ever again. Dog as he walked away never looked back but he vowed to take his clan far from Wolf’s clan because in that moment Dog believed for the rest of his life that Wolf was a far better leader than he and he never wanted to challenge him or any of his brothers and sisters of Wolf’s clan so they trotted or ran for miles and miles for days until Dog knew for certain that the two clans would never interact again.
Dog’s two objectives were to find territory either not occupied by wolf clans or occupied by a smaller weaker wolf clan that they could either kill or run off and settle close by a large human clan that was either indifferent or friendly. Having had positive encounters with humans he was shocked to fine that almost all humans were hostile to them and sought to kill them when they saw them. It took them along time to find a group of humans that did not attempt to kill them on sight. He finally found a relatively peaceful clan that tolerated them as long as they kept their distance.
As Wolf predicted, Dog indeed became a great leader and if you would compare Dog and Wolf’s leadership styles, strengths and weaknesses which there were few, you would find very little difference between the two. If you placed a small line representing Wolf intersecting the circumfrence of a circle, the line for Dog would be almost on top of the line for Wolf. Dog still respected Wolf because he remembered everything word Wolf spoke during the Council meeting and constantly told his clan that although he wanted to form a partnership with the Humans he insisted that his clan remain self sufficient and keep their power so the humans would not enslave them.
Befriending the humans was very difficult. As long as the wolves kept their distance, they were tolerated but if they got too close they were shot or killed with spears or arrows. Dog lost a couple of wolves when they crept too close to the human fires. On a different occasion with the wind blowing in the opposite direction some of Dog’s clan came upon a human kill that they had not fully eaten. Three wolves came in to take the kill not smelling the humans close by. As they were eating warriors shot all 3 wolves with arrows. After that the wolves carefully kept their distance from the human village.
After several years of this stalemate Dog’s clan’s lucky break occurred on a dark night after the humans celebrated and thus slept soundly. A neighboring tribe observing the extensive celebration decided this would be the perfect time to ambush the village, kill the men and keep the children and women as slaves and wives.
The wolves camped near by, starting barking and howling hearing the strangers coming toward them. This upset the attackers who started shooting arrows in the direction of the wolves. The wolves ran in the other
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direction to avoid injuries running through the village barking and howling waking up the villagers. The villagers first saw the wolves running through and away from the village and realize that the wolves were running from something else so when the attackers reached the village the villagers were awake and repulsed them. The people never forget what the wolves did and realized that they wanted to have the wolves close by. Since that time whenever the hunters bought fresh meat, the village always left a little offering for the wolves. When the people had their fill, a few warriors would drag the carcass or bits of meat and bone about half a mile away from the fire for the wolves. Both Dog’s clan and the people were happy with this because the wolves were starting a partnership with the people and got a little bit of food in exchange for guarding the village. The people of the village did not feel threatened by the wolves because food was given to them far away from the village and the fires.
Life went well for the Dog clan for the wolves were allowed to roam freely through the human clan’s territory without fear of death from the clan’s warriors. Yet because of the protection from the wolves no one could attack the Human clan by ambush thus the clan was free to grow and prosper and expand their territory.
Yet life was never perfect. Dog missed the companionship that he had with human children when he was young. The human clan leader loved and respected the wolves and protected them from attacks from neighboring human clans but he strictly enforced the rule that the Wolf and Human clans must maintain their distance. Dog and the others also wondered what had become of their brothers and sisters of the Wolf clan and missed them terribly. However under the Wolf Human partnership both the wolf and human clan flourished. Dog’s clan over the years grew so that it contained more members all together than the original clan that split in two.
Time passed and both Dog and the Human clan leader died. By this time the importance of their brothers and sisters the Wolf People was well established within the Human clan but the boundaries or distance between the two clans was gradually eroded and not enforced. It is likely that the human children were the first to completely break down the distance between the two groups. Under the old great human leader, humans were not allowed to roam near wolf dens believing the wolves might attack the humans to protect their cubs as the humans did if the wolves came too close to the village near their own children. While Dog and the Human Clan leader lived this policy was strictly enforced.
After the clan leaders died, both groups became lax concerning the rule for both clans respected and trusted one another. A few warriors inadvertently stumbled upon wolf dens and the mothers or other wolves nearby growled until the warriors slowly backed away so they soon learned where the dens were located and avoided them. However the wolves allowed the human children to freely wander around for they did not see them as a threat. It was only a matter of time before a small child wandered into one of these dens and the wolves needed to decide do we allow this human near. Perhaps the children were warned off in the same way or perhaps one of the mothers decided this child won’t hurt my cubs.
The first mother who allowed the child to visit the cubs soon found that the
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child not only did not hurt the cubs, but often happily played with them. Soon the wolf clan decided that it was OK to let the human children play with their weaned cubs and for many years mothers were content to let the human children to play with the cubs as long as they stayed within sight. As the cubs grew older sometimes mothers allowed the humans and cubs to go off into the woods nearby and play. Who knows how long this interaction between the two groups lasted but both were very happy with the arrangement.
Perhaps this was the golden age of the Wolf Human Partnership. As the human clan grew some learned to talk to the spirits of the plants to gain medicines. Others learn to commune with other spirits to effectively lead their people. Some warriors learned to speak with the spirits of the animals to gain wisdom to help their people. Some of these people befriended members of the Wolf clan and formed partnerships with the wolves learning more effective ways to track and bring down prey. During this great age the relationship between the warriors and the wolves were of equality and respect. However over time this would change.
Given the gradually strengthening bond between the two groups it was only a matter of time before pups would be raised by humans leading to Dog's wolf clan’s gradual enslavement. Oh it started innocently enough. Some human children had become close to the new puppies of the alpha female of the wolf clan and they often visited to pet and watch the puppies. One day something happened and when the small girl came to visit she found the mother and father dead and the puppies were crying to their dead mother. None of the other wolves were anywhere to be found. Perhaps they were on a long hunt. Knowing that the puppies would die if they were not fed she ran to find her friends and they came and carried the puppies back to the village. Although the human clan was well off in relation to other clans life was still a struggle and it is likely that the parents and adults of the village resisted the idea of raising wolves simply because they would be extra mouths that the village would need to feed. However watching their little ones cry about loosing their friends perhaps they relented commanding that the children would be in charge of the feeding and care of the puppies. I suspect many times this situation arose and many times the wolves were not successfully raised but eventually humans succeeded in raising them.
It was not long before someone figured out how to train the wolves to be hunters to help the clan more effectively capture and kill prey. It is likely that wolves raised by humans helped them hunt and track down prey. Humans also recognized that if wolf puppies were taken from their clan shortly after being weaned and raised among humans, their loyalty would be to the human clan not the wolf clan. In this way they would always work for the human clans instead of their own kind. I suspect that when the idea of taking puppies away from their mothers after weaning was first broached, there may have been opposition on natural and ethical grounds. After all who would be better to raise and care for a wolf puppy, other wolves or humans?
However over the generations times change and the fortunes of the wolves of the dog clan changed. Perhaps it was the pressures of the new agricultural societies that were expanding through out the world. One way or another the Human clan that lived in partnership with the wolves changed. Instead of remaining in an equal partnership with the Dog Wolf clan they took the puppies of some of the wolves and raised them among the humans.
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Then they separated these puppies from the wolf clan in two powerful ways. They did not allow them to associate with the wolf clan and more importantly when the puppies were weaned they took them from their mothers and raised them among the humans. In this way they completely took the wolf puppies connection to the wolf pack away from them. Thus humans completely broke the bond that existed between the generations of wolves where the older taught the younger the hunting skills they needed to survive. These two actions took away the power of the puppies to learn to care for themselves and instead made the puppy completely dependent on their human masters.
It was many generations before Wolf’s prediction came true but at some point the people no longer needed the Wolf clan for their protection. They now had dogs that were completely dependent and enslaved to them. The Wolf clans became a nuisance to the human clans so they used the wolf’s cousins, the dogs to track them down and kill them. In this way over thousands of years the human masters used their enslaved dogs to destroy their connection to their roots, the Wolf clan. This is why so many of the descendants of the wolves live in the horrible conditions they do today.
The above is a synopsis of the history of the Dog Wolf Clan. Now its time to consider the Wolf clan, who chose to be free and maintain their power so they could care for themselves. When Dog’s Clan left they stayed in their territory as long as they could even though the human clans were moving in. Wolf’s clan soon got into trouble for some of the people brought animals into their territory. These animals were raised as food for the people thus the people considered the animals their property. Wolf never grasped this concept because it is completely alien to Wolf consciousness. His clan encountered these animals and he recognized them as prey and simply killed them since they were in his territory. He never made the connection that by killing these creatures he was destroying something that the people considered their property. So when the people hunted him and his clan he never understood why the people attacked him and his tribe when his clan never attempted to hunt or hurt them. Even to this day wolves and ranchers have the same problem and the wolves don’t comprehend why the ranchers kill them.
