Overall Contents for All Blogs and Posts
Most posts are alphabetized by subject starting at the bottom of each blog except for the first one. To get a feel of the overall intent of the blogs and posts please read the first post below.
Introduction and an Idea of how to navigate through the blogs and posts.
Contents for Sources of Funding for New World Order
From Soft to Hard Tyranny
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 1
Government Officials Speak out on Corruption and/or the New World Order Part 2
Contents for Health Care Trends
Contents for Hidden Powers, Hidden Interests
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 1
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 2
Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward A New World Order Part 3
National Debt
The above 3 posts Links to Corruption, Tyranny and Trends Toward a New World Order, Part 1, 2 and 3 contain just the links from all the posts with very little political commentary or analysis.
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 1
News About the Fed, Banking and Finance Part 2
Quotes Over Time About Monetary Policy and Banking and Finance in Relationship to Liberty and Tyranny
Slow Response/Gulf Oil Spill
Social Security and Other Entitlements
Symbols of Occult Power
The Modern Art and Science of Enslaving Others
The Constitution Verses Tyranny
The Relationship Between The Military Industrial Media Complex, Defense Spending, Semi-permanent and Permanent War and the Rise of Tyranny
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 1
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 2
Trends Toward a Tyrannical New World Order Part 3
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 1
The United Nations in Relationship to the New World Order Part 2
Barter and Local Currency Survey
Members, Activities and Meetings
The War on Food
The War on Food Part 2 This section has a lot more in depth scientific studies.
In all the blogs the titles for each of the articles are colored coded red, orange, green or black based on my subjective belief of how likely they are to be true.
Red title and bold font means I believe the article is very likely to be true and is very important!
Red title and regular font means I believe the article is very likely to be true but is less important.
Orange title and bold font means the article is likely to be true and is important!
Orange title and regular font means the article is likely to be true but is less important.
Green title and bold font means I believe the article could be true and is very important!
Green title and regular font means I believe the article could be true but is less important.
Black title and bold font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity. However it is important!
Black title and regular font means I have no opinion on the article because I have not researched it so I have no opinion on its veracity or truthfulness. It is of lesser importance.
The Art and Science of Enslaving Others
Chapter 1 Money
Quotes 1
Chapter 1 Money 1
A Thumb Sketch History of Money 2
Money Creation Today 3
Why is Fractional Reserve Banking Bad 4
Warnings From Others About Central Banks 5
How Central Banks Gradually Enslave us 5
The Magic of Growing Money Even in Bad Times 10
How are Banking System Encourages Tyranny and Slavery 11
Sources 16
The Modern Art of Enslaving Others Chapter II Weakening Family Bonds, Diet, Work and Entertainment 17
Similarities Between Human Slavery and Animal Domestication 18
The Right Balance in Diet, Work, Freedom and Entertainment for Slaves 18
Slavery in Modern Times 19
Soviet Involuntary Slavery Versus American Voluntary Slavery and/or Slavery Through Ignorance 21
Government Domestication of Citizens and its Relationship to Slavery 21
None are More Hopelessly Enslaved than Those Who Falsely Believe They Are Free/Goethe 22
The Relationship Between Predator, Prey and Slavery 23
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Amschell Meyer Rothchild 1790
Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguished from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave. Leo Tolstoy
I consider slavery as working for someone for food and shelter with no option to leave. All other profits from my labor other than my needs for food, shelter, clothing and medical needs flow to my master. Supposedly over time slavery has been eliminated in most places. I think not! Slavery today is more subtle and is spreading.
One minor reason the Civil War occurred was to end involuntary slavery. Most nations have outlawed involuntary slavery. However, people are free to practice voluntary slavery or slavery that occurs because of ignorance. One could consider drug addiction initially a form of voluntary slavery. Normally one is not forced to take highly addictive drugs. They may through ignorance take the drugs thinking they are not dangerous and later find out they are hopelessly addicted. At this point the enslavement can become involuntary.
The kind of slavery I am talking about is a bit different from slavery as described above and slavery as most see it. It is more subtle and insidious. One form of economic slavery is the interest we pay on our debts on big ticket purchases for cars, appliances, education loans mortgages, business loans or national debt on government programs. Even if I have no debt and I own all I have outright, I indirectly pay interests on other peoples loans because prices of goods and services are raised significantly because businesses need to raise prices in order to cover the interest on debt that they have. Slavery today is different because the masters we pay we do not see or know. Yet like masters of the past, a certain portion of our labor we provide to them without them providing an equivalent amount of goods or services to us. I believe the portion of our labor we give to these hidden masters is increasing over time.
Actually this form of slavery is more efficient for our masters because unlike slave masters of long ago, they do not have to house, feed or cloth their slaves!
I hope to show that this insidious form of economic slavery is gradually being placed upon us over time just as certain forms of diseases gradually rob us of our energy and health. By the time we notice the illness, it is often difficult or impossible to change the course of the diseases. One manifestation of this tightening grip of slavery can be seen by observing the history of money and the ways in which money is utilized today to gradually enslave us. I plan to summarize the process while referring you to other sources for further reading.
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A Thumb Sketch History of Money
I believe the beginnings of the present money system started around the time of the 1st millennium when people stored their gold with goldsmiths for safe keeping for a fee. Over time people tired of lugging heavy gold coins around for purchases so instead they began using the claim checks or receipts that the goldsmiths gave them for storing their gold as currency to trade for goods and services. This led to the use of paper money based on the amount of stored gold.
Meanwhile the goldsmiths created another business charging small amounts of interest to lend out their own gold, for people to borrow. Over time the goldsmiths realized that not all of their customers withdrew all their gold at the same time. As industry expanded more and more people asked the goldsmiths for loans. Knowing that few of their depositors removed their gold, at the same time, they not only lent out claim checks borrowing against their own gold but also against the gold of their depositors as well. As long as the loans were paid off no one would ever know. Over time goldsmiths became very rich and their customers demanded to know how they became rich.
The goldsmiths explained the concept of interest and instead of customers withdrawing their gold they demanded a piece of the action. Thus the first banks emerged. Customers received a small amount of interest for storing their gold at the bank while the bankers or goldsmiths charged a much higher rate of interests to those who wished to borrow gold for business adventures thus insuring that they still made a profit.
Most people conceive that banks still operate in the manner above. However banks did not exist in that form for very long. The goldsmiths desired larger profits; and because of the increasing pace of industrialization, the demand for credit (or borrowing) increased rapidly. However, the amount they lent was limited by the amount of gold depositors stored in their vaults. This predicament led to a new idea. The various goldsmiths were the only ones who knew how much gold existed in their vaults. They decided to lend out claim checks on the gold that they did not possess. As long as most of the depositors didn’t come at the same time and demand their gold, how would anyone find out how much gold they really possessed?