Unable to defend themselves against the human predators Wolf led his clan into new unfamiliar territories often battling other wolf clans to claim the territory he was invading. His group was powerful and killed or ran off the opposing clans but gradually over time he lost members of his tribe. Within weeks of settling in and claiming the new territories he encountered strange new prey creatures, attacked and killed as many as needed to feed his clan and shortly after would be hunted and tracked by a differing clan of humans still not understanding the connection or why he was attacked. Because of his cunning and skill he was still able to elude most of the human hunters and fought his way opposing various wolf clans until his clan reached the high mountains where it was too wild for humans to inhabit.
By the time Wolf reached the mountains, through constantly eluding the humans and battling the wolf clans he had lost most of his clan to humans and battles with the other wolves and he was nearing the end of his energy and life. He and his clan too also wondered what became of Dog and his clan. Based on his experience with the human clans he was certain that Dog and his clan had either perished at the hands of the humans or Dog had
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realized the error of his ways and steered his clan away from the humans. Unlike Dog, he believed that Dog with experience would be far wiser and stronger than he and he hoped perhaps he too would be found in these mountains because it was now the only place left where the humans hadn’t invaded. He and his clan also yearned to see Dog and his brothers and sisters.
Had Wolf been aware of how Dog had been successful in establishing a partnership with the humans and had he been aware that Dog’s clan had grown to far greater numbers than his own clan I believe Wolf would have submitted to Dog and the clans would have been reunited under one command. As it was Wolf’s small clan never questioned Wolf’s leadership and stood by him even though most of them had been killed through the years and they now had few young to carry on the clan. Perhaps allowing Dog to speak and challenge him in the way he did allowed any dissent the opportunity to go with the Dog Clan. In fact, this was the most brilliant strategic leadership decision that Wolf made. Resting in the mountains he decided it was time to give up his leadership of his small clan.
However his musing were interrupted by an ambush of a far larger pack upon their small group. After eluding the humans for years and sensing they had no place to escape, the small band lead by Wolf stood their ground and fought off the attacks for hours but Wolf’s age and weariness finally got the better of him and his back legs collapsed as he attempted to protect his group. He did not collapse completely but stood on his front legs barring his teeth to the leader of the large pack. He would not back down. The other leader looked at this wolf and his mangy battle scarred compatriots as if for the first time and felt sad that he had mortally wounded their leader. Wolf did not back down but the battle stopped as the small band gathered around and licked their leader. The larger band surrounded Wolf’s band but stood in silence as Wolf’s clan comforted their dying leader still holding their tails erect and proud. Before Wolf calmly died the clan lowered their tails between their legs and heads cast down showing the surviving leader that they would no longer fight and were at his mercy. Before Wolf died he saw the leader come to the few surviving members of his clan to accept them as part of his pack. Wolf died knowing he had done all he could to protect his clan and their freedom and perhaps his clan would live on wild and free!
I don’t know if life exist after death but perhaps it does and if it does I know that the Dog and Wolf clan reunited somewhere because they were still part of the same clan because dogs and wolves did not completely split for many centuries to come. I am certain that Dog and Wolf would find each other because each would want to know what happened to the other. Wolf would be amazed to know that Dog actually formed a partnership with man and that his clan became great in his lifetime because of their partnership. Perhaps in the spirit world, Dog would convince Wolf that some humans were kind and in that heavenly land humans and wolves would live in peace. I suspect in this place, children and cubs would play together as equals and the warriors and the wolves treated each other as equals and the Wolf clan would be united once more.
From both of their perspectives considering the time period, it seemed like Dog had backed the right horse by partnering with the humans. By the time Dog and Wolf had shared their earthly lives with one another, it was clear to
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Wolf that indeed he was right, Dog proved to be the greatest leader! At some point though the two leaders wondered what happened in the future so they would petition God or somehow find a time machine so they could see what happened in the future. Remembering their deal for conducting the council meeting long ago, perhaps they would allow Wolf to go first to see what happened with his clan in the future. Then they would explore what happened to Dog's clan in the future. In fact that is what they did.
Dog was excited to get started because he believed the future would vindicate his position while Wolf was curious to see how everything panned out between the two different clans. Wolf took dog back and dog saw how Wolf’s clan battled and clawed their way to the mountains in their quest to remain free. As they traveled into the future they would see how dogs were employed by the humans to hunt down and exterminate not only the wolf clans but all the other great predators that stood in the way of the humans. They would watch as a great pack of wolves in Alaska, was exterminated by humans from helicopters. Sadly Wolf could see none of the pack had any chance against these weapons. Yet at the very end Wolf saw that some in the human clan now protected the few wolves clans still remaining and this fact provided him some small comfort. However, Wolf turned to Dog lowering his head and averting Dogs eyes admitting, “Perhaps I should have listened to you.” Dog sensing his friend’s immense pain responded, “Yes maybe, but you and the wolves fought to maintain your freedom and power against incredible odds.” Nudging Wolf affectionately he said, ”Let’s see the history from the Dog clan’s side.
Dog explained how life was good under the human wolf partnership and they ventured to the golden age of the partnership. Events turned sharply against the clan after that great age. Then he witnesses how the humans seized the young wolf pups from their mothers at a very early age depriving the parents and the pups older uncles and cousins of the responsibility for training the pups how to take care of themselves. Instead now the puppies became dependent upon the humans for their every need. Dog and Wolf saw how the enslaved dogs eventually were utilized not only to exterminate most of the remaining members of the Dog Wolf clans but eventually were unleashed against their cousins the wolves.
They then journeyed in time to the modern world, neither Dog or Wolf recognized any of these dogs for they no longer look like wolves but they come in all different shapes and sizes. All they know is that they belong to the dog family and as Dog had prophesized, “Indeed the dogs along with man had populated almost all the planet. The visions went down hill after this however. Most of these dogs do not live or interact with other dogs but only interact with human masters. During the days the humans go out and the dogs are forced to sit by themselves either in their houses or yards without companionship or comfort. Both wolves experienced the dog’s immense pain of abandonment and betrayal. Dogs and wolves are social creatures that crave social interactions. This is why when their masters come back in the evening, the dogs are so excited. No longer are dogs allowed to run free and proud interacting with their kind as it was in the days of Wolf and Dog. If they are lucky their masters might walk them on a leash once or twice
a day but this is not how a dog is meant to live. A few human masters are sensitive enough to allow a dog one or more dog companions for interactions and a few allow their dogs a few hours of freedom to run in certain designated places. They discovered that most dogs no longer hunt and feed
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themselves and they no longer know how to rely on their own kind for support. They are now totally dependent on their human masters for food, medical support, social bonds and every other need. However, even Dog understood that the best way for a dog to meet its needs is to rely on the guidance and support of other dogs. Dogs are the best animals to care for and raise dogs just as humans are the best animals to care for and raise their own kind. They next traveled to a neighborhood with a dog in a kennel. The dog stayed in the small kennel mostly day and night rarely having the opportunity to get out. When she was walked it was only on leash for a few minutes a day. They then saw another dog chained to a tree. He howled for he rarely saw humans or other dogs from his chain. On occasion he saw animals such as cats or rabbits in his yard. Forgetting he was on a chain he bounded after the creatures as was his nature only to be suddenly jerked around by the chain. Dog appalled by the visions kept muttering, “What have I done?”
Things did not improve for either of them. They saw how the humans now controlled almost all aspects of their dog’s lives. They see how humans determine when dogs are born and they determine when the dogs die. Human choose when and which dogs were allowed to mate. The next vision showed a mother suckling her puppies and after they were weaned the masters began selling the puppies. They see a beautiful human girl of 3 or 4 light up as she picked up a puppy, cuddles it close to her face and takes it away. Dog watched quietly until the girl scampered away and the mother dog did nothing. The mother did not seem to care. Dog slunk to the corner and refused to look at his friend saying, “What evil have I brought to the wolf clan? Somehow Wolf convinced him that it all wasn’t his fault and Dog came back to the time machine to travel to more places.
They are next in a building with lots of rooms. In each room there are cages of dogs of different sizes and shapes. The spirit of Dog and Wolf are following an older boy or young man looking for his dog. In each room the young man enters the dogs wag their tails, whine and bark pleading with the man or older boy to take them. Tears stream down the boy’s face as he travels from room to room hearing the pleading of the dogs. The young man or boy leaves without finding his dog and he goes to many other buildings and the same display of sadness occurs again in each building. The two wolves are confused why is the young man so sad. Surely his dog must be somewhere. The spirits of the two wolves reenter the first building where they saw the young man looking for his dog earlier but it seems later and it is dark outside. Now they see a young lady, she is petting a young puppy wagging his tail and looking at her. The puppy does not understand why the lady is crying. He tries harder to cheer her up licking the tears off the young women’s face causing more tears to gush out. The women cuddles the puppy to her face whispering to it, “I am so sorry, Oh God I am so sorry,” as she takes it to another room and sets him on a table. She takes a needle and injects something in his paw and the puppy falls asleep in her arms. As she cries, “God forgive me,” she injects something else in the paw and the puppy dies. She takes the body and places it in a black plastic bag. The wolves watch in utter bewilderment as the crying women loves and comforts six other dogs of different sizes and ages and then kills them in the same way placing their bodies in different plastic bags. She carries the bags crying to the back of the building then locks up the building and leaves. The spirit of the two wolves are left by the plastic bags wondering what it all it all means. All their earthly lives they struggled with humans many who hated them and delighted in torturing and killing them. How can this human who loves the dogs, kill them. Why?