This new scheme worked out very well and the bankers became rich on the interest paid on the gold that didn’t even exist! The idea that bankers created money out of nothing never occurred to the man on the street. The scheme of fractional reserve
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banking practiced today employs the same principal that was started then. Loans today are created with money created out of thin air yet the borrower is expected to pay out all the loaned money over time plus interest.
It seemed sensible to outlaw such a practice but European industrial expansion relied on credit being extended so certain rules were applied to regulate this credit. Initially banks needed a small amount of gold to back up their loans. Generally banks lent out nine times the value of the gold that they had on deposit. Thus if a bank had $1,000 dollars worth of gold on deposit, they lent out $10,000 dollars in interest bearing loans. Over time this 9-1 ratio changed to larger ratios like 15-1 or 20-1 until today no commodity is needed to back up the money that is created. At one time money used to represent a value depending on how much gold, silver or other agreed comodity backed up the money in circulation. Now money simply represents debt.
Money Creation Today
Today no gold is necessary to back up money that a bank creates. To illustrate this in a simple way lets pretend a bank is opening up and it has no depositors yet. However, the bank’s investors already made a reserve deposit of $1,111.12. of existing cash money at the Central Federal Reserve Bank where the required reserve rate is 9:1.
Here is Step 1. The new bank opens and welcomes its first loan customer. This person needs $10,000 to buy a used car. With the 9 to 1 reserve ratio, the new bank’s reserve at the central bank, also known as high powered money allows it to conjure into existence 9X that amount or 9 X $111.12 =$10,000 dollars on the basis of the borrower’s pledge of debt. This $10,000 dollars is not taken from anywhere. It is simply brand new money typed into the borrowers account as bank credit. The borrower then writes a check on that bank credit to buy the used car.
Here is step 2. The seller deposits this newly created $10,000 dollars at her bank. Unlike the high powered government money deposited at the central bank, this newly created money can not be multiplied by the reserved ratio of 9:1. Instead it is divided by the reserve ratio. $10,000 divided by 9/1 or 10,000 X .9. resulting in a new possible loan of $9,000. Remember the $9,000 is conjured out of thin air. With a click of a computer mouse the money is created and lent to the next borrower.
Here is step 3. If that bank or different bank loans out the $9,000 dollars and that $9,000 is deposited by a third party at a bank it becomes the legal basis for a third issue of bank credit. This time $9,000 X .9 = $8,100 or a loan of $8,100 is conjured up with the click of a computer mouse. This same process continues in the same way to completion generating almost 100,000 dollars from the original 111.12 high powered seed money placed in the central bank. All this new money was created completely from debt.
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Under this ingenious system, the books of each bank in the chain must show that the banks have 10% more on deposit as it has on loan. For example, if it has 100 million in deposits. The books show 90 million on loan. This gives the banks the incentive to seek deposits in order to make loans, supporting the general but misleading impression that loans come out of deposits.
Now unless all of the successive loans are deposited at the same bank, it can not be said that any one bank get to multiply it’s initial high money power reserve almost 90X. 1,111.12 X 90 = $100,000 but since all of the banks are part of the same closed system in reality they can. Thus from the initial investment of $1,111.12 dollars, almost 99 thousand dollars can be created by the banks out of thin air. All of this new money created at no cost is lent to borrowers who must pay back the loan plus interest!
According to a recent National Public Radio report the major banks recently prior to the 2007 economic recession sometimes kept as little as 2% of cash on reserve instead of the 10% as described above. With only 2% on reserve the banks can take the initial 1,111.12 and generate almost 450,000 dollars in loans. The world banking system in response passed rules that all banks at least keep 7% of cash on reserve for the loans they pay out which is significantly less than the 10% that was preferred for centuries. Even the 7% reserve rule will provide banks with massive profits. Any form of fractional reserve banking is dangerous, the lower the amount on reserve the more danger of economic collapse!
I have recently heard that some banks leverage up to 500 to 1 or more.
Why is This Fractional Reserve Banking Dangerous?
Before discussing this, it is interesting to discover when this new kind of banking emerged and under what conditions it emerged because these conditions still exist today! By the end of the 1600s England was close to financial collapse after 50 years of almost continuous war with France and Holland. Desperate government officials met with bankers to beg for loans to pursue their political purposes. The banker’s price was that the government must allow them to create a government sanctioned bank that controlled the money supply and could create money out of nothing. It was the first privately owned central bank in the world although it was called The Bank of England to mislead the public into believing that it was under the control of the government. This bank allows the government to borrow money that it creates out of nothing but then the government as part of the agreement must levy direct taxes on its subjects so it can pay both the loan and the interests on the loan from money it borrowed from the bank created out of nothing at no cost. Because of the nature of the system governments once they get into debt, find it difficult to get out of debt. In fact over time, usually the national debt increases. Central banks throughout the world including the United States operate using the same procedures.
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Warnings from others about central banks
Through the ages from ancient Greece to modern times, many have warned of the dangers of allowing banks to issue and control currency. Many of our founding fathers and early presidents including: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison adamantly opposed the idea of a central bank issuing and controlling our currency. Other presidents including Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and John Kennedy also warned against central banks. Two congressmen, Rep. Louis McFadden (D-PA), and Wright Pattman (D-TX) both were chairman of the United States House Committee on Banking and Currency at different times warned of the excesses of the Federal Reserve which is the United States Central Bank. I found these quotes and warnings on various liberty oriented websites like www.prisonplanet.com and from the video Money Masters.
To show how this system is slowly enslaving us and gradually eroding our freedoms I will start with personal examples and move to more abstract concepts to show how money is being transferred from poorer and middle class people to the wealthy elites and special interests over time. I then will show how this is endangering both our economy and our freedoms.
How Central Banks Gradually Enslave Us
Our economic system is rigged against us in the same way a casino is rigged against its customers. When you play the slot machines or the card games at the casino, sometimes you win but more times than not, the casino wins. Likewise some intelligent highly determined individuals win in our economy but over time less and less people win and over time money is flowing toward the wealthy classes. I will illustrate this fact with two examples.
Most people face the following situation. To pay for college most people must take out loans at interest. In some cases the government helps some students pay but that does not count because when the government pays that means the tax payers are paying for the loans that these students do not pay. In the same manner, most people can not pay for cars, houses, business loans or many of the high cost appliances with cash up front so people take out loans from a bank or other lending institution. These loans are created out of thin air, must be paid back often over a long period of time say 15 to 30 years. Within that time assuming one is successful at paying off the loan, one often pays two and ½ times or more the money he or she would have paid if he or she could have paid in cash as Tomas Edison noted.
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The question is who gets all that money? According to some estimates Americans in 2009 carry in debt over 125% of their annual income. Somebody is earning interest on that debt and that is a lot of money that is being transferred.
Let’s look at the flip side of the coin at the person who can pay up front for everything and has money to spare either from his or her own intelligence and drive or from circumstances. Let’s say he has a million dollars free and clear after paying for his or her needs with cash. Assuming the person is fairly conservative and invests in bonds, treasury bills and other fairly low risk adventures either here or abroad, he will make maybe 5% on his money. This person will be making 50,000 a year! However, that person is not really contributing goods and services of any kind to obtain that income. When individuals pay interests on loans they are not really being provided much of a good or service for their labor.