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Soon a large truck arrives and a large man picks up the bags and throws them in the back of the truck. The spirits of the wolves drift into the back of the truck. There are many plastic bags filled with dead dogs. The truck travels to other buildings filled with dogs and the driver picks up plastic bags of dead dogs left outside these buildings. By the end of the evening the back of the truck is filled with plastic bags of dead dogs of all different sizes and shapes perhaps hundreds of them. The truck travels a long way to a larger truck. The man and others empty the bags into the other truck. It is filled with hundreds of plastic bags. Next the wolves see a place with thousands and thousands of plastic bags all containing dead dogs of different sizes, shapes and ages. Why did the humans kill them?
As they return to the place with the time machine, Dog slunk some distance away, threw up and slunk under a bush hiding his head repeating over and over “OH God what have I done! I don’t deserve to be here. Then referring to wolf he states, “To think I contemplated killing you to take over the Wolf pack, and look what evil befalls our clan.” Wolf observed Dog’s self loathing with alarm, something in him knew if Dog did not stop his friends spirit would be lost from him forever. “Dog stop it I know what you did happened for a reason and we must continue to journey throughout time when we need our questions answered.” Dog would not listen and screamed, “Wolf get away from me I don’t deserve to be here. I don’t know how I got to Heaven. I wish to go where I belong in Hell!”
Wolf sat next to him.
Wolf: “Dog you know soon after you left our clan, the Humans attacked us. Do you know what it’s like to watch your brothers and sisters die defending The Pack? I began to question, Was this freedom I cherish worth watching my fellow brothers and sisters suffer so and watch them die? Dog get up off the ground!”
Dog did not move.
Wolf: “Do you know the anguish of killing your brother and sister wolves in other wolf clans who value freedom as much as I and my clan, but in order to survive in the smaller and smaller territories that the human clans forced us into we had to fight the other clans to the death so our clan would have enough to eat. Have you any idea what it was like day in and day out killing your brothers and sisters who are just like you? Dog get up off the ground!”
Dog buried his head under his paws.
Wolf: “Dog can you imagine day after day scurrying from one human ambush to another then topping it off with the constant battling with other wolf clans just to stay alive. Imagine almost constant numbing hunger and cold from the endless pursuit of the human clans. Day in and day out our babies cried out in hunger and pain. Every winter during most winters there wasn’t enough food. What were we to do? We knew our babies would die. So we killed them to put them out of their misery and we ate them. If the pack lived
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through the winter then we could create new babies in the spring when prey became more plentiful. If we tried to save the babies and the pack perished then the babies would perish as well. Can you imagine our pain and loathing almost every winter as we ate our babies?”
Wolf: “Dog you sit on the ground and curse yourself and yet you lead your pact to great health and prosperity? You can’t take the blame for everything that occurred since that time! You sit in agonizing anguish over the last 20 minutes. I lived this anguish watching my clan slowly die over the last 15 years of my life after you left and magnified it ten fold by eating my young almost every winter just so I and the pack could be free and protect our power. Was it worth it? Everyday I told my clan I would not be angry if they chose to leave. They told me, “You spoke your heart long ago and we will stand by you always. Do not leave us! Do not give up or we will kill you because we have not given up on you!” “None of the clan left.”
Wolf: “So once I got to the mountains I thought I was done and my clan was safe but then the Great Mountain Wolf Pack attacked us and I fought my last battle and died. After my death only 3, two brothers and a sister remained of the original clan. Imagine my utter shock finding my spirit at the gates of Heaven. After all of the brothers and sisters I and my clan killed, and all of my children we ate I never thought I would be allowed in such a place and yet here I was. So get off the ground Dog, you committed far less evil acts than I yet they let me in. Get up because I know you spoke from your heart and chose your path for a reason. We need to find out why you helped deliver most of the wolf clan into slavery. Maybe some good will come from what you and I have done.
As always Wolf spoke truth and Dog could not fault his logic and once again he and wolf entered the time machine to journey to find the answer to their questions. Their spirits traveled to a dark room with a young women crying. Dog and wolf recognized it was the women who killed the 7 dogs still crying. A glass of water sat on the bed stand. A handful of sleeping pills were dumped in one hand. Then they saw this tortured soul as the beautiful 4 or 5 year old girl whose eyes sparkled and face glowed as she cuddled the puppy to her face the wolves witnessed before. They saw her parents fighting and ignoring the little girl and the girl retreating to her room with her puppy so she could be with the only being that gave her unconditional love. They watched the girl and her puppy play for hours in their yard with balls and ropes. They saw hours of laughter, giggles barks and joy between the little girl and her dog. Everyday when the girl came home from school the dog greeting her at the door. Every time it was the same. The girl’s eyes lit up and her face glowed as she scooped her dog into her arms and pressed her dog to her face. They saw the girl grow bigger inspired and loved by a teacher who challenged her to do well in school so she could reach her dream of being a vet so she could help animals. They saw the absolute joy when the girl first got the job working at the Humane Society and the joy and pleasure she derived from feeding petting and walking the animals especially the dogs. They saw the utter love the girl showed to her dog as it lay sick and dying. When she brought it to the vet to be put to sleep she insisted on holding it, petting it and cuddling it as it was put to sleep.
Then the wolves traveled to a different day at the Humane Society and the same young lady talking to the Director. The director was comforting her and reminding her sometimes as a vet you will have to put dogs to sleep when they are sick. The woman nodded her head and said, “Yes I understand putting animals to sleep to end their suffering but this is different. These
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animals I need to put to sleep tonight are not sick. They were abandoned and it is wrong to end their lives.” The Director said, “I am sorry I don’t know what else to do. If we don’t put these animals down we are at capacity and new animals are brought to us every day. We have to take the new animals in. Any animal that is not placed in a home after seven days has to be put down. I am so sorry. I can get some one else to put them down for I see it troubles you deeply.” The young women shook her head. “If they must be killed then I will do it because I love them dearly and on their last day of life I will do everything in my power to make this day the best day of their lives.”
She came early that day skipping school. She took all seven dogs to the dog park and allowed them to run free and play with the other dogs. She threw the frizz bee with the dogs. She walked them down by the river allowing them to run free chase the rabbits and swim after the ducks while the birds chirped and sang in the trees. Most of all she loved them and petted them every moment that she could. Every so often her eyes watered as she looked up to the heavens and beseeched God for a miracle. She returned the dogs to the Human Society at 3 because she promised to take the closing shift. She closed the Humane Society at 6 then she ran to her car and bought in the steaks that she brought for the dogs. She watched with both joy and agony as each of the dogs enjoyed its last meal. Then for the next 3 hours she sat with each of the dogs, petted, cuddled and loved each one by one. At 9:30 she began putting each of these dogs to sleep. By 10, the bags with the dog’s remains, were left by the side of the building and she locked up and returned to her house.
She was 16 now so her mother was not home with her but would return later. She walked into her mothers room got the sleeping pills and a glass of water. At this point she cried more and stated to God that she didn’t deserve to live because she just killed 7 innocent creatures.
It was at this point Wolf’s epiphany occurred. Humans Wolves and Dogs shared the same troubled heart and this human was worth saving and cherishing. Humans like her, might save his brothers and sisters still struggling on Earth. He immediately remarked to Dog, “We must help her but Dog had fallen asleep.” Wolf watched in horror as the young women picked up the glass of water in one hand, and the pills in the other, and was in the process of counting to 3 at which time she planned to swallow them when she felt a powerful spirit of unconditional love overwhelm her. She felt some kind of energy that seemed to say that no matter what you have done, you are loved and the animals need you to love and protect them. She never looked back after that. She put the pills back in the bottle put the bottle back into her mother’s medicine cabinet, drank the water, asked for God’s forgiveness and slept. At this point dog woke up and Wolf’s spirit returned and Dog awoke wondering whether the beautiful human hurt herself. Wolf assured him that she would be OK.
They spent the rest of their adventure observing puppies and dogs expressing unconditional love to their masters whether they were children or adults. Humans who had never known, forgotten or were unable to express unconditional love to each other were able to express this love back to their pets. Both Wolf and Dog stood transfixed. They then saw dogs entering nursing homes and hospitals and saw the eyes of the residents and patients light up as the dogs joyfully interacted with them. Dog now knew some good
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came from the human dog partnership and Wolf realized Dog had done well for he understood that if the wolf clans were to survive their survival now depended on the mercy of the human tribes. Perhaps the love of the dogs would help the human learn about, honor and protect the ways of the Wolf.
With the huge weight of remorse lifted from his shoulders, Dog left the time machine followed by Wolf eyes downcast. “Wolf what’s wrong? Inquired Dog.
“I understand your path Dog and the dogs who followed after you may save the Wolves by loving the humans. You have chose well but I by refusing to submit to human power, what good I have done? Why am I here in Heaven? My actions resulted in the great suffering and deaths of almost all of my clan and my children. What good has it done?”
Now it was Dog who realized his friend Wolf was in danger of sinking into the depths of Hell and he answered immediately and honestly. “Wolf I don’t know but we must go back to the time machine and see if it can show us,” and so they did.
This time they did not see many dogs or wolves, they mostly observed humans and Wolf recognized in the next place, the people were like humans who lived in a time when he was alive. Dog knew them at once as the tribe that had once protected his clan but now they were being attacked and besieged by more powerful human tribe. The war started with the aggressive clan attacking their friends the Dog Wolf Clan and their partners came to stand with their wolf friends although they were vastly outnumbered and had no chance. But they fought bravely and valiantly yet over time the stronger tribe gradually killed them and drove them from their lands. Wolf understood at once that in a larger sense these humans were no different than he and his tribe. The next vision occurred far into the future with about 300 people known as Spartans. Again Wolf could sense their minds and he realized they were much like him and his clan. A vast army of Persians numbering in the thousands came to conquer the Spartan’s lands yet they found a way to hold them off for many days. Eventually a traitor showed the Persians a way to surround them but they fought for their freedom anyway and all were slaughtered. Word spread of the bravery of the 300 and the men of Sparta were inspired and they raised a small army that defeated the Persians. Wolf was beginning to understand. They saw a time in Israel where a few wishing to be free and reclaim their power were slaughtered by the Romans but they would not give up. They watched as a small number of Jews and the Ghettoes of Warsaw who knew they would be killed, chose to resist! Somehow when the men who fought for their freedom died willingly, others elsewhere rose in their place and they grew stronger.
They watched in fascination as a small band of ragged soldiers challenged the greatest empire of the time knowing that their lives fortunes and sacred honor were on the line. Even many of the rebels did not think they had a chance but they chose to fight because they knew it was the right choice. Yet they fought the greatest empire to create a great nation based on freedom who for a while defied the hidden ones. They watched over time as the hidden ones gradually gained control of the nation to create the greatest force for enslavement that the world has ever known.
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They came to a time perhaps not too long from now. Humans were almost completely conquered and enslaved. Both Wolf and Dog could not comprehend what they saw for some time. In their Earthly lives, humans were incredibly powerful so much so that they took the power away from other animals. In that time humans were self sufficient and most were still connected to God, their environment and to one another. In this future time dog was prophetic in one way. Humans conquered the Earth and their numbers were like the stars of the heavens. But most had lost almost all of their power. These humans no longer knew how to feed themselves. They no longer had the power to care for themselves. They no longer had the power to connect to God. They no longer knew how to connect to each other in a deep way thus they were alienated from each other and felt completely separate from each other and from nature around them. They no longer knew how to connect to themselves. These humans had completely given up their power to some hidden power. They gave their energy and power to others to grow their food. They gave their powers to others to tell them how to heal themselves. They gave their power to others tell them how to talk to God. They gave their power to others to tell them how to relate to each other. They gave their power to others to tell them how to relate to themselves. They gave their power to others to provide themselves a sense of wellbeing for they no longer have the power to access this wellbeing within themselves. They gave their power to others to provide this well being through alcohol, drugs, and prescription drugs. They are told also that they cannot find this wellbeing by themselves but must get it from others who must meet certain expectations. They are told that this wellbeing can not be found within but can be found outside of oneself. The people give their energy to purveyors of entertainment such as television, radio, clubs, bars, and x boxes. The people have lost the power to think for themselves so the people gave their energy to talk shows, media and politicians to think and act for them However, these others use the peoples energy and power mostly not to help empower the people but to enslave them more deeply in order to empower themselves. The people paid money through taxes, inflation and interests to hidden ones whom they could not see. These hidden ones divided the people into groups and manipulated the groups to fight one another.
The wolves saw that most of the human clan now experienced deep suffering and pain. Like the dogs in the kennels and left alone during the day, the humans cried out for connection for they were no longer connected to God, nature, each other or themselves. Lacking the ability to care for themselves they were easily manipulated and enslaved just as the dogs. Unable to care for their health many were depressed, suffered both physical and mental problems and suffered from chronic illnesses. Within their bodies the humans no longer knew a sense of joy and aliveness but instead it was a prison of misery and pain.
The wolves did not understand the complexity of the systems used to enslave the people but they could sense the weakness in the people’s mind and the deadness within their hearts and they were stricken with hopelessness, helplessness and fear because the future of the wolf clan rested with these deadened, uncaring, suffering humans.
Then the wolves saw individuals stand up and demand their power back. These individuals searched the religions, modern and ancient, listened to others and journeyed deep within as well as communed with the plants, animals and spirits to discover the keys to unlock and reclaim their power.
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The wolves observed how they were ignored yet their numbers grew. The wolves then noted how they were laughed at but they no longer backed down and their numbers grew. The wolves saw how these individuals connected with one another and learned from each other and their numbers and power grew. The wolves witnessed how they were attacked and killed standing up against unbelievable odds but their numbers slowly grew. They saw predatory humans hunt down these individuals like the wolves were hunted in the days of old and Wolf again realized that his clan and these persecuted humans shared the same heart!
The time machine transported them to a time sometime perhaps in the future on a farm near the forest and mountains. An old lady with white hair but beautiful still hovers over a wolf mother in a den. She gently picks up a puppy and holds it against her face. Then she sets the puppy back with its mother. There’s barking. Men and women grab the puppies and run out to a van along with Mother Wolf. Other people and wolves pile in the back. The van races to the edge of a mountain with the police far behind but catching up. They come to the edge of the forest and the people in the van grab the puppies and the wolves and the people and wolves sprint into the forest and up into the mountains. A couple of the people stay by the van and spray the police cars with gun fire. The police are pinned down because of the gunfire. The wolves and the others run to a creek and run into the middle and eventually cross over to the other side. The two people continue to spray the police cars with gunfire until their ammunition runs out. The police jump out and shoot the two people dead. The police grab the guns from the dead people. They are pellet guns instead of machine guns. They would not have hurt the police. The police yell back. Bring out the dogs. Bloodhounds are let loose. The people and the wolves have crossed the stream several times and they angle off the stream and climb up the mountain 300 yards. They hear the bloodhounds howling because they smell the people and the wolves. Then the howling stops because the scent vanishes into the stream. The bloodhounds start racing along one side of the stream. The wolves and the people are 150 below the next van parked on the road. A policeman carries one of the bloodhounds across the stream and orders it to go up the stream. The people and the wolves cover another 50 yards. The bloodhound races up stream and starts to howl. He finds the scent and follows about 50 feet then it goes back into the stream. The police order the bloodhounds to race up the steam then the hound on the other side bays because it has captured the scent. The other blood hound will be 300 yards below the van in approximately 15 seconds. The wolves and the people reach the van on the road 400 yards above the stream. The wolves and some of the people jump in the back. Other people jump in the seats. They leave the doors open and the van speeds up the road turns right and climbs up another road, then left and then the wolves the old lady and some of the people get out and enter a different van. The bloodhound on the stream closest to the mountain starts baying and races up 400 yards to the road. A couple of winded police arrive 15 seconds later. The blood hounds sniff up to the road, then the scent is gone. The police call in the heat seeking predator drones to arrive in the area in 5 minutes. The van carrying the old lady and wolves drives into a garage. The old lady, the wolves and the people with her go into the house and into the basement and into a tunnel that leads to a some kind of underground room with enough food to last for a week. The other van carries resistance fighters whom have blown up fighter jets used to shoot resisters into a different house and they also go into tunnels leading to rooms where they can stay for a week or 2 until they can safely get out. People spray something on the area where the people and wolves walked. Within 5 minutes all scents are gone and the people are back in their houses. The drones costing thousands of dollars an hour arrive but catch no one.
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Wolf speaks: That's the girl who killed the 7 dogs and was going to kill herself. You fell asleep and during that time I sent my spirit to her and she decided that she would become a vetanerian. She made lots of money, started some animal shelters and then joined the resistance. That was her as an old women we just saw in that last vision. It was only then Dog, that I realized that you were right. Some humans were good. I see now we, and the humans, share the same heart. Unless you can teach them to value and express unconditional love and I can teach them to value and protect their freedom, they and we are all doomed. Dog we are one.