Yes I can understand how one could justify interest because lending money does involve risk. However some loans have pretty high interest rates in relation to the risk. When one has to spend labor paying off interest on debt, that is less labor that can be utilized improving the economy through production of further goods, services or research in order to improve productivity.
Here is an example of a fairly extreme case of someone who took advantage of the system with the money he generated from other businesses. Once I attended a real estate seminar lead by a gentleman who was quite successful at real estate and he lauded all the free time he had now because he brought money in without investing a lot of time and energy. Here is what he did. He started by buying run down houses or foreclosed houses. He then invested money in improving the properties. Then he rented them out but he hired managers so he did not have to deal directly with renters. He found he made about 40% profit on the money he invested from the rents he charged per year. There are not a lot of places where you can generate 40% a year on your investments.
One can argue that lending money for capital ventures is a service involving risk that provides capital for growth. I believe such an argument is valid for a father that lends his son some of his own money. That is not what happens when you borrow from a bank however. Perhaps an investor from the Federal Reserve can put down a little over a thousand dollars but then because the way banking laws are structured, a commercial bank can increase the value of that initial investment X 90 or more, thus banks are not risking hardly any of their own money when they create loans! The Federal Reserve investor puts down $1,111.12 of his own money but then the bank creates over 98 thousand or more dollars risk free from which they can charge interest paying loans!!!
A different way of looking at it is if I could take $1,111.12 dollars and give it to the Federal Reserve and they could use it as seed money, giving it to a bank to use for loans. The banks lawfully could generate over 98 thousand dollars on top of my 1,111.12 generating 100,000 dollars of loans paying interests of say 5% a year. Even
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if half the loans defaulted I still would make $2,500 a year which is about 250% return on my initial investment I gave to the Federal Reserve to give to the bank. In fact even if 80% of my loans defaulted I would still generate 1,000 dollars a year representing almost 100% return on my initial investment of $1,111.12 dollars. How can I lose! What is amazing is that the Federal Reserve can make seed money out of nothing so they can create risk free money! Actually money in this system can’t be made from nothing because the government and Federal Reserve sells treasury bonds to investors in the U.S. and the world to back up the debt. So as long as people that buy the bonds believe that they will eventually get their money back plus interests, they will keep buying the debt that the Fed and banks create when they create new money.
What I am saying here is the argument that the banks must charge interests on the money because lending it is risky does not hold water because they can generate huge amounts of money virtually risk free considering for every dollar given to them they can generate 90 or more out of thin air thus the interest they can charge on each and every dollar they lend provides them opportunities to generate huge profits. My question is who gets the huge profits? I think the people who can invest large amounts of money in such ventures, the very rich.
We are not only being enslaved through our personal debt but through government debt as well. A Scottish history professor Alexander Tyler in 1787, noted that democracies go through various stages usually lasting about 200 years before collapsing back into dictatorships. He called it the cycle of nations. He believes that democracies are usually doomed once the people figure out how to vote themselves generous gifts from the treasury. Since politicians in democracies often are not financially responsible, democracies end up bankrupting themselves and reverting to dictatorships.
It is interesting how that process maybe playing out in our country. In our country in 1913 the Central Banking System through the Federal Reserve Act was established and has remained strongly entrenched since then. In the same year, the Federal Income Tax was passed instituting for the first time in our nation’s history, direct taxation of the people. Like the Central Bank of England the Federal Reserve Central Banks assumed control of the currency and was given the power through itself and the commercial banks to create money seemingly out of nothing and loan the money to the government at interest. The government in its part established direct taxation of the people in order that money will be raised to pay off at least the interests on the loans they borrow from the Federal Reserve.
Before this time the government usually had one way to raise money. They had to tax the people. If the people could not be convinced that certain programs were needed then the programs could not be funded. Now politicians have the option to go to the Central Bank and get money for programs. Politicians to protect themselves and maintain power could simply get loans from the Federal Reserves to pay for pet projects if they felt they could not get the money through taxes. Now education,
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national defense, welfare, war, and other programs could be paid for in the short term and we would not have to worry about the costs until later. Today we are in a deep recession yet we our borrowing more money to pay for 2 wars, paid for the biggest bank bail out of all time, continue to pay for education, plan to pay for a huge health care plan and plan to give 100 billion a year to help developing countries develop green energy economies. Where is all the money coming from? It is not coming from income taxes. The Federal Reserve Bank is simply creating money out of thin air and loaning it to the government to spend it into the economy paying for all the programs.
If you drastically increase the money supply without increasing goods and services (productivity) then prices have to go up because there is more money but the same amount of goods and services. However, if wages do not go up then everything costs more because there is more money. Thus we loose purchasing power. This inflation by creating money is like a hidden tax because the other way to loose purchasing power is to increase taxes. One of the tenets of our representative government is that there is no taxation without representation. When our representatives pay for programs by borrowing money which down the road creates inflation then they are creating a hidden tax.
It is said that our dollar has lost much of its purchasing power. Some say up to 98%. If you have lived a long time you can see this when reflecting on prices for cars, gas, houses, suits, etc back when you were a child as compared to today. Another way of looking at this is to compare the price of an ounce of gold from your child hood until today. Back in Roman days an ounce of gold could by a nice expensive suit and a good pair of shoes. When I was a child an ounce of gold was $32 dollars which could by me an expensive suit and shoes. Today an ounce of gold still can buy you an expensive suit and shoes but the price has climbed to over a thousand dollars.
Lincoln as mentioned earlier created 450 million dollars through the Treasury to help pay for the Civil War. Unlike the money created by the Federal Reserve today Lincoln’s money was created by the government so the government did not have to pay interest on the money that it created. If Lincoln would have borrowed the money from the banks we taxpayers might still be paying off the loan and we would have paid over 2.5 billion for the original loan. As of December 2009 the Congress of the United States increased the debt ceiling by 1.8 trillion dollars. Besides being unable to comprehend what that means I know that if it was possible for us to pay off the debt not only do we have to pay for the loan over time but the tax payers will probably have to pay 21/2 times or more the loan. This cost to tax payers would be 4.8 trillion dollars or more. The Federal Reserve Bank and the private business interests whom own the bank would get 4.8 trillion which our children and grandchildren as taxpayers would have to pay if we maintain the present system. Meanwhile the Central Bank created this money out of nothing with little cost.
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As government debt grows, the government has to pay higher amounts to pay off the interest on the debt. Over time this leaves less money for other programs that all people benefit from. Because money is created from debt inflation always occurs when employment is high. Inflation is bad for everyone but it is especially bad for people on fixed incomes like retired people so one of the things that the Federal Reserve does to control inflation is to raise short term interest rates that it charges banks to borrow money. When short term interest rates rise, then all interest rates rise and thus interest rates on loans for businesses rise. This in turn, causes people to invest less in resources to improve goods and services because that money is going to pay the higher interest rate on the business loans they already have or they would
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apply for. Therefore businesses take out less loans so growth is cut and people suffer because unemployment rises. As interest rates rise also the amount of money in circulation to facilitate the exchange of goods and services decreases and employment decreases because there is less activity because there is less money to facilitate exchange of goods and services.
Over time the debt in a debt based money system increases. Since in this system, the taxpayers must pay the interests on the loans so the government will not default, over time taxpayers must pay more in taxes to service the debt. When taxpayer’s taxes go up their purchasing power goes down. Therefore over time there is less money to spend on buying goods and services in the economy or to pay for programs that people may want. This also leads to recessions or worse. Sometimes the Fed withdraws money from the system and raises interest rates to control inflation which not only hurts businesses as described above, but causes lots of layoffs because there is less money to pay people.
The Magic of Growing Money Even in Bad Times
One of the amazing things about the banking system as it is presently set up and has existed for hundreds of years is that banks are allowed to create money at practically no cost and collect interest on that money they loan out. Another interesting characteristic of most if not all the central banks since the Bank of England is that the investors in the Central Banks are secret! We do not know who they are. Remember that an investor can invest as little as 1,111.12 dollars in a bank and through the magic of fractional reserve banking create 90 times as much money or over 100,000 dollars. Let’s say the economy is in recession as it is now and that secret investor can only get 1% on all the money that he lent out. In a year he still made 1,000 dollars or almost 100% of the money he initially invested which was 1111.12 dollars. If the money was simply created and the secret investor had no risk to begin with then he or she made a huge profit. In my life time interest rates varied between 4% to as high as 19% under the Carter Administration. However my guess is that much of the time the average interest rate on short term loans probably was between 5-7%. So if you as a secret investor of the Federal Reserve put down 1,111.12 dollars and through the magic of fractional reserve banking were able to generate 100,000 dollars in loans, you could generate almost 500% in profits a year because 5% of 100,000 = $5,000 a year. That’s a darn good profit margin. Of course some probably default on their loans so the profit margin probably would not be quite that high but still profits are probably huge compared to what the rest of us make in the stock market. If you figure that bankers have been making huge amounts of interest starting 300 years ago by now huge amounts of money have been generated. Also if one could lend millions or billions of dollars using these principles then unimaginable amounts of wealth can be created practically overnight in modern times and what’s crazier is we don’t know who is making these kinds of profits because the investors are secret!
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How Our Banking System Encourages Tyranny and Slavery
Money is simply a form of power. A little know fact of our early history is that banks generated a lot of wealth using fractional reserve banking even before the Federal Reserve Banking System was firmly established in 1913. I have read that for a long time the Banking Industry actually handsomely supplemented the salary of many of the members of Congress before it became illegal according to the Money Masters Video. With their vast sums of wealth they gradually bought off enough members of Congress and perhaps Presidents so that now politicians from both parties protect banking interests so now even though much evidence implicates the bankers in our current recession/depression, the Congress still bailed them out even though the bailout and current spending may bankrupt our economy and perhaps place our children and future generations in economic bondage for generations to come. Despite what has happened the Obama administration and many members of Congress want to make banks bigger and hand more power to the Federal Reserve who got us into this mess in the first place. In addition, the Congress is on the verge of passing Obama’s huge health care plan despite lack of popular support, which will lead to more deficit spending on top of the gigantic debt that we have. There is only one group of individuals that can profit from such huge debts. These are the secret investors who create and lend out the money from the Federal Reserve Central Banks as well as investors in commercial banks.
From Liberty to Tyranny
Lord Acton stated our problem precisely over 100 years ago. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hopefully in this brief overview of money you can see how banks and other money interests can siphon money and wealth from the middle and lower classes and gradually place it into fewer and fewer hands. As powerful elites strengthen at the expense of lower and middle classes, our representative form of government weakens. I see this in our Congress which seems to go its own way catering to powerful special interests despite the will of the people.
It is probable that subversive forces have been methodically attacking our Republic for quite some time. First one needs to recognize how efficient the Federal Reserve and the Banks are at siphoning money from our people. First large sums of money are paid through income taxes. Next when the legislative and executive branches of our government are unable or unwilling to show financial discipline and do not have the taxes to fund the programs they wish to fund, they simply ask the Federal Reserve to create more money to fund the programs they desire. This process steals from the people in two ways. First money is generated and spent into the economy often
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increasing the money supply. Down the road inflation occurs devaluing the money resulting in a hidden tax. I often hear that the dollar has lost about 98% of its value since its creation. The second way it robs taxpayers is that money loaned to the government at interest is expected to be paid back. Taxpayers end up footing the bill paying huge amounts in taxes often paying 2 or more times the amount of the original loan. Since debt increases over time and taxpayers must pay interests on the increasing debt, to me this is a form of exploitation so this results in a insidious subtle form of economic slavery. Some might say the bank provides a service of providing the loan which is a risk. However since so much of their money is created out of thin air, there usually is not much cost or risk in creating the money as explained earlier.
My question is where does all the money from interest go? Very few people know. One of the agreements worked out between the Federal Reserve Central Banks and the Congress was that the Fed is considered an independent agency only nominally accountable to Congress. This means only the Federal Reserve oversees itself. This seems like a flagrant disregard for the Constitution as I know it. One of the hallmarks of our Constitution is that each of the 3 branches of government acts as a check on the other branches. Yet here exist a fourth branch of government that is only nominally accountable to Congress. In all of its years of existence since 1913, there has never been an audit of the Federal Reserve Books. No one knows what the Federal Reserve does with its money.
However, there is speculation as to some of the Federal Reserves unseemly activities. Many congressional representatives including Rep Charles Lindberg (R MN), the father of Lindsey Lindberg the famous aviator, accused the Federal Reserve of artificially creating business cycles for its own benefit. According to him, it starts by expanding money supply and lowing interest rates. This causes businesses to take out more loans because they are easy to get and pay for. At a later date they contract the money supply and raise rates. Some of the businesses are unable to pay their loans so banks buy the businesses for pennies on the dollar. In addition, since the Federal Reserve determines the amount of the money supply and the interest rates, people who work for the Reserve and associated banks may have inside knowledge of when these changes would occur and thus protect themselves. Rep Louis T. McFadden (D PA) was the chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee from 1920-1931. His charges were far more serious. He claims that the banks and the Federal Reserve, along with other European Central Banks secretly funded the communist revolution in Russia and also secretly funded the Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. If true these actions were taken without Congressional or Presidential approval in violation of our constitution.