Dog now was shaking uncontrollably. “Wolf something is wrong! Spirits are massing at the borders of heaven. I can feel it! Something is wrong! We got to get to the mountains! Both wolves dropped everything and ran to the highest mountain from which one could see all of the borders of the Heaven. The summit of the mountain was a large level plain as if the top half of the mountain was cut off in a horizontal line. Yet this mountain was higher than any point in heaven. Both wolves reached the great plain and Dog spoke first
Dog: Wolf do you see the spirits out there. What are they?
Wolf: I don’t see them.
Dog: Look carefully, the mountains are crawling with them.
Wolf: I see them now. I have never seen anything like them.
Dog: Wolf I am afraid of them. Since I have been here I have only known happiness, joy, love but now I am afraid.
Wolf: I have never seen spirits like this before but I know their heart. They don’t like us. They don’t like Heaven. If they could kill us they would. If they can enslave us they will. It is the same heart that was in the humans who tried to kill my clan. It is the same heart that enslaves the humans and us on Earth today and they have come to enslave Heaven!
Dog: How do you know? Maybe if we just go they will leave us alone. Dog this is Heaven. God won’t allow the ones who work for the Hidden Ones to attack us? We have been here for eons and Heaven has never been attacked in that time.
Wolf: Dog this is not God’s fight. It is our fight. God will help us only if we help ourselves!
Dog: Wolf this is Heaven! You are crazy and a fool! No just God would allow his creatures that he loves to be hurt!
Wolf: Is this Heaven Dog? I see why I had to follow the path I did. I see why I had to watch my clan slowly suffer and die because I see how far you have fallen. You have forgotten who you once were, A free proud creature who
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knew how to take care of himself and his pack. A creature who did not tremble in the face of danger. Are we in Heaven dog? For eons this place has known no pain, fear, anger, hate and yet I see you trembling before me and I now feel incredible anger at these creatures who dare to take this precious freedom and joy I have known since I arrived. And I judge you now for quivering before these creatures full of fear? I am no longer in Heaven Dog, the Hell beings who mass at Heaven’s door have infected my mind and yours and the joyous emotions that we once knew for eons our now gone! This is how I know I, and my clan must take a stand. What are you going to do Dog?”
Dog: Wolf I am so afraid. How did you live all those years on Earth fighting in the depths of Hell? I don’t want to be afraid Wolf but you went through it, are you going to stand and judge me Wolf or can you help me please!
Wolf: I am sorry Dog. I stood in judgment of you yet I see you still love me no matter what I do. Again you have saved me from becoming like the Hell beings massing against us now. Here is what I did. Perhaps it can relieve your agonizing fear. When I suffered from intense, fear, I asked God and the angels to help me. At once the fear vanished because as soon as I asked God to help me it was as if God and all of his angels were behind me. I believe all my pack knew this secret. Yet I sense that one must keep their heart open with respect for once one feels that power it is easy for the hidden ones to twist that strength to be used for evil. The trick is to remember to call on God and the Angels when the fear comes and do so before the fear overwhelms you. Why don’t you try it now and see what happens.
Dog: I do feel better. Your right I feel like God and the legions of angels are behind me. So will they help us if we battle these ones outside our gates?
Wolf: I sense that sometimes they don’t rescue us. Unless they see we are willing to sacrifice everything to do what is right then they won’t help. Sometimes they need to see that you are not afraid and it may take a lot of time for them to come. On Earth I watched my clan slowly die and they did not come to rescue me yet I felt their presence in my joy and pain in this made everything bearable. My brothers and sisters on Earth felt it too. I look at the spirits out there and my heart tells me there is no hell that they can put me through that I have not been through. If I remember God and the Angels they help me bear any Hell.
Dog: Do you think they can kill us Wolf or torture us here Wolf?
Wolf: I have not fought these spirits as far as I can tell, I don’t know what they can do to us? The question I ask, “What is the right thing to do?
Dog: Why does God allow such suffering to occur?
Wolf: I don’t know if God can stop it. I think God loves us and wants us to remember God, love God and be close to God. When we do we stay strong. When we don’t we lose our strength and the Hell beings either enslave us or we find God and we become strong again and overcome the Hell beings. I don’t sense God wants to punish us. As soon as we remember him and his Angels the Hell beings lose their power over us.
Dog: So the Hell beings have come to Heaven because the spirits no longer suffer here and since things have been so good for so long we think, “What do we need God for?” So we forget what we are meant to do, we become weak and forget God and the Hell Beings can prey on us.
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Wolf: I believe they are here now because even we as spirits have become weak. In the Heavens and the Earth this war goes on.
Dog: It is like long ago on Earth and you called the Clan together because they had a great choice!
Wolf: Little has changed in many ways. But in some ways it has. Like before we even in Heaven we spirits must decide if we shall be free or enslaved. But if we are to be free we must love our enemies for they have a greater chance of learning to be free if they know we love them. It is not for us to judge them but up to God and them alone. This is where you come in Dog for you have taught many of your masters the humans the magic of unconditional love. This time you must speak to the clan for life has been different for us here and the Clan is more like you than me now. I will stand beside you and back you up. Between the two of us I think the Clan will join us.
Dog: Will they believe us Wolf? For eons life has been perfect. As you said once they have become domesticated thus weakened. How do we show them the danger we are in?
Wolf: Perhaps they will sense or express the negative emotions that the Hell Beings are projecting in our minds. Perhaps the Time Machine will help them see what has happened since they left Earth long ago. I’ll go and get it. Will you call the meeting?
Dog: I will.
Wolf bounded off. Dog went to the center of the plain and began howling. Throughout the Kingdom of Heaven the sound of the howls were heard by all the wolves. There was a stirring in their hearts. They had to go to the sound. They did not know why for in the eons that they lived in the Kingdom of Heaven there had never been a need for a council.
Dog howled for some time but then from all sides, wolves poured into the plain. Many wolves entered Dog had never seen before. They were magnificent creatures. Others looked more like the dogs of the Earth. They circled around Dog and then made a bigger circles around and outside the smaller circles. Wolf then arrived with the time machine and set it beside Dog. Dog looked at Wolf and said, “Wolf you said you clan never grew larger than when it was when I left the clan and yet there are many magnificent wolves here.” Who are they? Wolf replied: “They are all the children I and my pack ate because there was not enough food. I was confused where I died because the first thing I saw were my children coming toward me. I was not sure if they would tear me to shreds but instead they gave me kisses and hugs and I knew I was in Heaven although now I not so sure. Are you ready to speak Dog? Dog strode confidently to the center of the circles with Wolf by his side.
As he took a breath to speak something stilled his voice. A far off
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rumbling as if giants were on the land became louder. Great gigantic prehistoric creatures lumbered into the plain followed by beasts of every age nature and kind. Last, came the humans and the creatures of the sky alighting upon the shoulders of the great beasts. At first inperceptable but gradually another beat pulsed through the plain, Thump thum, Thump thum, Thump thum. Louder and louder the beat become until Wolf and Dog saw each heart beating in unison. Gone was the warm, dreamy energy of paradise that enveloped the Heavenly Realm for eons replaced by a dash of hope tinged with fear along with immense oceans of conviction. As the throng peered beyond the borders of the Heavenly Kingdom they saw as far as the eye could see the legions of the hidden ones and they understood any hope for victory or escape was virtually nil but in these times sometimes miracles occur! In all the creatures on the plain was an intensity and aliveness they had not known for a long time.
Wolf turned to Dog. “Do you see that despite differences in size and shape the members of the Dog and Wolf clan are one? Do you now understand how my clan and I found the energy to endure incredible pain and survive against the odds? This gift is always with us if we only ask for help. Dog it is time for you to speak to them from your heart!
Dog: “Dear members of the Dog and Wolf Clans we are one for Wolf and I requested this Great Council of the Dog Wolf Clan or the Wolf Dog Clan, for it is time for you to choose sides. We cannot decide for you. Will you stand with God or against God? Do you choose to reclaim your power with the responsibility that this choice entails or do you choose slavery giving you power to others? Finally will you live in love and faith not only loving your friends but your enemies as well or if you will live in fear? As you know this battle has raged on the Earth for many eons and now it is about to rage among the spirits within the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Suddenly unknown to the spirits here, dark storm clouds covered the sun of Heaven as the spirits of the Hell Beings breached the frontiers and were flooding into the Kingdom of Heaven for the first time in eons. Wolf and Dog noted that the Hell Being spirits looked very much like those upon the Heavenly plain only the intent in their hearts differed. The spirits of all the creatures of the Wolf Dog or Dog Wolf Clan remain calm for they had already chosen!
How about you?
The Many Ringed Circus of the Master Predators and Parasites or How The Final Solution Might Be Implemented
For many thousands of years at least since the dawn of the agricultural revolutions elites of all societies plotted and planned how to manipulate and control the members of their societies. Over the thousands of years different elites no doubt shared secrets of their trade further enhancing their abilities. At some point elites envisioned a time when 1 government controlled by them would rule the world! No body is absolutely certain when this vision arose, some claim as long ago as the ancient Egyptians.