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The first question that jumps to my mind is why would capitalist bankers fund systems antithetical to our economic system and form of government? Perhaps they would secretly fund these systems so they could become a threat to us. Then they could lend money to our government and perhaps to our enemies. This arms build up that occurred in it self increases our national debt substantially. A lot of interest was earned from that debt. If war breaks out we would run to the banks for additional loans to fund the war. The banks would be happy because they rake in huge profits from interest payments on their loans. Could this have happened? We can’t be sure because the Federal Reserve is an independent agency accountable to no one. No one has ever audited the Federal Reserve. The private secret investors of the Federal Reserve likely have vast sums of wealth. We have no idea who they are or what they do with this wealth.
There is no question in my mind that at the present time, The Federal Reserve Central Banking System is a fourth branch of our government that is not accountable to the 3 traditional branches of our government. On September 18, 2007, during an interview with Jim Lehrer, on the News Hour, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan stated that the Federal Reserve was an independent agency accountable to no other branch of the government. In his book, The Age of Turbulence, Greenspan indicated in several places his view that the Federal Reserve must maintain this independence described above. Obama seems to concur with this view. On the day in Chicago when he announced that Duncan would be his Secretary of Education, about 13 minutes into the video clip he started taking questions from the press. Barbara Pinto from ABC asked, “How confident are you in Ben Bernanke’s decision to lower the federal funds rate to 50 bases points? “ Obama replied, “I don’t think its good policy for the president or president elect to second guess the Fed which is an independent body.”
During Congressional hearings Senator Sanders of Vermont clarified this independence streak further. At one point he asked the Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke what happened to 2.1 trillion dollars that was given to them to bail out the banks. Both men refused to answer the Senator’s question. An incident that occurred shortly before the first TARP bailout was approved further illustrates the Feds relationship to the other branches of government and the precarious state of our Constitutional form of government. At this time certain government officials threatened that martial law would be implemented if the TARP bailout was not passed. When government officials refuse to tell us where 2.1 trillion dollars of our taxpayer money went and threatened Congressional members with martial law if certain bills are not approved is the death of our representative form of government not far behind?
I know for a fact that our representative form of government is very sick. Perhaps it is already dead. It is hard to tell maybe if we take a stand it still can be saved. It is accepted fact that our representatives cater to special interests who pay the money to get them elected. Thus the most powerful interests that have the most money pretty much write the bills. It makes perfect sense to me now that some of the founding fathers were horrified about the prospect of our nation’s money supply being
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controlled by a private bank because they knew it would lead to oligarchy or rule by the rich. They knew their history and saw what happened when money changers controlled money from the Roman Empire up to what The Bank of England had done to England in their time. Shall we be doomed to repeat history? I am more appalled by what else is happening now! Our representatives don’t even have time to read the bills that they vote on. Isn’t this part of the definition of a rubber stamp parliament? The TARP bill was first presented by the Treasury Secretary Paulson, he demanded that the 700 billion be given to the Treasury with no strings attached. This was an incredible demand because up to that point no one had ever asked for so much money at one time in Congressional history! Fortunately Congress balked and the Secretary backed down yet several members were told if the 700 billion was not passed then martial law would be declared in the United States! The next day the stock market crashed and it was rushed through Congress and it was unlikely that very many people read the bill before they voted on it. Perhaps there is a connection between the stock market crash and the passing of the 700 billion bailout bill. In addition, Congressional bills have become incredibly long and complex. The health care bill soon to be passed is over 2,000 pages long and it seems that neither our Representatives, or the American people, had an opportunity to look at the final bill until maybe 72 hours before the vote on it.
Tyranny seems to be evolving in the Congress in a different way as well. Remember all the effort spent on the McCain Feingold Finance Campaign Reform Act to keep big money out of elections? Remember also Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois being run out of office for trying to sell Senator Obama’s Senate seat? My next question is, do we have to pass legislation to keep big money out of Congressional votes? On Christmas Eve a huge health care bill is set to be voted on and likely passed with no Republican votes. Democratic Senator Ben Nelson was bought on board because he was promised that the Federal Government would pay most of Nevada’s Medicaid bills forever. Another Senator was bought on board in Connecticut because the Federal Government promised help with hospitals. Wouldn’t it be more democratic if people voted on bills based on their convictions and beliefs and not because they get more money for projects for their states? Is there really any doubt what controls the votes of our Representatives now?
I think that central banks play an important role in siphoning money from the middle and lower classes and concentrating it in fewer and fewer hands in the wealthy classes. This concentration of power is very corrupting to governments and threatens representative government. Unfortunately almost all governments have central banks so representative government is in danger everywhere if this process is not reversed. These central banks are modeled after the Central Bank of England and our Federal Reserve Banks. They also are siphoning vast sums of wealth from their own populations. They too are privately owned having secret investors. It is doubtful if the populations throughout the world know what is happening with their central bank's wealth.
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The World Bank and The International Monetary Fund are across the street from each other in Washington D.C. These two institutions and The Bank of International Settlements are trying to set up a World Wide Central Banking System also based on the same principals that founded the Bank of England 300 years ago and our own Central Reserved Banking System. Just as our Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a national fiat currency called Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has the authority to create a world fiat currency called Special Drawing Rights or SDRs. The IMF has created billions in SDRs. Member nations are being pressured to make their currencies fully exchangeable with SDRs. In 1968 Congress approved laws authorizing the Fed to accept SDRs as reserves in the U.S. and issue Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for SDRs making SDRs a lawful part of our money.
Here is an interesting note on SDRs. In the Money Masters video created many years ago, they predicted that the IMF eventually planned to replaced the dollar as the world currency with SDRs. Now in April 2011, I am hearing that indeed the dollar is going to be replaced by a basket of currencies and SDRs.
I mention how the Federal Reserve Banking System and other Central Banks are beginning to merge with United Nation Institutions to create a World Wide Banking System. In my mind a world wide central banking system could provide funding to set up institutions to create a world government. Most of my life, I supported world government now sometimes called, “The New World Order by prominent government leaders.” When you look at environmental issues, international terrorism, population problems etc. it is obvious that many of these issues cross national boundaries and can not be effectively solved by individual nations. A valid case can be made that a world wide government must be formed whose power supersedes that of individual nations!
Yet the idea that a world government cloning economic institutions whom have stolen from their people and perhaps secretly created the conditions and funded many wars, World Wars I and II included, that resulted in the slaughter of millions of people throughout modern history paralyzes me with fear! Can you imagine one world wide central bank under centralized power skimming wealth from all the nations of the world and using that power to subjugate us to their will? Many New World Order Conspiracy Theorists believe that Central Banks are using this vast wealth to set up New World Order Institutions. They do not believe the institutions will be democratic. Since central banks throughout the world are quasi-governmental systems owned by secret private investors who operate in secrecy, who knows their intentions or what they do with their vast wealth!
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Some of these conspiracy theorists have a dark vision concerning these powerful elites. According to them these elites feel they are far superior to us. At this point, perhaps such elites are correct since they easily manipulate, exploit and take advantage of the rest of us. They believe if we are too stupid and or we have so little self respect that we allow them to exploit us and our families then we do not deserve to be anything better than slaves or worse! If they win I suppose they get to create the rules.
I would like to conclude by incorporated the following, author unknown, in to my own quote. “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. If I am unwilling to pay the price, my children and grandchildren will inherit the government I DESERVE! How you pay the price is between you and God.
Thank you for reading my thoughts. Please share any comment, thoughts or ideas. It’s the only way I can get closer to the truth. Let me know if you do not want to receive further emails at unclesamenterstheendgame@gmail.com
Greco, Thomas H. Jr. The End of Money and the Future of Civilization. White
River Junction Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2009 He not only
explains history and impact of monetary policy but solutions people can apply
locally especially if the economy collapses.
Greenspan, Alan The Age of Turbulence. Adventures in a New World. New York:
The Penguin Press, 2007 pp 93, 110, 142, 146, 152, 161, 199 Here Greenspan
discusses relationship of Federal Reserve with rest of government. I have read
less than half of the book. He talks about his relationship with different people
he has worked with in the various administrations.
Grignon, Paul Money as Debt This is an animated video that simply explains the
history of money and how it functions in today’s economy. I found it to be the
best introduction to help one conceptualize both the history and impact of
money policy today. If you have time for nothing else spend 47 minutes to
watch his videos.
The University of Chicago The New Encyclopaedia Britannica Chicago: Helen
Hemingway Benton Publisher 1973-1974 pp714 This offered a brief analysis of
Lincoln’s Greenback Policy.
Patman, Wright A Primer on Money. Washington D.C. Subcommittee on
Domestic Finance, Committee on Banking and Currency House of
Representatives 88th Congress 2nd Session This is congressional report that
briefly describes history of money and offers a very detailed explanation of
Federal Reserves structure, role and impact on Americans.
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Patrick, S J & Carmack, H H A J U The Money Masters. Washington: Still
Productions, 1966 (Video) Lots of fascinating details on history of money from
Roman times to the present and present day impact of money. Also he briefly
describes a Congressional Act which offers a national solution to the present
crisis. This is my second favorite source because the presentation is clear, easy
to understand, thoughtful yet densely packed with facts and entertaining!
Other sources I have yet to investigate regarding currency and monetary policy
but they come highly recommended by people who have studied this topic in Tucson.
Lost Science of Money by Steven Zarlenga (From Moneyorg.)
Bad Money by Kevin Phillips
National Economy by Arian Nevin (www.nationaleconomy.net)
Secrets of the Temple by William Greider (thorough review of the Fed)
If you want to find out more about The Fed, want to help educate others, and support bills HR 1207 and S 604 which will make it a law to audit The Fed consider joining the following group in Tucson, www.meetup.com/Tucsons-For-Auditing-Or-Ending-The-Fed/
The Modern Art and Science of Slavery Chapter II Weakening Family Bonds, Diet, Work and Entertainment
I used much evidence to support what I have said in my previous thoughts. Here I will go more out on a limb for I do not have a lot of evidence to support what I say except personal experience which I have given a certain meaning.
For most of the 6,000 to 10,000 years that our scientists know about our history, slavery has been an important part of the social fabric at least from the dawn of the agricultural revolution. I believe the Roman Empire existed for almost a thousand years and during much of the time, the Romans employed slaves they conquered from various lands. I do not know how long the institution of slavery might have existed before Roman times. I speculate that the institution lasted over centuries and during that time, much was written concerning the care, treatment and preservation of slaves. I can imagine that much thought was devoted to creating optimum conditions for raising and controlling slaves. During modern times when involuntary slavery was outlawed, much literature regarding its practice and promotion probably was destroyed. However I suspect much literature probably remains. I suspect some people study and employ policies to weaken and enslave us. To help me clarify my ideas I will try to visualize how I as a slave owner might act in order to promote the practice of slavery say either in Roman times or perhaps before our Civil War. Then I will speculate how these techniques have been modified and employed in today’s society. Finally I will provide some evidence I see that indicates that most of us are still to some degree enslaved!
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Similarities Between Animal Domestication and Human Slavery
I think our enslavement and domestication of various animals shed some light on how humans can be enslaved. I would like to share some thoughts about enslaving dogs. In the solutions file I discussed how a roommate of mine took in a dog who spent much of his time I suspect taking care of himself on the streets. When I encountered this 20 or 30 pound creature, he tried to steal my dinner by growling at me while I was eating. I have never had encountered any other dog of any size that attempted to take my food away from me. Obviously in my mind he was not properly domesticated. However I believe if dogs were not separated from their parents and families at such a young age many more would have that fierce independent streak.
If you have ever bought a puppy and taken it away from its mother you know the time to do so is after the puppy has been weaned. Have you ever wondered why you take a puppy from its mother and brothers and sisters so early? No body has ever told me but if you want a creature to be totally dependent on you the human, probably the best time to take it from it’s family is as soon as it is no longer dependent on its mother for food. A dog is a social creature and if left with its parents and family members too long then it learns from its family, becomes attached to them and develops a mind of its own independent of the human. Because dogs are taken from their families at such a young age and often are totally dependent on humans to fill their needs many only relate to humans. I notice with horror at times that some dogs are so dependent on humans for affection and comfort that they will ignore or be hostile to other dogs that are in the same area. I relate this example because I believe to create conditions to promote a slave class one must as much as possible break down family bonds because individuals with little or no family bonds are so much easier to take advantage of or enslave.
I can only speculate on some actions that would be conducive for promoting slavery. One technique whites used in the U.S against blacks during slavery was to separate the fathers from the rest of the family. This one policy continues to devastate black communities in our country to this day. Strangely enough when welfare was instituted in the 1960ties, families could not receive benefits if a father was in the home so fathers were driven out of the home. I believe one powerful way to enslave people is to split up extended and nuclear families. To this day far more children in black families have no fathers than in other races or ethnic groups in the U.S. Plenty of research indicates that children of single parent families are far more likely to have academic, emotional, job related, or drug problems.
The Right Balance of Food Work Freedom and Entertainment For Slaves
I wonder how food would fit into the picture. If I had slaves I would want to keep them healthy so they could be productive but I would not want them to have so much
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energy and mental clarity that they could contemplate wanting to be free or challenge my authority. I would think that maybe a high carbohydrate diet with just enough meat to provide enough energy to work but I would not want them so clear headed that they really could think for themselves. I say this because when I ate mostly grains and carbohydrates especially potato chips and other processed foods I was often pretty tired, my mind was foggy and I could do what I had to do to get by but I really did not have the time to think. As I have eaten healthier including much more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, meats and other high quality nutritious foods my energy level has increased many fold.
I would make sure that my slaves worked hard. Not so hard that their lives were miserable but hard enough so that when they got off work, they were tired and after feeding themselves they were tired and went to bed. Of course there would be a fine balance here. I want them to be tired so they did not have too much excess energy or time to think or challenge my authority. On the other hand, if I work them too hard, their health goes down and their productivity declines affecting my quality of life.