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Various Indian legends speak of Coyote as the trickster and this name is quite appropriate. It is said that coyotes often hunt in pairs to capture prey. Several rabbits eating grass in the field will suddenly spot a coyote in the field yipping and yelping chasing his tail and performing other antics. The rabbits stop grazing and watch this strange spectacle. Suddenly the coyote’s mate zooms up from behind and by the time the rabbits see her, it is too late. She seizes one or more of them and the coyotes enjoy a nice meal. Could the Hidden Ones, the predators and parasites I believe manipulate and control us operate like the trickster Coyote?
Perhaps one of the greatest mistakes the early Christian church made was to outlaw the mystery schools that operated throughout the ancient world. Perhaps we would be in better shape if the church followed Lincoln’s advice, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” The church drove these ancient centers of knowledge under ground and they turned into secret societies. Some claim the secret societies are the hidden forces controlling us today.
It seems that whoever leads us understands our strengths and weaknesses very well. How might they do it? It seems like in a large human population there is a large number of people between 50-70% that are pretty easy to control. As long as they are fed, entertained and given a small amount of freedom you can pretty much get them to do whatever you want. A male in such a group needs food, entertainment and if he gets sex a few times a week, he is good. A female needs food, entertainment and the feeling that she and her family are safe. Then she is happy. The banks maybe robbing us blind, our children and grandchildren and beyond maybe paying off this generation’s debt for a long time, we have been at war for over a decade and terrorist cells maybe in most of our large cities but these people will not be concerned. They have shelter, food, sex when they want it and their families seem to be safe and happy so what do they care about what going on around them.
The powers that be do everything they can, not to rock the world of the placid sheep like people constituting 50 to 70% of the population. A person gets up in the morning and if the news upsets them they can turn on the T.V. and watch very entertaining movies or shows that shows the world as a wonderful place. When they drive in their cars they can listen to radio stations that have no news or they can put in music from their favorite artists and never be bothered by the trials of their neighbors or the world. If they feel out of sorts various drugs can mask the symptoms or make them feel better. When they get home from work if they are unsettled they can turn on the T.V. for sports or pick up 1 of millions of entertaining books to escape reality. These people are easy to entertain and easy to control.
But there is that 30% that is somewhat aware that have intelligence, energy and drive that can easily wreck the plans of the hidden ones. Most of them can be easily manipulated. What do you do with most of them with that high energy and drive? You set up a challenging economic system where they can set up businesses to compete with other businesses in a dog eat dog world. Only some of the businesses will survive and many of them will spend between 60 to 80 hours a week running their businesses. They won’t have time for the news or to think about what is going on around them. They will be competing with other businesses just trying to survive.
Just doing the above will keep at least 90 to 95% of the people busy so they will not have the time or energy to oppose the agenda of the Hidden Ones. But there still is that five or 10% of people who are highly successful business people or for some other reason they have time on their hands and see what is going on so what do we do with them. Well you set up political parties and you give these people a little bit of power, just enough power to
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give them the allusion that they really have power. Then you divide the people against themselves and have the people fight among themselves. In the United States we have a Democratic party that when it gets into power tries to help the poor and down trodden and spends more on social programs and education. We also have the Republican party that spends more on defense and looks after the interest of business people. Both parties I believe support the Hidden Interests.
However they do put on a good show for the members that support them. Jessie Jackson, Maxine Walters, Union President Hoffa, Barrack Obama, John Holdrin and others take actions and say things that talk show hosts on the right put on the air that inflame and upset the activists in the Republican party and the Conservative movement. Meanwhile Dick Cheney, Attorney General Gonzales, George W Bush Michael Savage and others on the right side of the false divide took actions and said things that inflame activists on the left driving them to a frenzy to try to stop the activists on the right. So all these antics from the political parties capture the attention of most of the activists but what these people do, does it really reflect the important things that the Hidden Elites are doing to the country and the world? Maybe not.
With the false political parties and the false bought off media and talk shows this leaves perhaps 5% of the population or less that needs to be co-opted somehow. Perhaps this is where Coyote does his best magic captivating some of the most powerful, energetic, in touch with their hearts and power people on the planet. Are even they being somewhat co-opted by the trickster Coyote who now works with the Hidden Ones? I speak of Dianne Rehm and Terry Gross of NPR and others who fall more closely with those on the left side of the false divide. In this group I also include members of Sixty Minutes and Frontline. On the right side of the False Divide I include Michael Savage and Alex Jones of Info-wars. These human beings and others like them have spent hours, dedicated their lives to show how the Hidden Elites are gradually eroding our Constitutional Republic to establish a totalitarian system controlling every aspect of our lives.
Even with all these tricks perhaps less than 1% actually get a picture or a feel for what is going on around them. If they talk to the rest of the people, usually the other people are too brainwashed to believe anything that these individuals say. But every so often one of these 1% has a gift and they actually wake many up to what is going on around them. Then something must be done. Sometimes the person or the person’s family can be threatened or hurt and that will shut them up. Sometimes in this probably occurs very rarely but they must be killed.
The hidden ones do not like to do the last two options if at all possible because if too many people start disappearing then this could alarm the rest of us sheep putting their plans in jeopardy. However a new option is becoming more available to them. They can kill dissidents and make it look natural. In the 1970ties the CIA created a heart attack gun according to Senate testimony. I would not be surprised if they now have ways to induce other sicknesses such as cancer, stroke or mental illness. Perhaps these tactics have been employed against those that have gotten to close to their tracks
Back to Coyote. I am going to go into pure speculation of how Coyote might be doing his best magic but I need to describe the magic more here relating it to my personal experience and to what I read about military battle tactics. I have lived with dogs almost all my life, you can probably tell. Sometimes when playing with one of my dogs I would put both hands out in front of the dogs nose and cuff him with one hand and then the other. The
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dog could never win because as soon as he looks at the hand that cuffs him I cuff him with the other hand where he is not looking. I think the Hidden Ones might be doing the same with Michael Savage, Dianne Rhem, Terry Gross and the others including myself. Let’s look at this from a military perspective. Lets say I want to ambush my enemy with very little loss to my own forces. I put a small army in front of them say in a valley and maybe I have this army attack the larger force. Then the attackers flee deep into the valley with the enemy close behind. Perhaps the enemy kills the attackers but they are deep in the valley now. I take my large army hiding up in the mountains deep in the forest and I pour down into the valley surrounding my enemy from all sides and destroy the enemy. This perhaps is how the Hidden Ones are trapping the 2-5% of the population that know something is terribly wrong and are trying to warn the rest yet they are not sure what the Hidden Ones are doing.
Let’s put this scenario into real life. If you google Solar storms 2012 NASA or related terms you will be taken to many websites stating that the possibility exists that powerful solar flares could knock out our Satellite communications system. NASA scientists warn that very powerful solar sunspots will develop in 2012 and they indeed could knock out our communication systems. In 1858 The Carrington Event occurred, radiation from powerful solar flares entered earth’s magnetic field causing the Northern and Southern lights to be seen in the tropical areas of the world. Also telegraph communications ceased because of the electrical disruption in the atmosphere. If such an event occurred today, all modern communications would cease.
Theoretically solar flares have been powerful enough to destroy most life on the planet. Fortunately no such powerful flare have directly faced the Earth. The movie, The Knowing was based on such a premise. However a flare powerful enough to cause a Electro-magnetic Pulse (EMP) are more likely. I don’t know if the Carrington Event of 1858 was such an event. However if such an event occurred and it is theoretically possible, all machinery utilizing electricity would be rendered useless.
Consider the implications of such an event. All machinery utilizing electricity would be rendered useless. Most dire would be water supplies to most of the population would cease because electric pumps are needed to pump and maintain the water pressure so you have water when you turn your water faucet on. All electronic forms of transportation would cease including cars, trucks, trains and planes. This means what you could eat has to be in your local area. Prescription drugs would cease to exist. Other items of modern convenience would not be available. Anything relying on Satellite communication would no longer function. In an instant we would be transported back to a time before electricity perhaps like the 17 or 18 century.
How would most of us fare in such an event? Few of us know how to grow are own food. If we lived in the desert, many of us would not be able to find suitable sources of water. Few of us know how to care for ourselves in terms of health so perhaps many would die.
When you think about this possibility it is incredible. Scientists claim our sun rotates around the galaxy once every 26 or 27 thousand years. Do different energies impact our planet and solar system as we travel? Some claim we are entering a part of the galaxy where we are directly exposed to energy from the massive black hole found at the center of our galaxy. Perhaps this energy is heating the sun and other parts of the solar system. Ancient cultures studied the skies believing they must do so just to predict such events. The Mayan Calendar predicts that some kind of Earth
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changing event will take place either 10/21/11 or 12/21/12 depending on who you talk to.