Yet slaves do need a certain amount of freedom in their lives. They need some free time away from work. However they can not have too much time or energy to think because they might reflect on their condition and realize that they are exploited. They must be provided outlets for entertainment. If their lives are structured correctly they will be tired and want forms of entertainment where they can have fun but not have opportunities to reflect deeply about their lives. In Roman times one could go to the coliseum and watch the gladiators fight to the death, Christians being fed to the lions or other sport. There were places where citizens could indulge their sexual fantasies or places to drink and be merry. All of these outlets involved very little thinking or reflection thus would keep most of my slaves entertained and happy.
Slavery in Modern Times
Now let’s shift to modern times. Today involuntary slavery is illegal. However, people can voluntarily work under slave like conditions or better yet people can be enslaved without their knowledge or consent. Thus enslaving others is an art and a science where people must be voluntarily convinced that they can do nothing about their predicament or be deluded into thinking they are free when in fact they are enslaved. Therefore through their ignorance they can be trapped into slavery. As in old times, people cannot be enslaved unless they are weakened to such an extent that they don’t even realize that they are being taken advantage of or if they do realize their predicament they feel powerless to resist. I submit that all of us are at least partially enslaved in that most of us pay high interests rates on loans and end up paying far more than the loan was worth. Even if I don’t have debt I am still impacted by this economic form of slavery in that most people who own businesses where I buy my goods and services charge higher prices so they can pay off their loans and debt to the
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banks. Very few people truly understand how our money and currency system operate and few realize how powerful banking and hidden elites rake huge profits off the middle and poorer classes without providing us with commiserate value in goods or services. When such inequality exists in my mind voluntary or slavery through ignorance is occurring and increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world.
Industrialization has done a lot to weaken family bonds. In tribal and agricultural societies family bonds were strong and children often learned both parenting skills and work skills from their parents and relatives. Mothers, aunts and other women of the village taught their daughters skills needed as adults. Fathers, uncles and other men of the village or tribe would apprentice young boys and teach them skills or trades they would need as adults.
During industrialization fathers were taken away from the villages or tribes and sent to the factories to work. Young males did not see their fathers working any more. The male family bonds weakened considerably because young boys no longer saw their fathers, uncles or other men of the tribe or village working. The men were taken away to the factories. Just like the black males before the Civil War, white males were also taken away from their villages and families although to a lesser extent and degree.
Mothers until the 1960ties were still primarily raising the families. After that more women poured into the workforce further weakening family bonds. In the 1960ties and before parents were more involved, especially mothers, in raising their children. They made sure the kids were safe outside and played a much greater role in moral education and helped more with school work. After the 1960ties, both women and men were expected to work and schools were given more responsibility for ensuring students completed homework, received more character training etc. From the ages of about 5 to 18, children spend far more time with teachers in school and in front of a T.V. than with parents or family members. Industrialization has done a great deal in weakening family bonds thus individuals are far weaker and more prone to voluntary slavery or slavery through ignorance.
Diet I believe is critical for slavery as well. You need to provide adequate food so slaves can be productive but not give them enough energy or clear headed focus so that they can understand their condition and chose to rebel. Although people can chose to be healthy if they have the means, so many types of delicious addicting types of junk food containing just the right amount of fats and sugars or fats and salts provide plenty of empty calories but dulls the mental faculties. Many people are somewhat addicted to fat and salt or fat and sugar through such things as sodas, doughnuts, cake, ice cream, potato chips, or fast foods such as those found at places like McDonalds. Also poorer classes through lack of money are forced to buy cheaper fatty foods that do not provide nutrition required to have high levels of energy and focus necessary to be a threat to the existing order.
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By implementing the above policies, much can be done to weaken the individual. However, there are still people through intelligence and strong constitutions have high energy thus it is critical that these people be given jobs to challenge that intelligence and energy so that they go home tired but not so tired as to endanger their health and productivity. Because our money system is structured the way it is, companies must be highly competitive to pay interests on their debts. All prices of all things are higher because of this debt. Over time larger more efficient companies swallow inefficient ones. Everyone must work extremely hard in this induced competitive environment. Since parents come home tired, they do not have a lot of time to spend with the kids and they do not even have time to spend with themselves to reflect on what is happening over time to themselves or their society. Again this intensity of work further weakens family bonds, in many families children spend more time in front of their T.V., X boxes or computers than they do with their parents. This gradual weakening of individuals spirit over many generations is more conducive for increasing voluntary or ignorance induced economic slavery.
Soviet Involuntary Slavery Verses American Voluntary Slavery and Slavery Through Ignorance
Speaking of destroying family bonds I still remember my 5th or 6th grade teacher lecturing about how in the Soviet communist system children were seized from their parents and forced to spend most of their time in state schools to be trained to be the perfect modern human beings based on Marxist ideology. I submit the main difference between the Soviet system and the one practiced in our nation is that in the Soviet system children were taken from their families by force where as in our country parents voluntarily or through ignorance allow the same destruction of family bonds. Do you remember how puppies are taken from their mothers after weaning? In some ways with humans it could be just as bad. In our country many mothers are only with their babies for six weeks then they go back to work. That is how it was with my fellow teachers. Many mothers were forced to wean their kids from breast feeding because they had to go to work after six weeks. Do you think nature intended mothers to be this way? There is also a movement when I left the school system to start getting kids out of the home and into the schools by the age of 3 with poorer families. The rationale is because of their low income these children were disadvantaged educationally but could this idea backfire when children are separated from their parents at such young ages? Could this separation from family make these children more susceptible to enslavement over time.
Government Domestication of Subjects and its Relationship to Slavery
In some Constitutional and Libertarian circles the concept of domestication of humans is discussed. When humans take just weaned puppies and make them totally dependent on humans for their food love and other needs they create a creature that is very servile and reliant to its human masters. Over time our government has employed the same process that may create a servile dependent like class that is loyal to government. Government provides our people with welfare both to poor and
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corporations, elderly get social security and Medicare, physically and mentally disabled people are dependent on SSI and now government is attempting to create a health care program to care for all Americans. While the aim of these programs is to provide care for all especially for those who can’t care for themselves could an unintended consequence of this intent be the creation of a class of people unwilling or unable to care for themselves? Could another unintended consequence be, people voluntarily give up their power to take care of themselves and hand that power over to the government? Is that not another characteristic of slavery when people no longer have the power to take care of themselves but instead are at the mercy of others for their care?