I wouldn’t waste my time on such speculation but when I look at the powerful ones around me, something does not make sense. Leaders of countries throughout the world seem to be hell bent on driving up monstrous debts that it would take generations to pay off. Why? Are there any possibilities or situations when acquiring such debts would make sense? Yes there is. You really have to jump way out of the box with me on this one.
What if at the highest levels of government, leaders knew that a day would come when massive Earth changes would occur and most of us would not survive. Under those conditions it would make sense to spend money like there was going to be no tomorrow. Let’s give everyone what they want or need because tomorrow most of us will be gone. The debt really doesn’t matter. Go ahead and rack up debts to infinity because tomorrow perhaps 99% of us will die off in the next couple of years and the debt will never be paid off given this possibility. Under this scenario what our leaders are doing makes sense.
Perhaps like the early Christians, there have been a few in the highest levels of government that know that when we reach a certain point in our travels around the galaxy we will reach a point of time 0 as predicted in the Mayan Calendar or elsewhere and a few have known this for hundreds, or perhaps thousands of years. Then it would make sense to set up a banking system designed to gradually enslave us and by the time it reaches its point where the ponzi scheme won’t work anymore the very very wealthy hidden ones will amass so much wealth and power they can build themselves shelters with enough food for their friends to ride out the changes and reemerge a couple of years later with the population drastically reduced perhaps as much as 99%. They will accomplish this without firing a shot. Another reason I wonder whether this could be true is because the Federal Reserve charter is suppose to run out in 2012. After that it will no longer exist unless Congress renews its charter
Perhaps this is the trap they have been building for us for thousands of years. They gradually take our power away and we become completely dependent on machines and electricity so we no longer know how to survive without it. Meanwhile they send Alex Jones, me and others, on wild goose chases threatening to take away our freedoms and our rights and gathering and amassing their power while we try to check or stop them. We are so busy trying to stop or counter them, we don’t concentrate on the one thing we need if we wish to survive and to be free we need to know how to survive without modern machines.
My secretive brothers and sisters, the Hidden Ones continue this many ringed circus on and on constantly diverting us from their real intent and their real plans. They will probably keep it going not mentioning the fact that perhaps in 2012 solar flares will knock out our electric grid. By the time we figure it out it will be too late for most of us to learn how to survive. If they plan it right, they will achieve the predators ultimate dream, the perfect kill.
Stupid Mouse Another Predator and Prey Tale that Impacts The Way I Am
Once upon a time in some place at some time lived a family of mice within a village of mice. Within the family there was Papa mouse, Mama mouse and 3 children. The oldest mouse was Keith, the second oldest was Petunia and the youngest was called Stupid Mouse. Stupid Mouse was called Stupid Mouse because he tripped over things and was unable to find food so he was not much use to his family or his village.
It turns out that Stupid Mouse was afflicted with a strange mutation that none of the other mice understood. He was extremely far sighted and constantly talked about the mountains and the birds of the sky. He told them about how the eagles and owls would fly high in the sky and swoop down to catch the animals such as the rabbits and mice. His kin could not relate to such talk so after a while he was told to shut up.
In this particular time a great drought was occurring throughout the land so all the animals including the mice suffered because of lack of food. On this particular day Keith and Petunia were playing tag in the backyard. Stupid Mouse never played this game with them because he was nearly blind close up and could never see well enough to evade or catch his brother or sister. Like most days he scrambled to the window on the second floor of his house and peered out to the 2 mountains that only he could see in his village in between the two mountains was a large waterfall hundreds of feet high and underneath the water fall were the berry bushes that his brother and sister sometimes collected berries for their family. Today was unusual because far off to the left the mountains Stupid Mouse saw some owls flying in the middle of the day. Since he had spent so much time observing the birds he could tell that in about an hour the owls would be over the berries.
Now as you know if you studied science, owls normally sleep during the day and hunt at night so Stupid Mouse was very excited and he started yelling, "Mama there are owls flying in the middle of the day. That is so crazy!"
Now Mama Mouse hated when Stupid Mouse would go on about the birds and things since she could not see them so she would end up telling Stupid to shut up but today she did not have the energy or heart to yell at him. Instead she yelled out, “Keith and Petunia, I need you two to grab the basket and run down to the berry patch by the water fall and collect some berries and take Stupid Mouse with you because he is driving me crazy with his nonsensical talk.”
This mortified Stupid Mouse because he knew it would take about an hour for the owls to reach the patch and this is when the owls would arrive if they did not stop. He started screaming and crying, the owls will be at the patch in an hour and they will eat us. “Mama listen to me please!” Mama just shook her head and wandered off to the kitchen with Stupid dragging along clutching her skirt.
She screamed at him, “Stupid Mouse Shut up I don’t want to hear anymore of your nonsense!”
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A few minutes later Petunia and Keith arrived winded from the backyard tag game with the basket. Stupid Mouse started crying and screaming, “The owls are going to eat us if we go.” Petunia had a tinge of fear for she was beginning to think maybe Stupid Mouse possessed a special gift and all the times that Stupid had gone with her and Keith berry picking this was the first time that he ever was afraid to go.
Yesterday Petunia and Stupid Mouse took a walk before supper. Suddenly Stupid Mouse stopped and exclaimed, “Petunia there is a beautiful round shiny red rock about 100 yards away from me. I want to go see it.” Petunia replied, Stupid you can’t see anything in front of you how could you possibly see something far far a way?” I don’t know but if you walk with me straight ahead about 100 yards you will see it even though I won’t be able to see it once I get close.
The two of them walked in a straight line just as Stupid had directed and it was true. Once Stupid got there he could no longer see the rock but pointed to where he thought it should be and Petunia spotted it right away. Here it is Stupid, You are right! You are not as stupid as they say. She handed the rock to Stupid who only saw a dim red blur but he gave it back to her saying, "You keep it because you are the first person to ever listen to me." This memory flashed in her head today as she felt the rock against her leg. At this point Keith stepped up and smacked Stupid across the face and told him to shut up or he would give Stupid something to cry about. Petunia afraid of both her brother and mother decided that maybe Stupid saw birds that looked like owls but they couldn’t possibly be owls because she knew they only hunted at night.
Stupid having few real friends decided, “Maybe I am stupid so what’s is the use complaining. He took Petunia’s hand so she could keep him from tripping over or bumping into things he could not see and he decided maybe I really did not see the owls. He convinced himself of this and contented himself with looking at the gorgeous clouds and birds in the sky as the three walked along.
About 15 minutes from their destination, Stupid Mouse looked to the left along the mountains and again he saw the owls bigger now still traveling toward them and again he started crying, “The Owls are over there and will be at the bushes at the same time we are! They are going to eat us.” Again Petunia became afraid but immediately Keith began kicking and hitting Stupid Mouse and said, “There now you have something to cry about. If you don’t shut up about your nonsense about owls I will give you more to cry about. Everyone knows owls only hunt at night.”
Again Stupid Mouse wanted to speak up but he was afraid.
Meanwhile the owls were suffering from a shortage of food as well. The owls met last night and old Grandpa Owl told his son, I want to take command of the owls for a day. Now many years before the son demanded that he take over the leadership of the clan. Grandpa or his father agreed on the condition that once a year he be allowed to lead for a day if he thought it would be necessary. Grandpa never used that clause for many years but last night he asked to resume command for the day. He told the others that he would take his son and grandson out during the day and he would find
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food for the whole clan. Everyone thought the old owl was crazy but the next morning he and the other 2 left to search for food.
Sure enough after flying along the edge of the mountain Grandpa spotted the 3 young mice leaving their house and told the others they are headed to the berry patch. When they get there we will swoop down and eat them. The others owls exclaimed, “3 little mice that is hardly enough for one of us, are you crazy?” Grandpa said, "Trust me, I know what I am doing." Since he was leader for the day they had no choice.
When the 3 young mice got to the berry patch Stupid Mouse went straight to the bottom of the briars hoping against hope that somehow they would protect him. He stumbled upon one berry and began eating it when he heard the screams of his brother and sister as the owl’s talons dug into their backs. Shortly after that he felt the sharp pain as the talons ripped into him. He barely had time to scream for the owl made quick work of him having not eaten for days.
Quickly gobbling up the 3 children the owls perched on a nearby tree and inquired, what now Grandpa. Grandpa advised, Bring the rest of the clan here. Within a few hours there will be plenty of food for everyone. Again the others said, “How do you know this, you crazy old fool." Again he said, “Trust me,” and the others had to do what he told them because he was leader for the day. After the others left Grandpa perched in the shadiest part of the tree and took a long nap.
Two hours passed and Mama Mouse began to worry for her children should have been back by now and she surely would give them a whipping when they strolled in late. After 3 hours she became frantic because surely something was wrong for her children have never been this late from and errand.
Mama Mouse scurried into the village and told her husband who was also the chief of the village and he called all the mice of the village and told them about his missing children. After four hours it was getting late and soon it would be dark so all the mice of the village organized to send a search party up to the berry patch.
After five hours all the mice from the village began the walk to the berry patch. Now mice as you know are prey animals for many creatures so they travel in the woods and try to conceal themselves when they travel to keep from getting eaten. Now the last hundred yards or so before they reach the berry patch contains short grass where they can be easily seen.
Now the owl clan arrived shortly before dark and after chastising Grandpa owl for leading them on a wild goose chase they noted the mice gathering in front of the mouse village perhaps half a mile away. It was then they saw the brilliance of Grandpa Owl’s plan. They hid in the big tree nearby and Grandpa cautioned them not to move until the mice were in the middle of the plain far away from any means of escape. They then swooped down and killed hundreds of mice wiping out the entire village. Because of Grandpa’s intervention none of the owl babies starved that year. The predators flew home content and full.
Sadly the mice suffered dearly. If they had taken time to explore Stupid Mouse’s gift fully he could have saved the village. Since he was not like
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them in how he saw things they thought he was stupid. Petunia shared some of the blame as well for she was beginning to realize that Stupid Mouse had a gift. She also realize this was the first time Stupid balked at going with his brother and sister to pick berries. If she had insisted that her brother and mother listen to Stupid Mouse and had Stupid prove his gift to them perhaps they could have waited an hour until Stupid could see that the owls had passed. But it was easier for Petunia to go with the flow rather than to stand up to her older brother and mother.
However Stupid Mouse needs to share some responsibility in the way things turned out. He did not insist with his family that he had a gift. Instead he succumbed to the role that they gave him, Stupid Mouse. If he had insisted that his family listen to him so he could show them his gift perhaps the whole village could have been spared this tragedy.
I do not want to repeat the mistakes of Stupid Mouse!
Simple Actions to Get Involved
There are several class action suits against the United States that look interesting. The first involves the Commerce Clause and Obama Care. Here is a video that explains it in brief. http://youtu.be/_v06bVmakdw In the video the Congressman explains that they are attempting to reverse the Commerce Clause which violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution limiting Federal government role in the states and local government. If this Commerce clause and the power given in recently passed Health Care bill be overturned then tons of Federal power can be reversed and perhaps the run away debt can be reigned in. A class action law suit has been filed UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE CHATTANOOGA DIVISION. I wonder why this is in all caps on the top of the page. In the link below is a link to the complaint filed. The first 278 pages list the plaintiffs in the case. There are about 30,000 now. Starting on page 278 is the actual complaint itself that goes until 282. http://libertylegalfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/OCA-Complaint-2nd-Amended-Filed-072710.pdf The following website has tabs at the bottom where you can join this class action lawsuit as well as class action lawsuits concerning immigration and certification to run in the presidential races.
Specifically the class action lawsuit regarding certification seeks an injunction against the Democratic Party certifying Obama absent a showing that he fulfills the qualifications of the office.
According to Liberty Legal Foundation, http://libertylegalfoundation.org/about-the-ica/ in 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. That act required the executive branch to respond to requests for information about an individual’s immigration status. This requirement was restated in 1997 in the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act. See US Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part IX, Section 1373 I have noted elsewhere that executive federal agencies charged with enforcing existing law do not do so. In fact the Obama administration has openly violated the immigration law by stating that only illegal aliens accused of criminal felonies will be seized and deported. http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart3.blogspot.com/2011/09/constitution-and-tyranny.html page 10.
However, they took a different tact in regard to immigration. In this class action suit the Liberty Legal Foundation refers to Article III Section 2 paragraph 2. “In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction.” In the Liberty Legal Foundation’s opinion, The Federal Government according to the Founding Founders intent, in that part of the Constitution can only sue a state in the Supreme Court. The Founders gave the states the same rights as ambassadors etc. because they wanted to protect state sovereignty and have them be a check on Federal power. In their opinion the ruling of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT COURT OF ARIZONA should be invalid for originally the Constitution decreed that the Supreme Court is the only court that should have jurisdiction over Federal and State disagreements.
I think all 3 class action suits have merit. I understand the spending of the Federal government definitely imperils our lives and liberty so I am signing and contributing to the class action suit regarding the Health Care Law and the Commerce Clause. I have not established a firm stance on what relationship should exists between the States and the Federal government although originally the States had much greater power before the Civil War. I know the Federal government has far too much power but I am not sure
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where I would draw the line because Lincoln’s rationale for preserving the Union made sense to me. So I am going to sleep on that one. The one about Obama’s certification for some reason does not grab me so I will leave that one alone as well.
Here are some other petitions I have signed. The first calls for a reinvestigation of the 9/11 incident. Sign 9/11 petition http://www.justicefor911.org/
This one calls for the FDA to label genetically altered food that is placed on the food supply.
Here is something easy to do. Check it out.
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One Creation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All
I have a nightmare. My Uncle Sam descends deeper into Hell. His angels weep over him but he despises himself and can no longer see, hear or feel them.
I have a nightmare. Many who speak or spoke in my Uncle’s name, tricked by Uncle’s Hidden Masters descend along with him. Deceived by the Hidden Ones to perform acts of unspeakable evil, they no longer know their angels nor can they forgive themselves.
I have a nightmare. Many of my cousins hate Uncle and cut off their hearts from him. They forgotten, Uncle is part of their family and as they kill him off they kill off themselves. The spirit, flesh and blood of my Uncle runs through all of us.
I have a nightmare. As my self-loathing Uncle descends, my cousins fall as well for whether they know it or not, “We are family!”
I have a nightmare. As Uncle sinks, his new masters quickly instill their hell and we through our ignorance and acquiescence help them imperiling our liberties and life itself!
Yet I have a dream. I dream our prayers shall be our most powerful remedy that shall turn the Hidden Ones from their terrible quest.
Like John the Baptist before me I too dream that although we descend into the depths of Hell, the Kingdom of Heaven is always at hand! I dream as Jesus taught, my cousins in private will confess their sins before God. I dream they shall repent before God and in that moment the unconditional love of God and all the Saints and Righteous Ones throughout space and time shall flow through them.
Like Jesus before me, I have a dream today. As more of us pray for forgiveness for our trespasses against God and ourselves, we will find that forgiveness and we shall find the grace we seek.
Like Martin before me I have a dream now. Our prayers shall release the strength and wisdom to overcome the wrath of the Hell Beings!
And with these prayers we shall once again join God and the Angels!
And with these prayers although my Uncle and his nephews and nieces may suffer unimaginable torments, they shall find their way back to Divine Grace and the Angels. God and our Angels shall cleanse our fear and pain and restore our conviction to do what is right and we shall discover Heaven once more!
And with these prayers my Uncle shall find forgiveness and once again, speak through our leaders. I dream once again Uncle and God will reunite and his angels will dance and sing around him and my heart will rejoice! And even though the Kingdom of Hell might someday surround us, united with God and the Angels we can sing out, Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty We Are Free At Last and we shall find our way home.
And with these prayers peoples of the world shall reunite with God and their Angels and with God’s grace a new world order conceived in justice and liberty can be formed.
The Barter and Local Currency Survey
These can also be found at http://unclesamenterstheendgamepart5.blogspot.com
Barter Survey
I do not think our government can take care of us nor should they. A case can be made that they should have a role in helping people that can’t help themselves but when too many rely on government, nations collapse. With four wars, entitlements and other demands our money is being devalued through inflation and some day the dollar drastically will lose purchasing power through hyper-inflation or the government will simply devalue it. Either way all will be hurt who rely on dollars to exchange goods and services. Barter and local currencies are two ways people can protect against this possibility. Specifically I am looking for folks to barter goods and services with although I am open to creating a local currency as well. Below are my areas of expertise, for barter as well as areas I am looking for help.
I have a Masters in reading and can tutor students who need help in reading or help parents with activities to help in this area.
I have been an elementary teacher for 24 years in Kindergarten through second grade and can help tutor students in subjects in those grade levels or provide activities for parents to help with problem areas including academics and discipline.
Some Knowledge
I studied some in nutrition, meditation, yoga and physical exercise and have had pretty good success overcoming some chronic health conditions.
Organic gardening
Can help with heavy labor or yard work.
I am somewhat familiar with the workings of the Monetary System
Areas I Want Help!
Help in areas where I have some expertise, nutrition, organic gardening etc.
Organizing a neighborhood bartering system involving any neighbor I can bike to in 15 minutes. Setting up a barter website and a local currency website. Help learning about home or yard repair, plumbing, wiring, building, food storage, firearms. Help improving presentation about Federal Reserve and Banking Fraud.
Barter Survey
What are your areas of expertise?
What are some areas that you have some knowledge? In what areas do you think you could help others yet you do not consider yourself an expert?
What areas do you want to learn about?
Would you be willing to help set up a local currency system.
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