None are More Hopelessly Enslaved then Those Who Falsely Believe They Are Free Goethe
As mentioned earlier, in modern times voluntary or ignorance induced slavery is much more effective if the people have the illusion that they are free when in fact they are not! This illusion can be reinforced by allowing the masses to have many choices of entertainment which do not allow them to think deeply about their condition or provide opportunities for the masses to recharge their energy. There are many examples of such entertainment. Television is perhaps the most illustrative. While watching television one becomes passive merely taking in information but not really acting on it. Many studies show that it actually can be harmful to the brain and health in general. Yet there are literally hundreds of channels to choose from focusing on thousands of interests. Sports events both on television and at large stadiums are another example of passive entertainment. Movies and the obsession with actors and actresses compose another venue for passive entertainment. Listening to music on radios or through head phones are a further way to take in passive entertainment. Computer games have more value in that they involve more active choices from the user but through them children spend for less time interacting with other children outside as well as with their families. Books also are good for reading and can help with self reflection but some use them as entertainment to escape the modern world as well. Cell phones and other such devices separate and alienate people for they do communicate with one another but it may also reduce contact between people.
All these forms of entertainment serve to lessen communication between family members which is vital to weaken the human spirit. Children don’t communicate with parent and other elders thus they have no sense of their roots and they are likely thus to repeat the more unpleasant aspects of history both personally and as citizens of nations. With the above in mind, I wish to mention a powerful form of entertainment which has been available since ancient times, drugs. If children were more attached to parents and other elders much of this might be avoided but although the modern world has many benefits one glaring deficit is that technology tends to tear families apart. Drugs such as alcohol weaken humans and dull their minds.
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Stronger drugs such as heroin, cocaine, speed, crack, and alcohol make you feel better after you use them but they if over used will enslave you. People who use these drugs through their behavior voluntarily chose a form of slavery that does not do them much good but enrich certain drug lords who proceed to become filthy rich and use some of their ill gotten gains to corrupt or overthrow governments. This is only the most obvious manifestation of voluntary or ignorance induced slavery. I say voluntary because some kids voluntarily do drugs thinking it is cool. Others may do something like crack or coke not realizing how addictive it is and once they use it they are enslaved through the addiction. Those children are enslaved then through ignorance induced slavery.
It is my contention that most people in our society now are voluntary or ignorance induced slaves to lesser or greater extent. I suspect that most of us are the ladder in that we do not realize that we are enslaved. Hopefully once people realize the extent of their enslavement they can chose to resist and eventually overcome their bondage. If on the other hand one has no idea that he or she is enslaved then the person will not contemplate actions to take to free him or herself.
Predators and Prey
Before supporting my theory that you and I are enslaved I want to reflect on human nature. One of the things I do not like about some of the Christian churches is their hypothesis that “The meek shall inherit the Earth.” If by meek, they mean kind people who never raise a finger against oppression or wrong doing, I think they are wrong. If that is what they mean by, “The meek will inherit the Earth,” I think the meek will be eaten. Nature has a rule that predators cull the sick and weak. It has been illustrated billions of times in the animal kingdom. Yet something that most people do not know is that most predators when they attack prey are only successful one out of 10 times. What does that tell you? It should tell you that if the prey is strong and confident, it will defeat the predator. Humans are composed of predator and prey as well. Most people are sheep like. They want to live, take care of their children and friends and if you come into their grassy field, they don’t mind because there is plenty of grass for everyone. But in my mind God wants the sheep to be strong, smart, and caring so when predators come they can defend themselves.
Predators are strong and despise weakness. For them it is something that must be eliminated. It is an ancient rule going back millions of not billions of years. There job is to cull or eliminate the sick or weak. Thus when human sheep become weak, ignorant, or uncaring for one another, the predators will cull us. I don’t hate the predator. It is just they way they are. If I am strong, I stand up for myself and am willing to risk my life, property and sacred honor to protect the rights of myself, family and friends, the predators (wolf like people) will back down especially if the
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other sheep join me with the same resolve. On the other hand, if we do not care about our rights, or the rights of our families and friends they will enslaves us and if we do nothing they may eventually kill many of us. I am as certain of this as I am of the back of my hand.
So how are we enslaved? We are enslaved mostly by our ignorance of what is happening right under our noses. Let me ask you something? If once a month a neighbor came into your house and helped himself to your food or took one of your possessions what would you do? You would probably tell him to stop. What would you do if he said, “No, I won’t stop because I am better than you and you are my slave. If you try to stop me I will kill you.” You might then talk to your neighbors and find out that this same person has done the same at their houses. At that point would you decide, “Well I don’t want to cause trouble so I will just let him come once a month and take whatever he wants.” If you do that, what would you tell you kids or friends if they asked you about your actions? Maybe instead you and your neighbors might get together and when you see him coming down the street you might all come out and say, “No we are not your slaves. You can’t just come in and take our stuff. Maybe the neighbor pulls out a gun and tries to shoot you but you or one of your neighbor’s shoots back. What will the neighbor do then? Chances are the neighbor like any good predator will go prey on a different neighborhood where he is less likely to get hurt.
I am saying that human predators are preying on us in the same way and that they are continuing to prey on us and will continue to extract more and more from us as long as we are too ignorant, weak or uncaring to do anything about it. Above I provided many examples of how elites through our economic system prey on the rest of us. Our government seems to be totally beholden to them.
Congress often does not read the bills they pass. Bills like the health care package which are thousands of pages long are passed even though the legislatures do not know what is in the bill and the majority of people oppose the bill. Special interest possessing vast sums of money, often write bills or elect Federal legislatures that do their bidding. American majorities want illegal immigration stopped but predators in both parties want illegal immigration to continue for their own reasons. A catastrophic environmental disaster occurs in the gulf but special interests incapacitate the Federal government response for months massively intensify the crisis.
Tyrannical forces grow more powerful day by day but Americans because of their ignorance of how monetary policy operates have no idea of the true nature and danger of the situation. Americans are like the man who has a constant hacking cough and treats it with aspirin and other pain killers expecting it to go away. He soon drops dead from cancer because he was treating the wrong problem.
United States and most other western representative governments are in the same predicament as our man above. Some are screaming that the socialist are taking over
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and must be stopped. Others believe corporate fascism is taking over and government must be used to stop it. Remedies for either belief will not get to the root of our problem and our original governing system will likely perish. Like Aristotle said over 3 thousand years ago who controls the issue and interest on currency controls the form of government. If the people control money then the people’s interests will be protected. If the private interests control money then the government will protect their interests.
Government won’t protect the people’s interests in today’s system. Corporations won’t protect the people’s interest in today’s system. This is because the large private interests controlling our banks are a hybrid between corporate capitalism and socialism or communism. Obama’s socialism works hand and glove with the large banks and businesses of Wall Street creating a hybrid communist, capitalistic system I like to refer to as Crapitalism where the hidden very wealthy predators crap on and feed off the energy of the rest of us.
My fellow sheep, my beef is not with the predators that have devised this system. They are being true to their DNA which commands that they cull the herd of weak or sick animals. I believe unless I am willing to defend my rights and defend the rights of my family and friends I must prepare to be completely enslaved or worse. For a model of what I hope will happen from the animal kingdom go to You tube and type in the words, The water buffalo, the lions and the crocodile. This is one of the most extraordinary videos I have ever seen that speaks to our present predicament!
Thank you, God Bless and Good Luck!
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